Mame V2.4 Released


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Franxis just released a new version of his wonderful MAME Port for the gp2x.

New MAME GP2X 2.4:

- Updated Cyclone 0.0086 core by Notaz. Golden Axe and Altered Beast now run ok!.
- Optimizations in M6809 cpu core.
- Speed improvements in Double Dragon and Xain'd Sleena.
- Command line support for future external frontends, thx to Zaq121.
- Controls fixed in Millipede, thx to Slaanesh.
- Graphics fixes in Gauntlet.
- Controls fixed in Tehkan World Cup.
- Optimizations in H6280 cpu core.
- Compiler optimization flags.
- Fixed the LCD timing issue (washed screen). Thx, god_at_hell and Aruseman.
- Squidge MMU hack and Hardware Blitter are implemented but deactivated due to several random problems (see source code) :-(.

Download: MAME v2.4
Download: MAME v2.4 Sourcecode
albinolove posted on Jul 20 2006 at 09:53 PM said:
Does anyone know if this release plays Dangun Feveron (my all-time favorite shmup)?

This (very, very small) section of text was copied from the included gameslist.txt file, included with EVERY release, including this one (I only pasted the "D" games):

MAME GP2X GAMELIST (1128 romsets)

Name	  Description
--------- -----------

dakkochn  "DakkoChan Jansoh"
darkplnt  "Dark Planet"
darkseal  "Dark Seal"
darwin	"Darwin 4078 (Japan)"
dday	  "D-Day"
ddragon   "Double Dragon"
ddragon2  "Double Dragon 2"
ddragonb  "Double Dragon (bootleg)"
dduxbl	"Dynamite Dux (bootleg)"
deadeye   "Dead Eye"
defcmnd   "Defense Command"
defence   "Defence Command"
defender  "Defender"
depthch   "Depth Charge"
destderb  "Demolition Derby"
desterth  "Destination Earth"
devstors  "Devastators"
diamond   "Diamond Run"
digdug	"Dig Dug (Atari)"
digdug2   "Dig Dug 2"
digdugnm  "Dig Dug (Namco)"
dino	  "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (World)"
dkjrbl	"Donkey Kong Junior (bootleg?)"
dkjrjp	"Donkey Kong Junior (Japan)"
dkngjrjp  "Donkey Kong Jr. (Original Japanese)"
dkong	 "Donkey Kong (US)"
dkong3	"Donkey Kong 3"
dkongjp   "Donkey Kong (Japan)"
dkongjr   "Donkey Kong Junior (US)"
docastl2  "Mr. Do's Castle (set 2)"
docastle  "Mr. Do's Castle (set 1)"
dogosoke  "Dogo Soken"
dogpatch  "Dog Patch"
domino	"Domino Man"
dominos   "Dominos"
dorunrun  "Mr. Do! Run Run"
dotron	"Discs of Tron (Upright)"
dotrone   "Discs of Tron (Environmental)"
doubledr  "Double Dragon (Neo Geo)"
douni	 "Mr. Do vs. Unicorns"
dowild	"Mr. Do's Wild Ride"
dplay	 "Double Play"
drgninja  "Dragonninja"

Ergo, no.
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After a while, do more games become available to play? I would really like to play the Dungeons and Dragons games on my GP2x.
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Jul 20 2006 at 10:16 PM said:
It's possible, yes. Vobbo has to up the compatibility within the next releases.

So Vobbo is working on implementing cps2 emulation into MAME?
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geise69 posted on Jul 20 2006 at 10:20 PM said:
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Jul 20 2006 at 10:16 PM said:
It's possible, yes. Vobbo has to up the compatibility within the next releases.

So Vobbo is working on implementing cps2 emulation into MAME?
I have no idea, ask him ;)
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