Mame Gp2x 4.6

This is what the outrun fuss is about -->

Franxis said:
I'm busy now with the System 16 driver again. I'm trying to update to MAME 0.36b4 (Out Run, sound in Shadow Dancer and Moonwalker, etc), but it is a complex task due to a lot of new sound chips... But after my holidays IT WILL WORK. :lol:
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foleyjo said:
This is what the outrun fuss is about -->

Franxis said:
I'm busy now with the System 16 driver again. I'm trying to update to MAME 0.36b4 (Out Run, sound in Shadow Dancer and Moonwalker, etc), but it is a complex task due to a lot of new sound chips... But after my holidays IT WILL WORK. :lol:

omg..... didnt see that post...... i i have still doubts thats will be emu-able at decent speed on our gp2x :)
(its 2x 68000 + complicated road layer....)
but if yes..... it would be really awesome :)
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pongplaya said:
foleyjo said:
This is what the outrun fuss is about -->

Franxis said:
I'm busy now with the System 16 driver again. I'm trying to update to MAME 0.36b4 (Out Run, sound in Shadow Dancer and Moonwalker, etc), but it is a complex task due to a lot of new sound chips... But after my holidays IT WILL WORK. :lol:

omg..... didnt see that post...... i i have still doubts thats will be emu-able at decent speed on our gp2x :)
(its 2x 68000 + complicated road layer....)
but if yes..... it would be really awesome :)

Outrun might not run that bad at frameskip 3 if it gets implemented. However it would probably run better if it was implemented in the FBAX that is being ported over.
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slaanesh said:
pomata said:
Ehi God Slaanesh... but Empire City? (Mame 36b3) :rolleyes:
You have forgotten? :P
Oh no, I have not forgotten. In fact it is mostly done as well as Knuckle Joe; there are just some bank switching issues which are not allowing them to start correctly (yet)... I will get back to them and sort out the problem once I've released the updated GP32 version of MAME (next few days).

I've got Empire City / Street Fighter going (still a few fixes required) on the GP2X as well as an improved version of the MSM5025 sound hardware. This chip was previously handled by the adpcm driver, however the improved version is useful for other fixes including sound on Rygar.

I've still got some problems with the GP32 version of MAME - I'm not satisfied with the quality of sound on some games - and truth be told it's annoying the crap out of me. So I'm giving it a little rest for the moment until I get back to it.
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Good work so far Slaanesh.
I found the sound in the working Rainbow Island (woot) very strange.
I found it very saturated. Is it just me?
Franxis said:
Woohoo!!!, Out Run is running now :D
jay :D Out Run was 1 of first Arcade games i got into loots of $ spend :P
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Is there a new release that will allow Outrun to play...? I am heading out of town tomorrow morning... and this would be great if it was working. Also... I was wondering about Hangon... and Ride Hero... both these games have issues where the road is not showing correctly or at all.

I also have a question about Rainbow Island... I could swear it was working on a previous version of MAME... but now I can't get it to load on the standard game... and the extra version has problems with the graphics... (unplayable)..
Franxis said:
An ugly video done with my camera... The sound volume is very low also...
Executable fast, 280 mhz, fs<=2, sync off. 20-25fps.

Shit hot :-)

280mhz? Crikey, I remember playing this on System16, using a cyrix 166 :-)

I take it this is an early proof-of-concept-ish demo, rather than the complete, optimised emulation?

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Dunny said:
Shit hot :-)
280mhz? Crikey, I remember playing this on System16, using a cyrix 166 :-)
I take it this is an early proof-of-concept-ish demo, rather than the complete, optimised emulation?
Wait until the release to see it... I have got some optimizations, now it is running at 35 fps (nice to play... :lol: ).
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Eagerly awaiting next release for Outrun.

Btw, a feature request. It seems that MAME defaults to max volume, which when I have my headphones in, it feels like I'm going to blow out my eardrums every time I start Robotron. Can you change the default volume to a lower level, or give the user some control where volume starts? Even for games that start silently, the first thing I do whenever I play any game is turn the volume way down.
Franxis said:
Dunny said:
Shit hot :-)
280mhz? Crikey, I remember playing this on System16, using a cyrix 166 :-)
I take it this is an early proof-of-concept-ish demo, rather than the complete, optimised emulation?
Wait until the release to see it... I have got some optimizations, now it is running at 35 fps (nice to play... :lol: ).

Awesome! I love Outrun - I was recently playing in on PalmMAME but on that it's 15FPS without sound.
This is really great news! Hopefully I can get some of my GP2X MAME projects fully working soon too. :-)
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slaanesh said:
Franxis said:
Dunny said:
Shit hot :-)
280mhz? Crikey, I remember playing this on System16, using a cyrix 166 :-)
I take it this is an early proof-of-concept-ish demo, rather than the complete, optimised emulation?
Wait until the release to see it... I have got some optimizations, now it is running at 35 fps (nice to play... :lol: ).

Awesome! I love Outrun - I was recently playing in on PalmMAME but on that it's 15FPS without sound.
This is really great news! Hopefully I can get some of my GP2X MAME projects fully working soon too. :-)

how long ago were you talking about simpsons (i love pipe dreams)
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