

I Haz Custom Title
Sep 21, 2008
Nijmegen, The Netherlands
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Anyone is making/wants to make (and has code knowlegde) a MMORTS? Pandora is a good platform for this (Just a short bootup and then you can build something. I know this is going to be hard ,but if someone manages to make a good one, more people will buy the Pandora. A MMORTS is so awesome and with the Pandora it's easier to go online different times in a day. I have enough concepts (text) for a MMORTS if anybody wants it.
Go ahead and spill those ideas :) I haven't played an MMORTS, so I can't really imagine what you have in mind.
we need blockland for pandora, without the power hungry nazi dev.

(please dont ask spot for a source)
please elaborate... I had a look at the blockland homepage and I don't really understand how this guy is powerhungry. Also: There doesn't even seem to be linux binaries, I doubt that this will be ported as it's also a commercial game.
xnopasaranx said:
please elaborate... I had a look at the blockland homepage and I don't really understand how this guy is powerhungry. Also: There doesn't even seem to be linux binaries, I doubt that this will be ported as it's also a commercial game.
I'm not entirely sure what he meant but I believe it might be that the game used to be free, and then he changed to a commercial model, but he aggressively tries to remove any references to the old free version on his forums... which seems kind of reasonable to me - it's his forum, and the free version and communities aren't hard to find via google... but I don't know the full situation and maybe there's more to it than that
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I actually keep daydreaming about this. And MMORTS that stands out because it is not bot driven, it's basically war. like...SWBattlefronts. a player has a consistent profile and a team affiliation, but is able to move up in rank. different ranks have different jobs, even up to commanders.
It's appealing to me because it really seems it would inspire community, having an entire army of real people under a real person's command and seeing where it goes.

It sounds like just about the most difficult project in the world, but I just can't help thinking...
So you want a game where another human player gets to boss you around, telling you what to do and where to go?

Sounds like a fascinating experience, something to really take your mind off the daily grind and fire up your imagination.
Alex. said:
So you want a game where another human player gets to boss you around, telling you what to do and where to go?

Sounds like a fascinating experience, something to really take your mind off the daily grind and fire up your imagination.
There is something like that already for the later Battlefield games, where someone becomes the commander and gives orders and directions although you don't HAVE to follow them, but you get bonuses for doing so.
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my mother would probably be captain class. thanks, no :P

Hehe, i must think of that wired report one day, where someone was found in his room that was totally messed up. He didn't eat, drink, work or visit the toilet (yes, with that consequences you think of) for several days, because he wanted to asure his sims eat and sleep enough, are alway clean at work and clean up their room all the time. Well, it's a living ^^

About that battlefield-mod: sounds a little like savage. Maybe Savage1 might actually be an option for Pandora. It still has a Linux-port (and some sources are opened for modding iirc), a big community and the devs are very well tempered, though i don't understand their buisiness-model. Savage2 isn't old, but you can play it for free.
Are we talking about like a large scale game of Savage or a MMORPG where the battle system consists of an RTS battle of many troops? Just saying MMORTS make my designer brain go on a rampage with a million ideas. I need details.
The Last War On This World (name for now)

Goblins and dwarfs (1 faction) , elves and humans are living peacefully for on this planet for years. A short time ago the goblins invented a vehicle which could take them to new planets. Right at the Moment they wanted to use it a king of a large landmass on the planet decided he should rule the whole planet before they should go in space. He destroyed the invention of the goblins and started a war against the now united races.

Tutorial phase:

The player starts in a large hub city and has to do some basic quests (find and kill a crimal , secure a shipment of gold etc) to learn the game. After that in one of these quests he gets to know about the evil kings plans. He decides he flees from the city to build a small outpost , so he could once kill the king. The player now has to chose a class (types of units).

There are:

1. The mechanic: Mechanical units, this player harvests fast
2. The wizard: Magic troops
3. The soldier: Normal but strong troops
4. The Builder: weak units which have the ability to build turrets and other buildings
5. The knight: This player only fights with small armies filled with strong knights

PS. The players are not limited over these units. You can switch control over units and so you can trade a amount of gold for a unit of the other players class.

Once the player has chosen he will leave with the just chosen carvan to the teleporter which will teleport him to the region he wants there are different difficulty areas (easy: each player has his own multiple harvest sources, each player has atleast one own harvest source, but has to fight for the others and hard: Players have to fight for harvest sources). After that the main game begins

Main phase:

In the carvan was a shield , a shield which protects the town from outsiders for 10 Real-life days. They player can be attacked outside the magical shield. The player must now harvest , build a town and make a army. After the 10 days the same. Each
building can be upgraded. These upgrades provide the ability to buy several upgrades and new units. Some buildings need special things (like a hero, a army of at least ??? food or a other building upgraded to lvl ?)
The player can also war other players or ally them (other players are normally on neutral and don't attack you unless they warred you/you attack them) once people have large armys and large alliances are formed the end game starts.

End phase:

The player now gets to know there is great richdom in the hub city he left and the king has prepared a large army to destroy all towns. The alliances now have to take over the hub city and kill the king. The alliance who kills the king wins.

Other things.

