Looking For A Little Clarification On The Aesthetics

Wolenber said:
I'm glad I got a spare battery, if it's coming in that case.
A hundred times this.

And I had planned to make a mahogany stained, pressure-hardened, balsa-wood shell case for my pandora, so the whole plastic finishing issue doesn't really seem that problematic :D
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Amigo Bandito Crujiente said:
mahogany stained, pressure-hardened, balsa-wood
Whaaat. I am appalled. REAL mahogany. Brass fastenings. No alternatives.

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Haha, maybe after I have a working case to replicate, but I'm not ordering $40 worth of wood to fiddle around with. a $2 sheet of balsa from Home Depot will do me just fine until I have some idea of what I'm doing.

EDIT: Importing some nice wood looks a LOT less pricey than I had imagined...

One thing that has to be considered in this discussion is that the finishing is *not* applied on all of the surfaces, which means that slight surface perturbations are going to be even more visible due to the nature of *FLASH* photography.

Kind of like those photos of supermodels and actresses at the Oscars, wearing their supposedly "black", "sheer" tops, covering the goods .. it takes but a simple flash to defeat this defensive material and expose the goodies for all the world to enjoy, you dig ..

After the matte finishing, surfaces tend to be a bit smoother under the flash.
Nova said:
The battery covers are a flat piece of plastic. If I remember correctly, the battery cases aren't flat on the inside, to allow the battery's natural expansion. What I mean is that those square bits you see, are because the plastic is thinner there. I could be really wrong, and I hope I am.
That's right. The cases are recessed inside to make room for the battery's PCB.

Regarding the battery lids, I think they come finished out of the tool. Applying a proper surface to the tool for such a simple part should be easier than applying it to all the lids afterwards.
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Do any of you think anyone who works for the factory in Chain is trolling through these forums daily LAUGHING their ASSES OFF at the stuff we babble and the hatred of the factory and case debacle?
I'm sure some can read english or know how to use google translate!


You're an evil man, Mali!

how do you find these photo's? Do you just click page after page of google images?
kingoddball said:
how do you find these photo's? Do you just click page after page of google images?
Yep. This one is on page one of "Vogel zeigen".

Maybe they are like
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I think the shown samples are only early pieces that came out of the machine before it set up correctly. We know that Injection molding is a complex task so they need maybe some time to set up the machine in a way, these marks vanish. I mean, after 6 Months of making the moulds they can't produce crap like this, actualy impossible I would say.
The chinese Factory does mass production for large Companies (at least that's what Craigix sayed) and they cant produce finished cases that look like this, otherwise the Factory would be out of business very quickly.
I'm sure, they did far more complex Cases than the litle one of the Pandora, and as long it is not common to pay some bribery just to have a usable end-product, I see no problem here.
But of course I wouldn't accept a finished case that look like this, not after 6 Months, not after Craigix promised "perfect" result in any way.

Oh, by the way, I want to know why the Factory needed 2 weeks to make 1000 Cases when it was always told, they can do (around)500-1000 within one day. Do they interrupt the production to make more "important" things or do we really need 10-20 weeks until they did 10K cases?
I think some of you might be surprised at what bead blasting the cases would fix. If any one has done this to metal you would find that the surface shine is quickly turned to texture that reflects light in all directions (similar to matte). Because of the dark case and the way the light is reflecting off that texture, Im sure there will be no evidence of expansion in the cases after the finish is applied.
It's probably better to cancel your order now rather than having to pay to return your Pandora for any slight imperfections you may be unhappy with.

It's not a PSP or an iPhone.

I'll empty my PM box so you can send me your order numbers.
craigix said:
It's probably better to cancel your order now rather than having to pay to return your Pandora for any slight imperfections you may be unhappy with.

It's not a PSP or an iPhone.

I'll empty my PM box so you can send me your order numbers.

