Make Up Your Own Jokes!


Playful/Fascist Mod
Apr 18, 2003
Maryland, USA
OK, here's a joke I thought up on a whim...

A man is courting a woman who is praised both on her beauty and intelligence. One night when he walks up to her and finds her reading, he says: "Hello my princess! What are you reading?"

"Grimm's Fairy Tales," she replies.

"Oh! I do so love a good book!" the man says with a smile.

"Yes, and I am reading it in its original german," she says.

"Original german?" the man inquires.

"Original german," she answers, and adds, "Yes, the original is always the best."

A week later, the man and the woman are sitting down reading. The man peeks over to the woman's book and says, "Hmm, what is that?"

"Jules Verne," she replies.

"Oh! I love his books!" the man says with a smile.

"Yes, and I am reading it in its original french," she says.

"Original french?" the man inquires.

"Original french," she answers, and adds, "Yes, the original is always the best."

The man smiles and goes back to his reading. Only an hour past before the woman turns to the man and says, "Honey, let's go for a walk."

"Of course!" the man replies with a smile.

"Today there is a carnival, so the whole town will be there. Remember to put on your best clothes!"

"Of course!" the man says, and hurries off upstairs.

The woman was already wearing a dress she found suitable, so made her way out the door first. It was not long before the man followed and caused the woman to nearly faint, for the man was stark naked!

"Dear, do you have no sensibilities about you?!" the woman cries as the town laughs at the couple.

"But dear!" the man argued, "You told me to put on my best clothes! And as you always say...the original is always best!"
thats funn- okay i cant lie.

Why was Deleted User banned?

Because he made fun of generalnmx's joke!!!!11111!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What does Hannibal Lecter do at a brothel? Meat the girls there, muahaha.

Let's rename this thread: "Worst jokes of all times"
How many women does it take to screw in a light bulb?


Its funny cos its true! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ok, I didn't make this up.... but the following ones I did!

2 sausages are cooking in a pan, 1 turns to the other and says:

"Bit hot in here init?"

The second sausage says:



Ok, now I made these ones up :).

2 bits of bacon are cooking in a pan, 1 turns to the other and says:

"Bit hot in here init?"

The second bit of bacon says:


Numero 2

2 eggs are cooking in a pan, 1 turns to the other and says:

"Bit hot in here init?"

The second egg says:


I know... it's a talent.


Thank you, thank you :).

Deleted User posted on Jul 26 2004 at 04:19 PM said:
How many women does it take to screw in a light bulb?


Its funny cos its true! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Lol, that's awesome. I'm claiming it as my own and will tell everyone. Eventually becoming rich. That's the plan.
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spray posted on Jul 26 2004 at 09:13 AM said:
why did fred fall off his bike?

because he was a goldfish

why did george fall off his bike?

because fred threw a fridge at him

ok: how many windows users does it take to screw in a lightbub?

One. But they'd swear upa and down that would be JUST AS EASY for a mac user :P
(from macaddict)
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No, thats wrong:

How many Microdoft emplyees are needed to srew in a light bulb?

answer: three

one screws in the lightbulb
one modifies the wind (german word: Gewinde) so it won´t accept SUN bulbs
and the third one convinces the court that everything is totaly legal.
didn't make this one up buuut...:

what do you calll a guy with not legs skiing?

bob :lol:

what do you call a dog with no legs?

doesn't matter, it isn't going to come! :lol:

i am usually a pretty funny guy...i can make almost anyone laugh...but usually it is just a pun type of deal...not actual jokes...sometimes pranks...(haha burgerking anus burgers...ha)