Mame Gp2x 1.2


Aug 22, 2004
MAME GP2X 1.2 (January 02, 2006)

- Support for complete MAME 0.34 romset (1024 games). New available games i.e. Liquid Kids, Shadow Warriors, TMNT, etc.
- Video scaling / stretching corrected in some games i.e. Pang.
- Whatsnew.txt is now available in spanish (novedades.txt), thanks to kolakola.
- List of supported games corrected (gamelist.txt).
- Thanks to all paypal donators:, Federico Mazza, Nandove, Videogame Stuff, Denis Evans, Ricardo Cabello, Elías Ballesteros, J.Antonio Serralvo Martín, bagmouse7, Suj, funkyferdy, Gieese, Vincent Cleaver, William Burnett, Bleeg, Martin Dolphin, Ilarri, Glen Stones, Dr.Konami, Augusto Carlos Pérez Arriaza, Charles Box.
Great work! Donation sent also.

I'm gonna try those neo geo games as well as TMNT. I didn't see support for simpsons. Oh wells, maybe in future releases.

EDIT : You got to be kidding me Franxis. Full speed Neo Geo? I just tried Karnov Revenge and Samurai Shodown and they run full speed with sound. A few graphical glitches though. I couldn't try the other because I need to update my romset. I love you man!!! Somebody try the others like Metal Slug and KOF series.

Also, Ninja Gaiden and TMNT(almost) run full speed also.

I OC to 266 and turn FS to 0 with sound on.
Hi Franxis,

Great work, amazing infact, a question, are you using the graphics hardware acceleration yet? The hardware blitting etc?

You will be getting a domation from me today or tomorrow. :)
It doesn't look like the .dat file changed at all, just reran it and it came up 100% complete on my set of ROMs, I guess you just added some to the menu that weren't there before?
Ok for Neo Geo games, I believe 10MB or over will not load because of ram limitation so try smaller ones. They'll run faster with full speed and sound. If you're games are closer to 10MB you might get no sound or just sound effects like in Karnov Revenge or you'll get terrible graphical glitches like in Samurai Shodown.

EDIT : disable sound and you can run roms up to 14MB. So far I loaded Metal Slug, KOF 94, Samurai SHodown 2
great version, meogeo runs fullspeed with fs 1/auto, and audio/video 100% at 295mhz... problem is only that i cant get much neogeo roms working, they work on newer mame/neogeo emu versions but not on this port (i allready convertet them) there are missing some files in almost every archive.
games that work:
League Bowling
Puzzle Bubble
Neo Turf Masters (this game has many audio bugs)

i also used the mame2x_compat.gpe.
Ok for Neo Geo games, I believe 10MB or over will not load because of ram limitation so try smaller ones. They'll run faster with full speed and sound. If you're games are closer to 10MB you might get no sound or just sound effects like in Karnov Revenge or you'll get terrible graphical glitches like in Samurai Shodown.

EDIT : disable sound and you can run roms up to 14MB. So far I loaded Metal Slug, KOF 94, Samurai SHodown 2

Is it necessary to load the entire thing to RAM? Since SD cards get to such ridiculously fast speeds these days, could the rom theoretically be unpacked on the card and run straight from it, transferring to NAND when necessary?

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Ok for Neo Geo games, I believe 10MB or over will not load because of ram limitation so try smaller ones. They'll run faster with full speed and sound. If you're games are closer to 10MB you might get no sound or just sound effects like in Karnov Revenge or you'll get terrible graphical glitches like in Samurai Shodown.

EDIT : disable sound and you can run roms up to 14MB. So far I loaded Metal Slug, KOF 94, Samurai SHodown 2

Is it necessary to load the entire thing to RAM? Since SD cards get to such ridiculously fast speeds these days, could the rom theoretically be unpacked on the card and run straight from it, transferring to NAND when necessary?


Franxis would be better answering that. It could work though. If you seen the Dreamcast scene, a dev named Chui created some type of memory management called MMU which allows the Dreamcast to load larger Neo Geo roms. He's already posted interest in the GP2X or already has one so who knows, he might port his emus over.

Sonic-NKT : I noticed that some of the older Neo Geo games are using very old sets. I think back in the Neorage days.
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Made my donation as well. While I could truly care less about Neo Geo gaming (never been a fan), I'm pleased to see so much progress.

Unfortunately, the control issue with Robotron, Black Widow, Cloak & Dagger, etc. aren't fixed, but he's aware of them and I think a 'control picker' is coming soon - so I'll bide my time and play Mr. Do :)

Thanks again for this great treat!
Made my donation as well.  While I could truly care less about Neo Geo gaming (never been a fan), I'm pleased to see so much progress.

Unfortunately, the control issue with Robotron, Black Widow, Cloak & Dagger, etc. aren't fixed, but he's aware of them and I think a 'control picker' is coming soon - so I'll bide my time and play Mr. Do :)

Thanks again for this great treat!
Shane, do you find any problems with the joystick playing Mr. Do?
I think my stick is crazy :( I've tried playing Mr. Do but the controls make it really hard. I keep going up or down when I try to turn sideways. Any accidental diagonals, however small, are interpreted as either up or down. The joystick basically reacts like this:


Is it better playing with the screen vertical maybe? I think I'll try that, but then the problem will most likely just be the other way around <_<
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Very good news....

Cyclone is running ok all neogeo games in last compiled beta version... :D as well as Shinobi, and a lot of more things... Sweet :)
Very good news....

Cyclone is running ok all neogeo games in last compiled beta version... :D as well as Shinobi, and a lot of more things... Sweet :)

Say, Fran ... If we don't get the button config UI this next release, can you at least fix the button mappings on Robotron for me? Pretty please? B should be fire right (it shoots down) and X should fire down (it currently fires right).

Thanks! :)
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