Miku Manor

I haven't been following this thread the last few days
It's been a wild ride. ;)
When the posts started to get long I didn't have the time required to catch up.  I may eventually go back and read them.

Edit:  Wow, it seems it is only posts from the last 24 hours I need to catch up on...
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Why is it when I'm tired I feel like doing a stream of consciousness post? ...Oh hang on my judgement is impaired that's it.

Edit: Better be going Miku is asking whether I'm ever going to come to bed (in a minute :D ).
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You are looking at it from a point of view that things are "fair".
I am an idealist, which means I see the things as they are and as they should be at the same time, because humanity dwells on cave(wo)mens habits way longer than neccessary and doesn't evolve as fast as it's technology.

What may have been a good survival strategy 20.000 years ago isn't the best way to go today, but humans don't seem to evolve anymore.
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See but you are building your own truths and your own reality so how can you construct what someone else is doing as a lie and then call them ugly about it?

Ha I am like your complete polar opposite, I am very good at seeing through peoples lies but that is purely because I am practically completely unemotional. When you don't have emotions you can see through bullshit attached to things. However unless it is hurting me or someone else I really don't care why people lie, to me it seems like unnecessary effort.

However if what they are doing makes them happy they can lie until the cows come home. The only reason I tell people to lift and exercise is because that is the quickest and easiest way for people to feel better about themselves. We live in a superficial world and exercises improve people outgoing looks and it also pumps natural endorphin's into your brain.
Oh well aren't we all just expressing our own perspectives here?

I don't actually go around calling people ugly. I don't even question their take on reality. I am polite and helpful but I keep to myself as much as possible.

It is only when directly confronted or the subject comes up that I will express my take on things.

The reasons I have the perspectives I do are based on extensive study / introspection and observation. I haven't even begun to share some of the deeper reasons or evidence here, because if what I've shared so far on these forums seems strange or controversial, you ain't seen nothing yet. ;)

Of course to put it simply, my determination of ugly or beautiful is entirely relative to my value system. It goes without saying that every individual has a personalized value system, even though it is possible to share values with others.

I've already stated that I don't regard myself as a bona fide human and that I probably represent a very small fraction of incarnate beings in this reality.

Obviously I would be delighted if more humans shared my values but clearly the very structure of human existence is based upon very different values to those I champion... as you have pointed out a few times already.

I guess this reality isn't all that important to me - I have very little of myself invested here, so I see it as counter productive to go to such extreme measures in order to tie myself in knots simply to convince myself I am getting the most out of being a human being (which I don't believe anyway).

The most I can get out of existing in a superficial world is to study it. Observe and experience what it has to offer, but remain in a state of consciousness... that is, to only give superficial importance to that which is superficial (doesn't this make obvious sense?), and to invest yourself in that which underlies and is central to existence... clearly while exploring that which is central, if you find it is based upon lies, it would be foolishness to invest yourself in it as you are essentially throwing your investment away. That is why truth is so important - because I value myself and choose not to throw myself away. The more I discover central Truth and invest myself in it, the more I expand as a being, the more conscious I become, the more I am capable of perceiving.

I watch people invest themselves in lies and to me it is literally as if their consciousness is orbiting a black hole... They slowly but surely get sucked into it, becoming less and less. Values degrade, they become less perceptive, consciousness becomes thinner and thinner until their inner light is so dim that the superficial world is all that exists for them.

What I will do now is drop the argument and express how it is we can actually share and agree -

Exercise IS great for these reasons: who doesn't love those endorphins? Also, the body is something like a spaceship that houses consciousness in this reality... and like any machine it needs to be looked after and kept in tune in order to operate optimally. A sluggish, un tuned body can result in muddy perceptions, and clogged reception/attunement to consciousness itself.

This is why keeping fit and eating consciously is a wise practice if Truth and ultimately happiness is important to you.

It stands to reason, that no matter the psychological state of a person, if they make the effort to exercise regularly and change their diet to one that encourages bodily health, they will undoubtedly experience a lift in spirits, a change in attitude, and an overall improvement in their experience of reality.

