Miku Manor

I should not have had to look that up.  Also, I should not have looked it up.
It's fairly fascinating if you ask me just don't visualize it.

I mean you have people who watch a tv show meant for children about ponies.  However they get sexually turned on by it so it's a bit bestiality and hentai mixed in it. Like I get hentai because it's based of humans but MLP so it must have bestiality roots.

So it's a small slice of the population who would watch the show as an adult, with an even smaller slice that would get off on a cartoon show and with an even smaller slice that would like ponies.

However surely there must be some peer pressure/mental conditioning in the MLP brony circuit as there is no way in hell that it would come naturally in the kind of number the bronies represent, since after all there aren't turtlies or other clans based on other cartoon tv shows and if there are not in the same kind of numbers.  So the fascinating thing about it is what would drive grown men/women to change their sexual preference to cartoon ponies. 
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it's a small slice of the population who would watch the show as an adult
Most adults don't watch cartoons?

I know you aren't suggesting this as a name for fans of Ninja Turtles.  Also, I grew up with the real version of the cartoon.  If any of the little kids watching the new one disagree we can test our hand-to-hand combat skills to see who is right.  Yeah, I went there.  :p

In case it wasn't clear, I was joking about beating up little kids over a cartoon.
Somewhat reputable English language dictionaries and encyclopedias work well for me. Would these be good for you?
Not really, no.
Can you suggest some terms that I can use instead of Truth / Space / Consciousness. Last time I looked, the closest term was God... and boy do I hate using that word!

I was not trying to take this out of context, but it seems to apply less to flirting

(I still don't understand how lies are a part of flirting, since flirting does not require speaking)
The response you quoted wasn't targeted at flirting specifically, it was a generalization and could apply to anything.
But back to flirting, if someone is living a lie, or isn't honest with themselves, then they don't have to speak to be lying. I regard it as a conceptual falsehood if a girl flirts with me based on my appearance or my apparent financial success. According to my own personal standards it is false to engage in intimacies based on surface level data. But I'll just say again this is just purely my own observation, honest flirting probably does happen out there, I've just never seen or experienced it.

I think we are on the same page, or at least close to it, but I look at it as me being a part of the whole, which seems somewhat different from you based on how you are expressing it.
Yes, I am a part of the whole, and the whole. Experiencing reality as a digit it can appear that I am an individual, however I also know that the consciousness that animates me is the same consciousness that animates you. At a certain vibrational rate of consciousness we would be experienced as the digits... I.e. that word I hate using - God experiences our physical manifestation as an extension of itself.

I meant that you, without that biological form, and the linguistic skills and resources it uses, would not be able to think as you do, or express these thoughts. I think we agree on the larger scale, but are misunderstanding the details of the understanding of the other.
I agree. I was created specifically to realize the perspectives I would be able to have as this form. In that sense I am something like a biofeedback node in an ocean of consciousness. I am just one of the countless ways God has created to interpret and interact with itself.

For it to have any impact on the whole of everything it needs to exist, possibly not in an incarnate form, but still a physical one.
I think I've just isolated where we are getting confused with each others terminology. From that sentence you seem to imply that any existence at all falls under the category 'physical'. Where my category for physical is only the vibrational density of consciousness that is realized as a chair, a smell, a meat bag.
To me there are many vibrational states of being, with the physical simply being the most dense.

Can you confirm that all physical things are illusory? Can you confirm that any of what you claim is illusion is neither physical nor real?
I can't confirm anything. I only have my own experiences to go by, and they are remarkably difficult to share with anyone other than myself.
But I would have to ask what is 'real' - what parameters would qualify something as real? I would hazard that each of us would use very different parameters.

This is why I wanted to avoid "nothing". The complete absence of all is also the absence of consciousness.
I personally don't believe that the complete absence of all, consciousness included, is even possible. For me the absence of all is simply the absence of form.
To me there is no such thing as a void in which consciousness isn't present. To me consciousness is all there is and every thought form, or physical manifestation exists within it as condensed or focused consciousness.

