What i think we dont need is a compromise between _something_, and what was the essence of the more disturbed version.
Pyramid in logo is something i think equally would align us with more prominant later use rather than the initial idea. To confuse a mythology foreign to dragons into the mix is creating more questions than it answers.
Furthermore, for reasons I dont like the sharp edges sticking out on various other designs, pointing them inwards it creates a focal point.
Putting something else in there defeats the staves. (staver, or stava in norwegian)
Middle English stikke (“stick, rod, twig”), from
Old English sticca (“rod, twig”), from
Proto-Germanic *stikkô, from
Proto-Indo-European *steig- or
*stig- (“to pierce, prick, be sharp”).
We use stikker, as in fyr-stikker in norwegian, for matches, stikker i take for this purpose to mean kindling type wood (to start fire)
(fyr (fire) being the same as the latin pyra word) "stikke i brann" means to set ablaze.
In sum creating a bonfire, something we can all gather around. A community symbol.