Where does fiction play into this? Fiction is usually a lot of untruth. Sometimes people think of it as real, usually temporarily, but not always. What is your opinion of people who suspend disbelief, or follow things based on faith? I was in a position where I had to keep others motivated by not sharing the full truth with them (lives were literally on the line at times). As an additional form of motivation it is often useful to overstate the truth, or sometimes completely make things up that people probably know are not true, but it helps get them up and keep them going. Do you think negatively of these types of actions, even though they produce positive results?

Bringing some of these things together, sometimes it is useful for individuals or groups to believe things that are not untrue. Religions have made a business of this, and for some people these myths help keep them motivated when they might otherwise just give up. It can give them hope when times are very bad. This may not be for everyone. Do you feel that things that can help people are bad because they are not based on fact or reality? What is your opinion of people who follow things based on faith? Most information that has not been confirmed by each individual must be taken on faith to some degree.

Accepting what may not really be there as fact has literally been bred into us and many other animals. It has kept us alive. I am not too fond of humans either, however it seems that you are only targeting humans when this seems to be true of most mammals I have spent time with. You stay alive longer if you believe that the bad thing is in the grass or behind the tree over there, rather than verifying it every time. Occasional belief in a lie is much more valuable than insisting on truth in every situation. I do dislike when this is taken advantage of, but even that goes back to staying alive, however in this case it is for the survival of the individual rather than the group. Even that may sometimes be better for the group in the long run. Our existence is a product of things that are false. Would you prefer to unravel our lineage, or change what we are in your quest for truth? Do you see any value in things that are not true?
I think a lot of your questions will be answered simply by attempting to clarify what I mean by Truth.

Fact does not equal Truth.

Fact is a descriptive statement relative to a point of reference.

You may use facts much in the same way as making the statement that truths are relative.

Truths are relative because they are directly related to perspectives.

All perspectives are relative because it is impossible to have perspective without a point of reference.

Truth (with a big T) is not relative. It must always remain True regardless of perspective or point of reference. In that sense, Truth is that which has no opposite, and can never be cancelled out. Isn't untruth the opposite? Paradoxically, no. Untruths and truths exist in equal proportion within Truth.

Truth is that out of which all possibilities arise, all existence is realized, all questions, all challenges.

Truth is unquantifiable. Any attempt to do so is an illusion and while while doing so will create a 'reality', a truth... It will have it's counter and so can only exist relatively.

To try and paint a picture: on the quantum level, space is a bubbling ocean of virtual particles winking in and out of existence. Nothingness itself is frothing with limitless possibilities (wave functions) that realize into points of reference - perspectives (I.e. virtual particles).

Truth / Space / Consciousness are all one and the same.

Everything else, while recognisably valid , is simply a temporary realization of possibilities that will eventually dissolve back into the unquantifiable state that gave rise to them.

As I see it, the only difference between fact and fiction is relative perspectives.

Relative to this physical body, some realities I simultaneously exist in could be perceived as fiction (but not to me).

To myselves in those realities, this current existence could be perceived as fiction (but they aren't)

To my whole self (I.e all of me, not just this body and mind) all realities are both fact and fiction at the same time.

That is why this current reality, while valid, isn't so terribly important to me as to get depressed about it or even to do something as absurd as trying to quantify my value as a being by relating myself to the predominant value system of the predominant semi conscious life form in this reality.

And lastly, I just want to adress assigning value to 'survival'

You can probably see that to me death is simply a change of state, and that I am neither attached to this body, it's perspectives, or this personality.

I do not fear 'ceasing' to be, as what I am is unquantifiable limitless consciousness that is having an experience of limitation. In my True state I love and am all expressions / all beings equally.

When an experience is concluded it is only natural to let it go.

It is only unconsciousness that is driven to survive, as it has not yet become aware of it's true nature and hasn't realized the illusion of its corporeal existence.

The human ego is not that much different from animal instinct. In fact it is the last stage of unconscious evolution. Conscious evolution occurs after the ego is transcended, and is a whole order of magnitude a more fulfilling way of existing and developing.

Consider that egoic lifeforms (I.e humans) have in the past tried to quantify their relationships with evolved conscious beings and have described them as angels, deities, gods.

Unfortunately, in mankind's ignorance they superimposed their own egoic natures upon their understanding of these beings and so what we have today is a very skewed record/perspective on what these beings are like.

The statement 'you can only see what you yourself are' certainly holds a lot of truth here.