If the universe were annihilated, there wouldn't be nothing as you call it, but pure formless consciousness.

Perhaps. There is only one way to find out for sure isn't there?
I suspect there are many ways to find out.
When you've discovered another way, I would be eager to hear about it. :)
Correct. But then any resistance is also part of that consciousness, so now what?
Now you explore that.
Am I not?
Absolutely. As I said, all perspectives are relative.
Wrong. :p
How so? Give me at least one example of a perspective that isn't relative?

I must just add that it's been a pleasure being able to make these long posts as I've been on a sort of holiday the last 3 days, but it is drawing to an end.

Do not be alarmed if I don't reply, or if I do and it is very brief. Physical necessities dictate.


Does that make Miku a brony?
No, that makes her a pegasister.

Edit edit:


=~. O =
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I should not have had to look that up.  Also, I should not have looked it up.

Does that make Miku a brony?
No, that makes her a pegasister.
Bronies can be male or female. http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Brony
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No photos today I'm afraid. I was going to do some outside ones, but it's been peeing it down so Miku stayed at home because there was no point in both of us getting wet. :)
Ok, I am guessing we will not be able find a common source for terminology.  I want something that offers words and what they mean.  You want something that represents the ideas you ascribe to it, that only has the connotations you want, and that doesn't use common definitions.  I can't suggest an alternative because I still really don't know what you mean.  That was why I was requesting we use things like a dictionary and encyclopedia. Since there as an unwillingness to compromise on  both sides with this one, we should probably just skip it.  God would be a poor word since it is emotionally charged for some people, it has many different connotations, and has many different meanings and definitions.  Perhaps that illusiveness of meaning is why it almost fits for you.  Just to understand each other using that term we would have to agree on a meaning and disregard the others. That is why I use much simpler words. (It seems you used it...sorry to say it didn't clear anything up for the previously stated reasons).

Ok, so just to clear it up, I didn't misunderstand?  You were just setting the stage, so to speak, before explaining problems with flirting and human courtship and other such stuff? 

Maybe I have a different understanding of flirting than you.  Since we can't agree on a source for the meaning of words, we won't know.  Flirting, to me, is very much like a game, or how children play.  I don't see people getting upset when they find out that those aren't any more serious than they are.  If someone feels flirting is dishonest, it is they who are dishonest, not others.  You can't throw out the rules of a social group and not expect consequences (I do this often in relatively unimportant ways, and frequently pay for it).

I think I've just isolated where we are getting confused with each others terminology. From that sentence you seem to imply that any existence at all falls under the category 'physical'. Where my category for physical is only the vibrational density of consciousness that is realized as a chair, a smell, a meat bag. To me there are many vibrational states of being, with the physical simply being the most dense.
I don't mean just things that can be sensed with our senses, and extensions to them in the form of tools.  I also include other things that are not able to be sensed themselves.

But I would have to ask what is 'real' - what parameters would qualify something as real?
As I mentioned, my beliefs are quite flexible, so what fits into them is hard to pin down.  One way I can explain what is real is everything. Another I like is this title: 

I personally don't believe that the complete absence of all, consciousness included, is even possible. For me the absence of all is simply the absence of form.
There may be more than this, but I really don't feel like going through all posts looking for it.

Truth is that out of which all possibilities arise, all existence is realized, all questions, all challenges.
Does this mean that you think all things are possible (I seem to recall something like that being said)?  If so, your belief and statement canceled itself out.  If all things exist, nothing exists.

Doesn't form imply it is physical in the most basic and widely understood meaning of the word?  

To me there is no such thing as a void in which consciousness isn't present. To me consciousness is all there is and every thought form, or physical manifestation exists within it as condensed or focused consciousness.
Isn't it possible that you are a brain in a jar, then?  This seems a very limiting view.