-Regions are connected , so you can walk from a easy region to a hard regio. Altough the king asks taxes for walking to a other region: easy --> hard = cheap , hard--> easy = very expensive

-There are multiple markets in a region. Where people can set recourses and units for sale to other players. Bringing items to the markets requires caravans and these can be plundered by other players. There also shops owned by goblins and dwarfs and elves. Which sell: Goblins: Mechanical units, dwarves recources and elves sell small shield(very expensive for big players , cheap for players who just started) and potions

-the recources are: Gold(used for taxes and markets) , iron(used for units) , wood(used for buildings and food (each unit requires food each day , build farms to make food to let them stay alive.

-Units can live 3 days without food , but each day without makes them weaker. If you attack something far away you need to send caravans with food with them.

-Players are humans.

-Each caravan has a max he can carry , this depends on which caravan you use (depends on class)

-got anything to add? please tell me , this is just a small concept. Stats of everything will follow. Please note I can't code.

It's far from finished , but I'd like to know if anyone likes the idea. It's a fantasy game whith a combination between the medieval and machines.

It's a age of empires-like MMORTS
Mithrildor said:

Many people start projects about brilliant and great and amazing and super videogames...
But only a few take them to the relase....
So... if you are creative demonstrate this creating a game VERY simple without all this vaiety of characters, lands, etc.
See Logoroco:

Good luck!
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So... it's basically something akin to Travian (mmo, everyone has a village on a huge map etc), but controlled like modern RTS:s (move this unit to these coordinates, harvest resources here, make a building there...). The main objective would be to win the computer controlled uber-player by assaulting his fortress with other players. Sounds fun, but if troop movement is as quick as in typical RTS:s, you would either need to play constantly or make your village a days trip away from others. I'm also a bit concerned about the huge unit masses this game would no doubt have.
B-ZaR said:
So... it's basically something akin to Travian (mmo, everyone has a village on a huge map etc), but controlled like modern RTS:s (move this unit to these coordinates, harvest resources here, make a building there...). The main objective would be to win the computer controlled uber-player by assaulting his fortress with other players. Sounds fun, but if troop movement is as quick as in typical RTS:s, you would either need to play constantly or make your village a days trip away from others. I'm also a bit concerned about the huge unit masses this game would no doubt have.

Good job on reconizing parts of Travian in it.

Anyway , i have thought about it and:

-Worlds have to be huge somehow and small somehow too , let me think about that. Maybe morality or something. Troops get more disencouraged each minute they are walking. So if the player is relatively far away if will take a long time because the troops are disencouraged

-There should be a way to plan your attacks for the long attacks. There should be some menu where you can chose what to attack. after that you chose your attack style:
Raid, Agressive attack (strong attack with alot of losses of troops), defensive attack (This attacks takes a long time and requires 1.5x the normal amount of food, but less troops die) and a normal attack (no extra damage , normal troop loss and no extra food required. Ofcourse you can control the units yourself if you manage to get only at the right moment again.

-About the huge armies: Cant we use the risk idea? Units that count for multiple units and actually can attack multiple units at a time. Lets say 50?-100? characters max for a army , so if you have 1000 troops you will have 100 characters , with each standing for 10 troops.

-Or: A magical system. You will have a food limit of 100?-1000? troops and you can then upgrade troops one by one (so those upgrades wont affect all units). Troops are upgraded by elven magic in this way.

If someone has better ideas then these please tell me. Hopefully we can make a nice concept in the end. So some Panda dev can pick it up and make a nice game of it.
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could battle for wesnoth be something you look for?

EDIT: sorry my brain wasnt working properly wesnoth is not a RTS

But I have a freind with tons of ideas for a RTS(or thats my impression when he talks) so I could try to make him post here about his ideas, he is also a great artist:
MDave said:
Alex. said:
So you want a game where another human player gets to boss you around, telling you what to do and where to go?

Sounds like a fascinating experience, something to really take your mind off the daily grind and fire up your imagination.
There is something like that already for the later Battlefield games, where someone becomes the commander and gives orders and directions although you don't HAVE to follow them, but you get bonuses for doing so.

I'm saying, subdivisions. say, you start as a harvester unit, your boss gets a message from the battlefield major to scout out more resources. he gives you an area that hasn't been explored yet and leaves you to your own methods to do the job. If you can swing it, it'll give you a promotion.
At my RL job I have a boss who I'm chummy with, he knows what I'm good with and jobs that I'll get done well.
This system is trying to replicate that feeling and "intimacy" through knowledge about the player in their avatar. our harvester example has an award from an espionage run attached to his profile. our general saw this and so he knew that this unit would be a good choice because he would be able to avoid detection in the case of enemy presence and be able to get out if it got messy.

Basically I see a literally world war with many varied jobs built off of hours of play.

I know that on such a large scale it will probably not work, because people are douchebags.
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Mithrildor said:
Good job on reconizing parts of Travian in it.

I hated Travian because it was tough to play, you initiated an attack and it could take as long as a few hours to go through and it was tough to log in the middle of the night to make sure that supplies weren't being wasted.

It would be kind of interesting if there were some sort of time hole mechanic where it would take you only a couple of minutes to get over and do the fighting, but the units would age by a certain amount of time and be effectively unavailable for a certain amount of time while they recharge.
You could also have some sort of mechanic where troops left charging at a certain time were more likely to end up mutilated or dead as a means of keeping things in sync across the multiple players. Perhaps a sliding rollover of sorts based upon when they were used.
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