WarmFluffyUK said:
Yes I remember that one, the evil ones had red glowing eyes. The story was called Robots of death and here's a picture of one of the evil robots:
Yeah that has to be it. I remember that story as being well done.
I am remembering so many good older ones now. I think they failed in their releasing of the DVDs though, too piecemeal. I don't know why they don't just do a whole end all be all box set like they do for other TV series. I would pay for it. I would say to do a blu-ray set but that may be dreaming a bit too much.
I remember this series giving me a feeling like no other. It wasn't just the Doctors cute assistant girls either

They were pretty sucessful in setting the mood of things. Now I suppose I will be hunting down DVDs, Dammit!
Nova said:
To all the Yanks having trouble getting dvds, I have no problem purchasing them on your behalf and sending them on. I notice HMV had series 1-4 of the new ones for £70. I think this is a good price. Plus
Amazon UKhas a massive selection, some of which are very cheap (£4.99).
EDIT3: And why the hell are they releasing DVDs with just three episodes on them at a time?!
Won't that be incompatible with US DVD players you know region lock-out plus the whole PAL NTSC thing?