sleep is for wimps
Dunno anywhere else in the but still been pretty warm in London up till now.. Now i'll need i need more than a t-shirt to go out...
Anywhere else in the UK still warm are we surely heading towards winter
Worst still the sudden change has brought me down with a sodding cold first one in a year and has to decide to do so today when im flying out for a week of partying n Ibiza on Monday sodding bloody typical :angry: ... need some get me better quick remedys fast!!!!!!!! Any tips!
Anywhere else in the UK still warm are we surely heading towards winter
Worst still the sudden change has brought me down with a sodding cold first one in a year and has to decide to do so today when im flying out for a week of partying n Ibiza on Monday sodding bloody typical :angry: ... need some get me better quick remedys fast!!!!!!!! Any tips!