If the universe were annihilated
This, and the rest of the sentence, depends on your understanding of the universe and annihilation.  Annihilation of the universe in the sense of destroying it would not remove it, but simply be the universe doing what it already does.

there wouldn't be nothing as you call it,
Again, this is why we need a shared pool of terms and definitions.  I was responding to your use of "nothingness" which means to me nonexistence.  "Nothing" would be, essentially, no thing, or the absence of a thing.  Annihilation of the universe would not result in nothing, as there would still be energy, matter, etc.

but pure formless consciousness.
Since I don't understand your definition I can't really comment on this much.  Since I don't know how the universe as a whole works, as I am only a part of it, I don't know if as a whole it is a consciousness, or merely contains many.

When you've discovered another way, I would be eager to hear about it
Doing so myself is unlikely, as I may not have the resources.

Am I not?
I dunno.  You asked, I gave a suggestion.

How so? Give me at least one example of a perspective that isn't relative?
Bah!  I think you missed what I was getting at here.  Go back and look at recent responses to my posts, and mine to those, and it might help you out.  I feel not right explaining that.  Also, the smiley...

I must just add that it's been a pleasure being able to make these long posts as I've been on a sort of holiday the last 3 days, but it is drawing to an end.
I wouldn't use the word pleasure for I must just add that it's been a pleasure being able to make these long posts as I've been on a sort of holiday the last 3 days, but it is drawing to an end.how I felt, but don't think I mean to be negative.  I was attempting to understand what you mean and share a little of what I think.

Do not be alarmed if I don't reply, or if I do and it is very brief.
No problem.  Short responses are better for me anyway, unless we communicate in real time.

Physical necessities dictate.
HA! SEE!  :D   :p

this thread has gone well beyond a caring corner, and is now just wall of text and brony stuffs
I think the wall of text posts will die down now.
If someone feels flirting is dishonest, it is they who are dishonest
Yes, it would be dishonest for me to engage with the girl because I would be feeding a reality I'm not really a part of. I would be giving her the wrong idea.
I despise lying and avoid being dishonest as much as I am able.

You can't throw out the rules of a social group and not expect consequences
Of course there are consequences. My opportunities in life are seriously compromised by the choices I make. Still, I would rather stay True to my principles and have a hard life than have it easy by going along with everyone else.

I don't mean just things that can be sensed with our senses, and extensions to them in the form of tools. I also include other things that are not able to be sensed themselves.
I realized that.
Does this mean that you think all things are possible (I seem to recall something like that being said)? If so, your belief and statement canceled itself out. If all things exist, nothing exists.
That's exactly my point. :)

Doesn't form imply it is physical in the most basic and widely understood meaning of the word?
Thoughts also have form. Basically any structure in any configuration or density is a form of some kind.
That is why from my perspective, there isn't really a huge difference between thoughts and physical expressions.

Isn't it possible that you are a brain in a jar, then?
From a certain manipulation of perspective I very well could be a brain in a jar... or the equivalent thereof.
This seems a very limiting view.
How so?

Bah! I think you missed what I was getting at here.
It went over my head. But if I get the gist, I'm not sure I would have responded differently... I am always serious, even when I joke. :)
I took your statement seriously, - I thought about it and found it had truth and responded to reflect that... to which you negated it but in doing so negated your own statement (even though you thought you supporting it).

Apologies for not being funny ;)

I wouldn't use the word pleasure for I must just add that it's been a pleasure being able to make these long posts as I've been on a sort of holiday the last 3 days, but it is drawing to an end.how I felt, but don't think I mean to be negative. I was attempting to understand what you mean and share a little of what I think.
You confuse me greatly here.

Edit: I've re-read now after a night's sleep, and was able to reconstruct your intended sentence.

Let me apologise for any times I came across as tetchy or confrontational. There were a few instances where I was typing unconsciously and regretted afterwards the attitude in which I was trying to convey information.

I respect and appreciate you here on these forums, so I hope you didn't take me too personally... even though this last dialogue has illustrated how we conflict in some points of view at least.

Physical necessities dictate.
HA! SEE! :D :p
I haven't transcended yet... it's still a work in progress. ;)

=~. O =
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