=~. O =
Wish I'd gone to bed earlier, am still half knackered yet Miku is insisting that I need to get up because I have lots of stuff to do today. Just 5 more mins hours please. :D
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FaeMinx, I still need to read through what you said again.  On some level I am with you, however I do have a request of you.  It would be easier to communicate if we were all using the same terminology.  Taking common words such as love and truth and applying a different definition to them is counterproductive if they are not defined and accepted prior to a conversation.  Would it be possible for you to use different terms instead of common words with an uncommon meaning that is not widely accepted?  Since we must use a shared language to express thoughts and ideas it would make this all much easier if we stuck with the shared meaning of words.  If you throw out the shared rules it becomes impossible to communicate.

One point that caught my eye that may be more of what I just mentioned, but may not is:

Truth / Space / Consciousness are all one and the same.
Everything else, while recognisably valid , is simply a temporary realization of possibilities that will eventually dissolve back into the unquantifiable state that gave rise to them.
This is just a starting point, and this post is a limited response to your whole post.  I agree with everything until consciousness.  I don't really feel like getting too deep with this atm.  I think I understand your view of what you are saying.  What I find interesting is that it seems like you are using what is essentially a religious view to denounce religions, amongst other things.  I know you may not have meant for it to be interpreted this way, but much of what you stated seems more directly relevant there than it is to a bunch of primates following courting and mating instincts, where it assists with survival.  I will get to that in a minute.

I think I have been down the same path you are on a few times, and I found that convictions create convicts.  While you declare you are a limitless consciousness, I think the limitations you experience are not related to the flesh.  It seems like it could be a limitation of perspective.  I understand that you are only capable of what the body allows, and that may seem to be the reason you are unable to understand that which is beyond it.  Perhaps one thing you might consider is that these perceived limitations to your understanding are part of the illusion you mentioned.  My comprehension of reality is probably different from that of most, and it is impossible to share it, but that is probably for the best, since my reality is different from yours.  A quick side note: it might be a mistake to assume that depression is a conscious choice.  Depression is truly a result of the flesh.

Sure, survival of the individual is not important to you, however without survival of the groups which fostered the development of the species which led to your physical existence you would be unable to have these thoughts, or express them.  Death is not some big scary unknown to me.  I don't see it as a "change of state".  Death allows life.  Without the absence of life, life would be undefinable, and death is a part of life more than it is the absence of life.  There is as much life in death as there is in life.  To be more clear, death is the end of life for one organism.  This allows for the continuation of others.  When I mention survival I am not dealing with only the avoidance of death, but continued existence in any sense.  Look to ants and bees for a good, simple, example of how survival may not equal the continuation of life.  Life is only one form of survival, and I tried to touch on this when I mentioned that taking advantage of gullibility in humans to allow for survival (in this instance, continued life) of one may be better for the survival (continued existence as a whole) of the group.  This allows for an improved chance of dissemination of information, possibly in a biological form, but also through the sharing of the experience, knowledge and technology of the group, amongst other possibilities. 

Your body may be unimportant to you.  It does seem you attribute some value to your physical form, albeit not in the biological sense.  You mentioned space a couple times.  This is still physical.  Your body is a part of the physical universe.  While you may not be very concerned with your body, you may cease to exist at all without a physical form, such as the universe.  The influence of your biological physical form cannot be removed from the universe, and it would be impossible to exist, conscious or not, in true nothingness.  To be removed from that which is physical might potentially remove the limitless consciousness you feel you are.  To join with all that is physical you will not exist as an individual consciousness, and may not be able to perceive anything.  If there is an unquantifiable limitless consciousness it would be pointless to resist anything because everything would be a part of it.

Anyway, all statements are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense. 
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Anyway, all statements are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense. 
Beware, radical constructivism (Paul Watzlawick etc...) is the way to ultimate senselessness.
Anyway, all statements are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense. 
Beware, radical constructivism (Paul Watzlawick etc...) is the way to ultimate senselessness.
Beware?  I think it should be obvious this was my goal.  Those for whom it is intended will understand.
Sorry to break in on the *ological conversation, but I've just bought Miku a pet. :)

Anyway, all statements are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense. 
Beware, radical constructivism (Paul Watzlawick etc...) is the way to ultimate senselessness.
Beware?  I think it should be obvious this was my goal.  Those for whom it is intended will understand.
- All things are true

- What?!? Even false things?

