This is mainly a usability release. The GUI should be ~fully functional.
- Read the readme.txt.
- Added x11 support to gles2n64, Windowed & Fullscreen modes work.
- Modified Mupen64plus config gui code to fit the screen.
- You can now exit by pressing ESC (fn+q).... this is very hacked in.
- PPSP Input should work.
- Pressing "configure graphics" brings up mousepad with the gles2n64.conf file.
- I spent way too long (i have exams) trying to make this a pnd (seems to be something to do with permissions is messing me up). In its current state you can just drop the folder into /pandora/desktop and it will act like a pnd (except no icon). If anyone can fix this I would be much obliged.
- I will add it to pandora apps when i get upload privileges.
- Just noticed it doesn't want to run from Minimenu.... so XFCE only at the moment.
EDIT: Heres a PND which fixes the minimenu issues: R1,0,0,0,71,92.... Thanks SteveM!