Release MAME EX - Final Release

  • Thread starter Thread starter StreaK
  • Start date Start date

I'm sorry to see StreaK has left. He did many projects for the Pandora in a short time(with others coming soon).

I hope he didn't leave for getting razzed about having to download apps from facebook. I personally don't use fb, but I found it easy enough to get his apps from there. It was a constant issue over nothing really, but who knows.

Anyways, thanks for your time and effort StreaK, it didn't go unoticed. Take Care!

I'm sorry to see StreaK has left. He did many projects for the Pandora in a short time(with others coming soon).

I hope he didn't leave for getting razzed about having to download apps from facebook. I personally don't use fb, but I found it easy enough to get his apps from there. It was a constant issue over nothing really, but who knows.

Anyways, thanks for your time and effort StreaK, it didn't go unoticed. Take Care!

What are you saying has quitted pandora scene for good.
It seems that way.
Odd.Now there will not be any UAE-Ex emulator.Bummer as the current UAE-is donkeyballs.Note to self must find work soon and then place large irresistable bounty for proper amiga emulation.Never know he might yet return in style, full of sound and fury.He was rather partial to his fringe radical image.
Crap, is there a place to download his latest releases, I'm mainly after

Dosbox EX V4 & V3

Virtual jaguar EX

Mame EX


The following would be a bonus


CLi Love



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Wow, a lot of new Pandora owners are going to be missing out on some great stuff (including this one). What's the consensus on making these available somehow? I realize there's the ethical problem of posting something without the authors consent, but damn, it's not really fair for future or present Pandora owners.

Streak, if you're still reading the forums your work is very much appreciated so please don't punish everyone by leaving because of some disagreements with a few members! It's just not worth it imo.
I've upped CLi Love to its respective thread and I could add Virtual Jag, Mame EX and NeoPop, not sure about Dosbox EX. Will be later today though.

I've been asked by StreaK that these links be removed. I've done so with the CLI PND, but will put this to the other moderators for discussion and have humbly asked StreaK for his permission to post them ( in all fairness, we could have at least attempted to ask )
Totally understandable and I have tried to apologise to StreaK. I was going to post a request to him in this thread prior to perhaps uploading his other PNDs but of course will not do so now.

I wasn't really thinking straight when I offered up the cli_love.pnd and I am sorry to StreaK for having done so and yes we (rather I) definitely should have asked. Not being a coder means I am not so hot on licenses and useage rights etc.
Well, StreaK never specified any license in his PNDs afaik, so someone, who hasn't read his threads etc. could just think that this pnd is only a lot of free and opensourceapps and some bashscript. So why shouldn't someone upload them somewhere?

I know, that StreaK might not want his scripts etc. released, but the rest is not protected in any form. If he made modifications to the source to get some of the program built, he should upload the new sources somewhere, so others can replicate that.
yes, there are executable wrappers [im not talking about scripts] in dosbox ex / mame ex / cli love / vj ex / [and any ex release] and as well custom execs of mine that uses SDL [MAME EX for example]. I mean wrappers , so any stuff wasnt build in GPL source..

btw. I already talked with Mario, and it's ok right now. No problemo..
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Ok, so those wrappers are not open. Thats fine. So one, who has the pnd can just remove the wrappers and replace them with something like picklelauncher and it would be ok for you?

Just to get that straight.
Ok, so those wrappers are not open. Thats fine. So one, who has the pnd can just remove the wrappers and replace them with something like picklelauncher and it would be ok for you?

Just to get that straight.
why not, im not against GPL :) . Do what you want with GPL ports..
I don't know..

i) why StreaK would leave; disagreements about things are par for the course on the net, you gotta be able to handle that, so that probably wasn't it..

ii) why, if he does leave, would he bar anyone from keeping hsi ports around? If you want to leave, post permission to dump onto repo so the stuff isn't lost, or something.

iii) if he leaves, why not post the source for the EX wrappers; be proud, dont' kill it out of shame that someone might not like the code.. just toss it out, thats how everyone does it :) If you're worried because you're not super pro coder.. don't be, everyone starts somewhere!

iv) or is this a trick? :)

Stick around StreaK :)

Like I said before.. if you ask to be bit, peopel will bite, but don't blame them when you know its coming :)

Streak, I love your work, and you've gotten me more involved in dev work by what you've done for the community. It's sad to see you go.

If you want (wouldn't mind) someone to carry on your projects, give one of us a shout.