Most Offtopic Reference To Pandora Ever :) Due Forgive.

Just saw the latest episode. Whoaat?! And now I have to wait a week for the conclusion, damn.

So er, I'm still a bit unclear on the season bit, this is the second to last episode of this season? And the next one will start when?
klikklak said:
Just saw the latest episode. Whoaat?! And now I have to wait a week for the conclusion, damn.

So er, I'm still a bit unclear on the season bit, this is the second to last episode of this season? And the next one will start when?

The next season will assumedly run at the same time next year.

EDIT: To all the Yanks having trouble getting dvds, I have no problem purchasing them on your behalf and sending them on. I notice HMV had series 1-4 of the new ones for £70. I think this is a good price. Plus Amazon UKhas a massive selection, some of which are very cheap (£4.99).

EDIT2: I hate how camp the DVD covers of all the newer episodes are. I don't want loads of dvd boxes with pictures of the respective doctors pointing their sonic screwdrivers at me.

EDIT3: And why the hell are they releasing DVDs with just three episodes on them at a time?!
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New improved 'bounty' method; to encourage skeezix to do more work, send him Dr Who DVDs :)

Hmm :)

Looks like Amazon has a pile of classic DW coming up, and the prices seem to be about $20-$40 give or take, depending on .. number of eps in the story? (ie: Some Hartnell is $43, some is $18).

Classic series is some 155 stories give or take (ranging from 2-6 episodes each), so at 155 * $30ea average a total would be at least $5000 at back of the envelope math. Too impractical, but worth every penny.

I wish BBC would sell them at $10/story, and I'd buy the lot!

Over the next few days I'm going to upload 2 videos for anyone who is interested, both are documentaries about Doc Who. One was like a look back at DW and at the time there were no plans to bring back the series, and the other was broadcast just before the return of Doctor who in 2005. Both have a lot of information and interviews with the original cast, people who played the monsters and program creators including comments from some of the original doctors!

Watch this space folks :)

I am always surprised when people mention that DW is aimed at teens-and-up (ie: 10year olds and up); considering the bravado .. trying to pack real sci-fi, adventure, non-violence, interesting topics, companions, etc, all into a short 40min show .. and yet its really for kids+adults. It takes guts.

I wish other shows had the balls to be so good :)

skeezix said:

I am always surprised when people mention that DW is aimed at teens-and-up (ie: 10year olds and up); considering the bravado .. trying to pack real sci-fi, adventure, non-violence, interesting topics, companions, etc, all into a short 40min show .. and yet its really for kids+adults. It takes guts.

I wish other shows had the balls to be so good :)


I do think they try to market the show maybe a little too heavily to kids. For example, the toys and dvd covers. The content is not childish at all really, apart from the missing bad language and maybe somewhat more adult content, but this doesn't take anything away from the show at all.
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As promised, here's the documentaries:

Adventures in Time and Space - This I think was broadcast in 1999, and was way before we knew there was going to be a revival. It feels kinda sad near the end when they talk about Doctor Who being a thing of the past :( , but as we all now know, it wasn't :) .

Doctor Who Night - Here we have the most exciting documentary of the two. It was aired prior to the new series starting in 2005 and it really did have an air of WOW about it. Nobody knew what to expect at this point. Great stuff! It was there to teach all those who knew nothing about Doctor Who all the background stuff!

Hope you enjoy,
Thanks a lot, will give them a watch, especially the second one. I'm pretty chuffed today because I discovered that the Dr Who adventure game is playable on the Mac. Woo!
Thanks for the reminder about the adventure games, I'd completely forgotten that the first one had been released. Interesting that it took about the same time to complete as a regular episode of Dr Who :P
Okay I been watching and thinking about a possible way out for the Doc. I was theorising about how he could get out, and one is when he dies his regeneration has a huge output of power that blows open the Pandorica. But no, the trap makers would have thought of that, so the Pandorica must keep it's prisoner alive forever, keep that in your head for a sec.

Okay so if the Doctor doesn't escape on his own merit, who could possibly release him? Oh I think that is Rory, He just killed his true love, and now he has disconnected from the Nestine conciousness. He could possibly open the Pandorica, not only that, place Amy inside it bringing her back to life, possibly?

That's my theory that kinda makes sense to me......


Addition: No idea about the Tardis explosion or the silence of the universe etc...... Ideas please!
I'm on a time crunch so no time anyway, so I'll watch both of them at once (so not seen the firts part.)

But from what you said there.. sounds like they need Captain Jack!

WarmFluffyUK said:
Yes I remember that one, the evil ones had red glowing eyes. The story was called Robots of death and here's a picture of one of the evil robots:

Yeah that has to be it. I remember that story as being well done.

I am remembering so many good older ones now. I think they failed in their releasing of the DVDs though, too piecemeal. I don't know why they don't just do a whole end all be all box set like they do for other TV series. I would pay for it. I would say to do a blu-ray set but that may be dreaming a bit too much.

I remember this series giving me a feeling like no other. It wasn't just the Doctors cute assistant girls either ;) They were pretty sucessful in setting the mood of things. Now I suppose I will be hunting down DVDs, Dammit!

Nova said:
To all the Yanks having trouble getting dvds, I have no problem purchasing them on your behalf and sending them on. I notice HMV had series 1-4 of the new ones for £70. I think this is a good price. Plus Amazon UKhas a massive selection, some of which are very cheap (£4.99).
EDIT3: And why the hell are they releasing DVDs with just three episodes on them at a time?!

Won't that be incompatible with US DVD players you know region lock-out plus the whole PAL NTSC thing?
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DaveC said:
WarmFluffyUK said:
Yes I remember that one, the evil ones had red glowing eyes. The story was called Robots of death and here's a picture of one of the evil robots:

Yeah that has to be it. I remember that story as being well done.

I am remembering so many good older ones now. I think they failed in their releasing of the DVDs though, too piecemeal. I don't know why they don't just do a whole end all be all box set like they do for other TV series. I would pay for it. I would say to do a blu-ray set but that may be dreaming a bit too much.

I remember this series giving me a feeling like no other. It wasn't just the Doctors cute assistant girls either ;) They were pretty sucessful in setting the mood of things. Now I suppose I will be hunting down DVDs, Dammit!

Nova said:
To all the Yanks having trouble getting dvds, I have no problem purchasing them on your behalf and sending them on. I notice HMV had series 1-4 of the new ones for £70. I think this is a good price. Plus Amazon UKhas a massive selection, some of which are very cheap (£4.99).
EDIT3: And why the hell are they releasing DVDs with just three episodes on them at a time?!

Won't that be incompatible with US DVD players you know region lock-out plus the whole PAL NTSC thing?

A lot of DVD players can be region unlocked just by entering a code in on the remote.
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Nice. A long wait until Xmas though :( and then an even longer wait until next May.