Mame Gp2x 3.8

I have done some improvements in the DrZ80... Several games like Windjammers, Bubble Bobble and Tokio seems to run ok now :), but others have random lock-ups (Golden Axe) :( . Anyway the code is cleaner now and if Golden Axe is the only affected game, i think it is worth...
Franxis said:
I have done some improvements in the DrZ80... Several games like Windjammers, Bubble Bobble and Tokio seems to run ok now :), but others have random lock-ups (Golden Axe) :( . Anyway the code is cleaner now and if Golden Axe is the only affected game, i think it is worth...
That's great!
How do the CPS1 games fare? :-)
And what about 1943 (US)?
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Hey, what a great game!
Okay, I've made the fix according to MAME 0.91u1. This is what the fix does:

this is checked on the title screen and when you reach certain scores in the game it could be a form of protection. the real board needs to be analysed to find out what really lives here

When does the protection issue usually become apparent for you so I can test it?

I found this next section on a website..

When you are in any level and your score pass 200 000 and 500 000, all objects (not enemies and the timeline and your score) dissapear from the screen and you must lose a life to be continued the game.

After Game Over and you are use one credit, some problem comes when you pass 30 000, 200 000 and 500 000 points.

But you don´t need to lose a life when you pass the scores after you passed the keyport when ONLY the bonus time makes you pass 30 000, 200 000 and 500 000 points.

As well as..
Careful investigation of the code revealed something rather different, the game actually appears to be protected. When you reach certain scores the game reads from one of the unmapped ports, makes a comparison with a single bit of a value stored in RAM, and if it doesn’t like the result it blanks out the sprites and tilemaps.
Well I've applied the protection patch so I'll forward that along with some other changes I've made to Franxis.

Unless there's a dead-keen Solomon's Key player out there willing to test a beta-build?
slaanesh said:
Franxis said:
I have done some improvements in the DrZ80... Several games like Windjammers, Bubble Bobble and Tokio seems to run ok now :), but others have random lock-ups (Golden Axe) :( . Anyway the code is cleaner now and if Golden Axe is the only affected game, i think it is worth...
That's great!
How do the CPS1 games fare? :-)
And what about 1943 (US)?

They are... untested... yet. :P
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