Longest living console?

I send my MSX in for repairs so it gets a fresh stick of RAM, i also ordered a MegaFlashrom. gonna be fun to play Metal gear 1, 2 , Knitemare 2 and other legendary titles on the real hardware.
I have a Vic-20 from 1982 that I haven't used in 5 or 6 years but it worked well, still.
I've bought 2 2600s online (4 switch and jr model)  they both work, although I've only owned them for a few years and not their whole lifespan.

The NES my family had since ~88 still works I believe, but the original power adapter doesn't.  Haven't used it in years though, I have a Generation NEX that I play my NES games on.

My SEGA Gamegear which I've had since ~93 works perfect and so do my power adapters for it (which were a must).  This is cool because apparently the speakers in the gamegear are apparently using a bad capacitor, so I'm lucky.  Still pull this out every now and then and go through bursts of high usage (There was a point I was bringing it with me to play between high school classes in 2006)
My NES is the oldest console in my possession, while the the cartridges deteriorated, I know that it's functional. I have a few other consoles that bought much more recently that work, but the NES we had since my childhood and saw more mileage.
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Oldest console in my possession is an Intellivision (I've got a couple, with lots of accessories & > 100 carts).

Oldest computer is a TRS-80 model 1.
Oldest computer is a TRS-80 model 1.
Wow, that`s really impressive. Working order? I`ve never had one and only learned about them a few years ago (I`m from Europe) but it`s my favourite of the Ancient Heroes. Maybe would even try to get one if shipping wasn`t so expensive. 

 I used to buy old machines quite often - nearly every Sunday in my car-boot market -  before ebay and the profiteers kicked in. But I also move a lot so it was nigh-on impossible to drag this lot between countries. Still have couple of ZX Spectrums in storage (though not sure if working). Planning on getting some 8-bit micro like Atari/C 64 - or maybe an Amiga - soon, and combining it with a CRT and a flash cart.
If you ever came across a Dragon 32, that's bassically a TRS-80 Coco clone. The Coco is the later colour version of the original TRS-80, so not nearly as retro, but the closest we came this side of the pond short of importing.
Oldest computer is a TRS-80 model 1.
Wow, that`s really impressive. Working order? I`ve never had one and only learned about them a few years ago (I`m from Europe) but it`s my favourite of the Ancient Heroes. Maybe would even try to get one if shipping wasn`t so expensive. 
It was last time I powered it on.  :-)

I've got quite a few 8/16bit era machines laying around... My wife's been trying to get me to clean them out for some time.

I really should make a list or something w/ pictures.... one more thing to add to the "todo" list. 
Still got quite a few old computers here as well btw! Used to collect them back in the '90s! To date;

- C64C and C64 (old breadbin style)

- Vic 20

- Commodore PET 8032 (still working!) and 8050 Floppy drive (think *very* large dual floppy drive!)

- Oric 1

- BBC Master 128K

- Commodore Plus/4

- ZX81 (in both kit form and ready made)


- Acorn Electron

- ZX Spectrum 48K

- Sharp MZ80A

- Dragon 32

- Dragon 64

- Olivetti M10 (early portable-ish computer)

- Atari portfolio (tiny portable x86 machine -- not much bigger than the pandora! But think 8088 at 4.9152Mhz and 128K Ram on a 40x8 (240x64 pixel) monochrome display)

- Tautung Einstein

- Amstrad CPC 6128

- Atari 800XL

- Apple Mac IIvx

- Amiga 2000 (Killed by leaky battery) x.x

- Atari STe 1040

- Acorn A3020

- Amiga 500 (1.2)

Once almost had a chance of getting my paws on a (much rarer) Commodore PET 8296 and 8250 floppy drive. Though it never happened x.x . Also turned down back in the 90s a purchace at a car boot sale (wasn't that expensive I recall) of a Commodore C16. Only turned it down because it didn't have its power supply with it and I thought I'd never find one (this was years before ebay though).

Most of these should still be working. BTW *Not* selling them at all! I used to collect them in the past -- you could find them quite easily in the 90s at car boot sales. Though in more recent times car boot sales reverted or so it seems to selling junk like broken chairs or rack after rack of clothing. Then people started asking lots of £s for old computers and/or on ebay selling badly-damaged C64s for lots of £s marked as "rare".....x.x

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I still have my old NES with a ton of games, all which still work (even the game genie). My dad still has his Atari 2600 but we don't have the right cables for it or the adapter. My brother has a Colecovision and a box full of games but I am not sure if it works at all.
If ljones sells off some of his collection I am willing to snag a few things (dibs on the portfolio).  

I have a few Atari 2600/VCSs that work and see use from time to time.  My black one has had a few minor mods.  