Man - It boggles my mind how much of a jerk you are towards your customers. Just reading your posts is almost enough to want me to cancel my order so I don't have to support something you're working on. Do you ever even remotely stop to think about the affect you're having on potential customers by being a sarcastic shmuck?
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MooTheKow said:
craigix said:
It's probably better to cancel your order now rather than having to pay to return your Pandora for any slight imperfections you may be unhappy with.

It's not a PSP or an iPhone.

I'll empty my PM box so you can send me your order numbers.

Man - It boggles my mind how much of a jerk you are towards your customers. Just reading your posts is almost enough to want me to cancel my order so I don't have to support something you're working on. Do you ever even remotely stop to think about the affect you're having on potential customers by being a sarcastic shmuck?

I'm just being honest with them. They made how they feel clear, and I was honest in return - we can't guarantee a perfect case. They said they would not accept it, so what's the alternative?

We're not Walmart.
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craigix said:
MooTheKow said:
craigix said:
It's probably better to cancel your order now rather than having to pay to return your Pandora for any slight imperfections you may be unhappy with.

It's not a PSP or an iPhone.

I'll empty my PM box so you can send me your order numbers.

Man - It boggles my mind how much of a jerk you are towards your customers. Just reading your posts is almost enough to want me to cancel my order so I don't have to support something you're working on. Do you ever even remotely stop to think about the affect you're having on potential customers by being a sarcastic shmuck?

I'm just being honest with them. They made how they feel clear, and I was honest in return - we can't guarantee a perfect case. They said they would not accept it, so what's the alternative?

We're not Walmart.

You do know you can be honest and exhibit a little bit of tact too, right? Sarcasm really is not a good way to convey your point. May feel good to vent and such - but it really can make you look bad in the eyes of the rest of us.
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MooTheKow said:
craigix said:
MooTheKow said:
craigix said:
It's probably better to cancel your order now rather than having to pay to return your Pandora for any slight imperfections you may be unhappy with.

It's not a PSP or an iPhone.

I'll empty my PM box so you can send me your order numbers.

Man - It boggles my mind how much of a jerk you are towards your customers. Just reading your posts is almost enough to want me to cancel my order so I don't have to support something you're working on. Do you ever even remotely stop to think about the affect you're having on potential customers by being a sarcastic shmuck?

I'm just being honest with them. They made how they feel clear, and I was honest in return - we can't guarantee a perfect case. They said they would not accept it, so what's the alternative?

We're not Walmart.

You do know you can be honest and exhibit a little bit of tact too, right? Sarcasm really is not a good way to convey your point. May feel good to vent and such - but it really can make you look bad in the eyes of the rest of us.

My two posts in this thread have been about as matter of fact as they can be. I purposely was neutral in my replies.

Whatever you read from it was not my intention. I'm far far too tired to mean anything else.
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craigix said:
My two posts in this thread have been about as matter of fact as they can be. I purposely was neutral in my replies.

Whatever you read from it was not my intention. I'm far far too tired to mean anything else.

I thought you were trying to be a punk with your comments about clearing your inbox -- if that wasn't your intention at all and you were just trying to be sincere/matter of fact then I apologize.
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MooTheKow said:
craigix said:
My two posts in this thread have been about as matter of fact as they can be. I purposely was neutral in my replies.

Whatever you read from it was not my intention. I'm far far too tired to mean anything else.

I thought you were trying to be a punk with your comments about clearing your inbox -- if that wasn't your intention at all and you were just trying to be sincere/matter of fact then I apologize.

No, my inbox has been full on here for some time and people have made comments in threads about it.
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Calm down people. You can't sat *anything* with certainty about the case quality yet. All we've had are bad quality pictures with big flash artifacts making slight imperfections look like total crap.

Jessica Alba in a tight black top is also going to look unslinky as hell too, when she's getting flashes pitched at her.

A) These cases are unfinished (no finishing - i.e. blemish removal, has been done), B) The flash photo's are absolutely rubbish in the first place.

Go find some see-through pics of Ms. Alba, and you'll see exactly what I mean.