Looking for a game developer

Naah, no compo for that.

If different people wanted to work on it, we could create a GIT and someone could work on the storymode, some other on the game mechanics, etc.

Or on graphics as well (background, characters, etc.) while I could help where help is needed and work as director ;)
Graphics should probably be done with SVGs, so they scale up on other resolutions (i.e. for the Pyra) as well.
A game done with SVGs? Sounds nice, never thought about that possibility, do games even support this vector format?
I've just recently looked around for svg parsers/renderer libs, because i also wanted svgs as icon format at work (we scrapped it, dont use it now), but there are some libraries out there, the first one i remember is "nano svg". i didnt try it, but i still think it's a good idea.
A game done with SVGs? Sounds nice, never thought about that possibility, do games even support this vector format?
I believe many of the KDE games are done with SVG graphics are they not?  
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I actually met someone working on an engine for the "greatest puzzle game ever made". He gave me an awesome demo and I was meaning to get it running on the Pandora. I should track him down...

Edit: go to about 2:28 in the video on this kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bobsgame/bobs-game

Also looks like he has a download for the demo: http://bobsgame.com/files/bobsgame_demo_3_dist_win.zip

And a subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/bobsgame/

The 'bob's game' puzzle game inside the "bob's game" RPG is a puzzle game in which you can build your own puzzle games, including all existing types!  It is the greatest puzzle game ever made, and the only puzzle game objectively better than Tetris.
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Yeah, and I've met Bob!

In a Psychiatric hospital?  ;)

Well I've heared alot of him and his game project. It seems to be true that genius and madness are close together. However, as long as it leads to great games I don't care. If Bob is aware of the Pandora, maybe he want to do some games for it or the Pyra one day? He was so disappointed about Nintendo but now he really can make awesome console games.

I would also like to see FEZ for Pandora/Pyra but Phil Fish really scares me contrary to Bob. :ph34r:
I was always wondering whether he's completely mad or a genius :) I actually loved the demo version of Bobs Game back then, but I didn't follow him anymore when he announced the nD (as it was perfectly clear for me he can't do it for that price).
Graphics should probably be done with SVGs, so they scale up on other resolutions (i.e. for the Pyra) as well.
A game done with SVGs? Sounds nice, never thought about that possibility, do games even support this vector format?
If they implement SVG support - yeah, why not? The easiest and fastest way is to precalculate every SVG as bitmap graphic. However with this you loose the ability to zoom the SVG whenever you want.Microsoft has a patent (>.<) to render TTF fonts on the gpu. This could also be possible with SVGs.

Last but not least it depends on the complexity of the SVG. Is it "just" shaded triangle, a colorful gem or a whole character? I think a subset of the possibilities of SVG are easily doable with the GPU and some shader magic (for gradients e.g.).

And keep in mind: Flash games are based on vector graphics! Otherwise you couldn't zoom then to any size you want. ;)

greetings, Ziz

PS: Speaking about Microsoft. They had a very nice paper about extracting SVG information out of pixel art for smooth zooming between sizes. Have a look here http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/kopf/pixelart/supplementary/multi_comparison.html and klick at the different zooming up techniques. "Ours" is the one of Microsoft research.
I would like to help too and I should have at least some time to do so.

This might be the perfect opportunity for me to warm up for the next ludum dare :D .
PS: Speaking about Microsoft. They had a very nice paper about extracting SVG information out of pixel art for smooth zooming between sizes. Have a look here http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/kopf/pixelart/supplementary/multi_comparison.html and klick at the different zooming up techniques. "Ours" is the one of Microsoft research.
Very cool. Their results are fantastic. Unfortunately likely to be patented or at least closed source.
Yes. The Microsoft Research teams makes quite interesting stuff. It is a shame, that they are on the dark side of the force...
And keep in mind: Flash games are based on vector graphics! Otherwise you couldn't zoom then to any size you want. ;)
True but Flash games perform not that great imho (mostly because of flash XD ), at least not onto the Pandora. I'm sure it will be better with the Pyra power later but maybe we can use 2D .svg vector graphics in a more efficient way to get flash-like games with compared better performance. :)

Well, we don't need to use SVGs, but it works perfect for scaling to any screen size :)
Yupp, they are neat, I made some simple .svg graphic elements for an website, they scaled beautifuly. You also can scale .png but of course this looks not half as good and I always prefer scalable webistes that can match every screen (I wish there would be even more of these). However, my buddy who actualy did the code complained that not all Browsers handle .svg the same way, IE seems the worst but at elast we are not forced to use the IE. :D