Movies Thread

I got dragged to the theater on for he first showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 last weekend. I didn't really like the other Harry Potter movies (I also got dragged to the theater to see those) but I thought this one was alright. Not as much magic bullshit and stood out from the previous ones.
One member of our party suddenly tripped and spilled all of the popcorn as he found his seat. I didn't care because the concession stand employees accidentally gave us an extra drink.

Right now, I feel like watching a few sci-fi movies like Soylent Green. B) I like sci-fi movies and books a lot...

Why does my computer keep switching to the French layout? C'est trop ennuyueux ! It just randomly decides to change.
Well, I had a free movie rental coupon from Rogers Video, and I picked out a Blu-Ray movie (the first Blu-Ray movie I've ever used or seen). I chose a new release called "Frozen". It was about some friends who were stuck on a ski lift at night. It was alright, but some parts were somewhat unrealistic. Somewhat of a horror movie. There's some gore/mutilated bodies. I don't want to spoil too much.
I really enjoyed Frozen. A low budget, but perfectly presented film. Excellent direction and acting. I'd go as far as to say it's one of my fave movies from last year.
Another low budget film trilogy too watch is

the violent Sh*t trilogy, if you like films such as braindead and bad taste
Saw a somewhat bizarre but great French 70s spy movie Le Grand Blond which was pretty funny.

I'm a fan of obscure 60s and 70s films but getting hold of them can be hard. There is a sequel to this which looks worth a look but can't 'find' it anywhere. Stumbled across a site called Karagarga that probably has it, but getting an invite seems a murky world of buying an invite or somehow trading. Is there a simple way or getting into this or similar sites? Anyone recommend a good place to get vintage films?
andyB911 said:
Saw a somewhat bizarre but great French 70s spy movie Le Grand Blond which was pretty funny.

I'm a fan of obscure 60s and 70s films but getting hold of them can be hard. There is a sequel to this which looks worth a look but can't 'find' it anywhere. Stumbled across a site called Karagarga that probably has it, but getting an invite seems a murky world of buying an invite or somehow trading. Is there a simple way or getting into this or similar sites? Anyone recommend a good place to get vintage films?

Have you tried a flea market? It depends on the flea market, but sometimes they have really interesting things. The last time I went to a flea market, I wasn't looking for films, but I could have sworn I saw some old tapes.

I also enjoy watching old films and television programmes, especially those that are filmed in black and white, like The Twilight Zone, but I'm not really into the obscure stuff that much. Sometimes I see old movies on TV, but I haven't watched anything in a while. I like watching westerns and sci-fi movies. Oh, and the James Bond movies are always good. :D
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I just saw Tron, and I fell in love with it almost immediately. :lol: I like Sci-Fi movies and alternate reality movies, and Tron is absolutely perfect.
andyB911 said:
I'm a fan of obscure 60s and 70s films but getting hold of them can be hard. Anyone recommend a good place to get vintage films?

You might a find bunch of films on under the groups>movies categories, theres 10 pages of groups channels, with some of them having 1000's of films per channel, westerns, sci-fi, cult, etc etc
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History of the World: Part One.

There's an interesting story behind its name, and why there's no Part 2. But instead of telling you about it, I'll just post this.

I'm a bit slow off the mark but I've finally watched all of 'The IT Crowd' series as well as 'The Inbetweeners' series and man are they both just funny.
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Well finally got around to watching The Fountain, after it was recommended in mah other movie thread @ That was a confusing and odd movie. It wasn't what I was expecting. Tried to decide whether I understand it or not, but I think I'll just forget about it :P

It's a few weeks since I watched it, but I watched Martyrs recently. It's a very cool french horror movie. It starts off as a sort of slasher and then about halfway through changes to more or a psychological thriller. It's somewhat gory but worth a watch. There is meant to be an american remake on the go ¬_¬
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Alex. said:
I watched The Butterfly Effect a year or so ago too, and I thought it was fantastic. I love movies that share ideas with the viewer, rather than explosions and special effects

Here's some from me, try Papillon and The Midnight Express. Both are great movies I got to (re)see recently on AMC

hmm.. that "Butterfly Effect" movie sounds interesting. I've heard positive comments about it and I think I wanna watch it.. :D

Well, by the way I watched "Scream 4" on cinema for a month now I think.. And all I can say is that it was great and funny! It's funny though it was also thrilling and scary as it was supposed to be hahaha :D And I will never ever forget the line where the voice said that, "Your the dumb blonde, with the big tits, we'll have some fun with you!".. hahaha that really made the movie, classic and funny indeed! ;)
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The Snapper -great view of proper Dubs before the politicians took everything over. In fairness most who can still the same lifestyle.... I am down €16k per annum , lost my pens contribute and just been told a European institution wants to nut us as a cost saving measure ." myp company gas 5000 jobs but all looking unsecured right now :(
never mind was just drunk for a change.

just watched salo .. no where near as controversial as some people state .. all relative i suppose.

any suggestions for 'shocking' films?
I saw Canadian Bacon, and IT SUCKED! Being a Canadian, I wasn't offended or anything; I just thought it was boring, very silly and didn't appeal to my sense of humor.

I saw The Butterfly Effect quite a while ago on TV, but it was so late at night that I fell asleep halfway through. :( I've got to finish it sometime...