That's almost criminal. Maybe a large donation would fix that. Remarkably enough, half or more of classic gaming for ME personally revolves around sound. This is why I don't even look at emulators until they have sound support. I don't think I'm alone either. We need sample support.
I don't even need a fancy GUI or anything .. just restore CFG files and I'll hack em myself. Yeah, Missile Command was another one that is nearly unplayable.
I dunno ... all the Williams stuff needs the horsepower. Robotron with any frameskip can prove unplayable with the sheer number of items and bullets on the screen. But you're right, many do not.
I have been pestering him to add sound for about a year (since the GP32 version) He has basically said that he has no motivation for adding samples or sound. I guess he doesn't care about sound in those old games so we are out of luck unless someone else picks up the source and hacks it in. I don't bother with emus or games that don't have sound either but I guess we are in the minority. I am hoping that someday someone will add sound. The source is out there and having many classics like Donkey Kong, Zaxxon, Space invaders, Phoenix, Venture, Berzerk, etc remain silent is a shame. With the increased exposure of the GP2X I hope someone will finish those games off with proper sound.
I also suggested that he allowed the use of the volume button for action only when in vertical mode so that games like Galaga and other vertically oriented games are playable. Wrapping your hand around to the top while playing those is terribly awkward, it sucks. That hasn't been implemented either. I don't know if that is because he doesn't want to add that option, doesn't care or just hasn't got around to it yet. If those things were fixed (sound, Volume button use) I would donate too. Not sure how much money it would take to bribe him to do those things
Yeah Williams games are slow. Must have alot of chips in there to emulate or something.
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