Messages In Tty1 When Shutting Down/rebooting?


Active Member
Maybe i am trying something that isn't available at the moment. So far i disabled splashscreen while booting in order to see the messages there. I also would like to see the messages when shutting down (or rebooting). First i thought that they are directed toward a different tty than the active one. But as there only is one tty available i by now think that the reason might be that there are simply no messages put out when halting the system.

Does anyone know more about the current situation of that topic?
I believe they're being diverted out to the serial port. Once someone arranges for the ext plugs to be bought, you can build your own breakout board that would let you see them through a standard serial terminal on your PC.
Yup they all go to serial by default. To redirect them to tty, create autoboot.txt on root of SD1 with this:

setenv bootargs ubi.mtd=4 ubi.mtd=3 root=ubi0:rootfs rootfstype=ubifs rw vram=6272K omapfb.vram=0:3000K
ubi part boot && ubifsmount boot && ubifsload ${loadaddr} uImage && bootm ${loadaddr};
Sorry for not clearly stating my current situation. I already changed tty in autoboot.txt. I am running the OS from SD1. I couldn't read messages while BOOTING, but i have been missing the messages when HALTING (or during the shutdown-process of a reboot). Beside all this I do not see which of your autoboot.txt-example redirects to tty, notaz. Or does it simply work because you removed the "console"-parameter? In any way your answer helped me. Because it made me look at my autoconf.txt once again.

When writing the above, autoboot.txt has been looking like this:

setenv bootargs root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rw rootdelay=2 console=tty0 psplash=false vram=6272K omapfb.vram=0:3000K
ext2load mmc 0 0x80300000 /boot/uImage
bootm 0x80300000

Now i out of curiosity changed "console=tty0" to "console=tty1" and i now am seeing message on shutdown that i didn't see before. So for me the issue is solved. Thanks for your help.
Well there is "console=ttyS0..." in pandora's default bootargs, so I gave you bootargs that boot the system but omitting console= part to leave it Linux default, which is tty0 I think.