I have a handful of Apple 2es, but I would need to take a look to see when they were manufactured.  

I also have at least one version of each major Nintendo console/handheld released here.  No Virtual Boy or the little Pokemon things.  Unless my family got rid of them the original Game Boys of my father and I should be at his house.  My old GBA SP was used as a trade in for a DS or DS Lite against my will, but I prefer the feel of the original GBA now that it doesn't really leave the house.  Just need to get a backlit LCD.  I don't think any of the DS Lites are still around. :(     Hmmm, my DSi and one of my Game Boy Color cases seem to be missing from the shelf... <_<

Looking around that seems to be it from last century, but this may change.  I am looking for a Commodore 64 for the same use as DeltaTangent, and I may have found a source for some more old Apple stuff.  I am always looking for stuff at dirt cheap prices as I don't have a lot to spend on this stuff, but my time is even more valuable, so I really can't go looking.

I still have my old NES with a ton of games, all which still work (even the game genie).
Avoid using the Game Genie.  Mine has damaged at least 1 NES.  I think the Everdrive N8 has the same functionality and doesn't mess up the connector.

My dad still has his Atari 2600 but we don't have the right cables for it or the adapter.
If you want to go cheap pick up a little RCA to coax connector.  They work well enough and are very cheap.  If you want really high quality video (from an Atari 2600?) I think there are some mods out there.
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Majin Wamu, on 07 Jun 2014 - 9:00 PM, said: I still have my old NES with a ton of games, all which still work (even the game genie). Avoid using the Game Genie. Mine has damaged at least 1 NES. I think the Everdrive N8 has the same functionality and doesn't mess up the connector. Majin Wamu, on 07 Jun 2014 - 9:00 PM, said: My dad still has his Atari 2600 but we don't have the right cables for it or the adapter. If you want to go cheap pick up a little RCA to coax connector. They work well enough and are very cheap. If you want really high quality video (from an Atari 2600?) I think there are some mods out there.
Thanks dude for the tips. I don't use the game genie that often because it is already a pain to get a game to start up and with the game genie its like twice that pain. The funny thing was my family used to think it was a device to help make games work until I showed them. But as far as I know, like 15 years ago, I didn't ever have problems with it. Maybe you had a faulty one? I know it was a non licensed device and caused a dispute at one time, but I don't think it hurt my games. Its not too much of a big deal since I don't really use it.
Majin Wamu, on 07 Jun 2014 - 9:00 PM, said: I still have my old NES with a ton of games, all which still work (even the game genie). Avoid using the Game Genie. Mine has damaged at least 1 NES. I think the Everdrive N8 has the same functionality and doesn't mess up the connector. Majin Wamu, on 07 Jun 2014 - 9:00 PM, said: My dad still has his Atari 2600 but we don't have the right cables for it or the adapter. If you want to go cheap pick up a little RCA to coax connector. They work well enough and are very cheap. If you want really high quality video (from an Atari 2600?) I think there are some mods out there.
Thanks dude for the tips. I don't use the game genie that often because it is already a pain to get a game to start up and with the game genie its like twice that pain. The funny thing was my family used to think it was a device to help make games work until I showed them. But as far as I know, like 15 years ago, I didn't ever have problems with it. Maybe you had a faulty one? I know it was a non licensed device and caused a dispute at one time, but I don't think it hurt my games. Its not too much of a big deal since I don't really use it.
I think the ones for NES were all faulty.  I am too lazy to go dig it out right now, but if I recall correctly the board is thicker than those of an official cartridge.  This is why it can sometimes be used to help with the cartridge connection problems.  It is also why they can damage an NES.  It compresses the connector too much making it more difficult for cartridges to make the proper connection without it.  In my experience this was not the case with all versions.  Ones I have used with Game Boys didn't seem to be destructive, plus they don't make the system look as bad.
I think the ones for NES were all faulty. I am too lazy to go dig it out right now, but if I recall correctly the board is thicker than those of an official cartridge. This is why it can sometimes be used to help with the cartridge connection problems. It is also why they can damage an NES. It compresses the connector too much making it more difficult for cartridges to make the proper connection without it. In my experience this was not the case with all versions. Ones I have used with Game Boys didn't seem to be destructive, plus they don't make the system look as bad.
Alright. Well I don't really use it so I wont mess with it anymore. The game genie codes were kind of lame anyways. If I recall, all they did was retexture, mess with the audio, and jack up levels. I'm sure they gave unlimited lives and stuff as well, but I am not too concerned with it.
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Oh yes!  I still have a lot of old systems.  =)  My old Atari 2600, ColecoVision, C64, Amiga, etc.  I rarely use the actual hardware anymore because of emulation... especially now because of my Pandora!  It's so much more convenient!  =D