- Even false things are true.

- But that is impossible? How can it be?

- I don't know, man. I didn't do it.

Anyway, all statements are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense. 
Beware, radical constructivism (Paul Watzlawick etc...) is the way to ultimate senselessness.
Beware?  I think it should be obvious this was my goal.  Those for whom it is intended will understand.
- All things are true

- What?!? Even false things?

- Even false things are true.

- But that is impossible? How can it be?

- I don't know, man. I didn't do it.

Greater Poop! ;)

Nothing is true, everything is permissible.  (It seems this phrase has regained popularity due to the Assassin's Creed video game series...next they will be naming celestial bodies things like "Eris", or featuring her in children's cartoons...daffy humans.)
Sorry to break in on the *ological conversation, but I've just bought Miku a pet. :)

I like figurines in that type of plastic.  

Adventurous pony rides await.  Oh... Too bad it is clear that Miku's Little Pony has no guts.   :p  
I do have a request of you. It would be easier to communicate if we were all using the same terminology. Taking common words such as love and truth and applying a different definition to them is counterproductive if they are not defined and accepted prior to a conversation. Would it be possible for you to use different terms instead of common words with an uncommon meaning that is not widely accepted? Since we must use a shared language to express thoughts and ideas it would make this all much easier if we stuck with the shared meaning of words. If you throw out the shared rules it becomes impossible to communicate.

One point that caught my eye that may be more of what I just mentioned, but may not is:

Truth / Space / Consciousness are all one and the same.

Everything else, while recognisably valid , is simply a temporary realization of possibilities that will eventually dissolve back into the unquantifiable state that gave rise to them.
This is just a starting point, and this post is a limited response to your whole post. I agree with everything until consciousness.
Oh boy.

What terminology would you like me to use?

I apologise that my definitions are not in line with what is commonly accepted and thus it is difficult to understand me unless you already know what I'm talking about.

That's actually half the point. Finding commonly accepted terminology is actually rather difficult due to the fact that it is impossible to accurately define or communicate what it is I'm referring to.

Implication is the best that can be hoped for even among people who are on the same page.

The terms I used were the closest approximations I could think of in essence.

it seems like you are using what is essentially a religious view to denounce religions, amongst other things.
Please could you explain?

While you declare you are a limitless consciousness, I think the limitations you experience are not related to the flesh. It seems like it could be a limitation of perspective. I understand that you are only capable of what the body allows, and that may seem to be the reason you are unable to understand that which is beyond it. Perhaps one thing you might consider is that these perceived limitations to your understanding are part of the illusion you mentioned.
I'm not sure I'm following you here either. Are you referring to me specifically, or all beings?

From my perspective, perspective and form are one and the same.

Any and all perspective is a limitation. So long as I have perspectives or a personality, I am limited. This goes for everyone.

I declare that in Truth I am limitless consciousness... However I am also countless fractions and manifestations of that consciousness, one of which is the FaeMinx you are talking to and one of which is you yourself.

In that last sentence are you implying that it is an illusion that there are limitations to my understanding. That in fact I already exist in a state of complete understanding and limitlessness? If that is what you are implying then I would have to agree... but I'm sure I've already implied that? - everything that isn't Truth is an illusion.

Sure, survival of the individual is not important to you, however without survival of the groups which fostered the development of the species which led to your physical existence you would be unable to have these thoughts, or express them.
Again I have to say I'm not sure what you're getting at.

Maybe I should just throw in here that to me evolution isn't linear, and that the Truth I am referring to doesn't requires me to conceive of it for it to be.

Also, maybe I was too vague in my implications... but being human is only my current perceived state. I am many other species simultaneously, and was so before I ever became human.

To be more clear, death is the end of life for one organism. This allows for the continuation of others. When I mention survival I am not dealing with only the avoidance of death, but continued existence in any sense.
Of course you must see that this virtually the polar opposite of my stand point.

You are implying existence is utterly dependant on incarnation and the contributions one can make to a collective incarnate system.

My argument is that my Truth / Consciousness / life force (apologies for again not adhering to the accepted definition) is lessened the more incarnate I become.

