
that is a great list but I have another question. I am about to buy a used f-200 because it looks better thatn the f-100 but it seems as though alot of emulators are nor available for the f-200 like the atari 2600, colecovision, intellivision.......seems like they are only available for the f-100. can anyone confirm this?
Did they just stop updating the section for what systems they work for?....should i get the f-100 or do some of the emus actually work that say only "f-100" ?? thx for any info before my purchase decision.,0,0,0,5
Almost all of them should work in the F-200 without any problems. Most of those F-100 only emulators listed there were released before the F-200, so their label is outdated, while some of newer ones might just be mislabelled.
There could be a few that won't work in F-200 due to the missing stick-click and/or netchip, but I don't know any as I haven't tried that many. A few also might not work due to the sound frequency incompatibility on the F-200, but the major ones got updated to fix this, and this is no longer an issue in FW 4.1.1.