You mentioned space a couple times. This is still physical.
Actually no. :)

When I talk about space I do not mean the ocean of virtual particles bubbling out of it... I refer to the emptiness out of which what is called matter arises. I refer to that which has no coordinates, which permeates all, is without limit or depth or scale, and which when everything else (I.e. matter) is broken down into in essence is. Everything is space. There actually is no matter. Physical existence is an illusion.

you may cease to exist at all without a physical form...

it would be impossible to exist, conscious or not, in true nothingness.
You see, I do not believe as you do that the physical form is a requirement for consciousness. I absolutely believe that nothingness, that space, is consciousness.

If I am wrong, then not only am I remarkably and extensively deluded about the nature of existence, but I will also certainly cease as I have absolutely no intention whatsoever to hold onto this physical incarnation in any way.

The great news, is that if I am wrong, it won't matter anyway! ;)

To be removed from that which is physical might potentially remove the limitless consciousness you feel you are.
Perhaps. There is only one way to find out for sure isn't there?

If there is an unquantifiable limitless consciousness it would be pointless to resist anything because everything would be a part of it.
Correct. But then any resistance is also part of that consciousness, so now what? ;)

Anyway, all statements are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense.
Absolutely. As I said, all perspectives are relative.

=~. O =
Why do I feel like I need to take some LSD and then reread this thread.  :D


Does that make Miku a brony?
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What terminology would you like me to use?
Somewhat reputable English language dictionaries and encyclopedias work well for me.  Would these be good for you?

Once we have a shared understanding and agreement we can use that terminology, as Moxie and I may have been able to do.

rygD said:
it seems like you are using what is essentially a religious view to denounce religions, amongst other things.
Please could you explain?
Make sure to understand that the sentence following that quote was also referencing this, since I was not trying to take this out of context, but it seems to apply less to flirting (I still don't understand how lies are a part of flirting, since flirting does not require speaking) than to religion, science, politics, etc.  The following, and a lot of your reply to me prior to the most recent one is what led me to see it like this:

I would sooner tear down any concept / construct if it's foundations are lies than to allow them to grow / flourish / propagate no matter how beautiful they may 'appear' to be. Unlike most humans I am unable to limit my perception of something to just it's surface... I see all the layers right down to the core... So if something is ugly (I.e. A lie) at it's center, then that ugliness permeates all the way through as far as I can see. That's probably why I find humanity so predominantly ugly (especially that top 20 - 30% you talk about) because so much of human existence / priorities / drives are built upon pervasive untruths.
And to further state, I am unable to see how anything that is built upon a lie could be regarded as an 'improvement'. All that you will be doing is procrastinating the eventual disillusionment that is inevitable.

No lie can survive eternity - All illusion is temporary... only Truth will remain.

Are you referring to me specifically, or all beings?
It applies to both, but I was responding to:

I do not fear 'ceasing' to be, as what I am is unquantifiable limitless consciousness that is having an experience of limitation.
You used "I" which suggests you either see yourself as distinct from everything or that and the following section applies only to you.  Since you stated:

In my True state I love and am all expressions / all beings equally.
I couldn't tell which it was.  From that I also cannot tell if you mean that you are all, which would suggest that you see yourself as a part of the whole.  The "I" still messes it up for me. This helps clear it up a little:

I declare that in Truth I am limitless consciousness... However I am also countless fractions and manifestations of that consciousness, one of which is the FaeMinx you are talking to and one of which is you yourself.
I think we are on the same page, or at least close to it, but I look at it as me being a part of the whole, which seems somewhat different from you based on how you are expressing it.

In that last sentence are you implying that it is an illusion that there are limitations to my understanding.
In some sense.

That in fact I already exist in a state of complete understanding and limitlessness?
Again, in some sense.  The understanding is the part that gets tricky, and the limitlessness is, amusingly, limited.  I do not have a good way to explain what I mean.  I think you may understand, but this alone could take a while to clear up if you don't.  The limitations are not limitations we have the ability to comprehend.  It might be better if I just say yes, but that would be an oversimplification, so we can come back to this later if we need to.

If that is what you are implying then I would have to agree... but I'm sure I've already implied that? - everything that isn't Truth is an illusion.
This is why I would rather use terms that we share an understanding of.  I do know that this itself presents problems.

Wrong. :p

Forgot something.  Sorry for not continuing the nested quotes.  They would have taken too long and distracted me too much.