Live Pandora Video From 7d8

Excellent ! Nice pictures ! :lol:

I love the Pic with the Amiga and the Floppy Emulator.
The Pandora looks just great. I want to see it now cased and the keymats with plastic coverage :p

But thanks for the pictures.
Just found this one:

Two year gravedigging! :eek: Please don't do that.
Major blast from the past though: that's Fatih and a naked Pandora at 3:30
^ Yeah I was very greatly WTF'd reading this thread until i realized that it's from '08 :/
But nice pictures of that pandora prototype though :)
Esn said:
/I'm okay with gravedigging if it's relevant, as in this case...
It's not a case of relevant or not. The usual issue with gravedigging is that it leads people (especially when it is this old) to think the thread is new, as was the case with Urjaman. In some cases it has lead to serious flame wars when this "new" information contradicted other recent information.
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WizardStan said:
Esn said:
/I'm okay with gravedigging if it's relevant, as in this case...
It's not a case of relevant or not. The usual issue with gravedigging is that it leads people (especially when it is this old) to think the thread is new, as was the case with Urjaman. In some cases it has lead to serious flame wars when this "new" information contradicted other recent information.
That's when someone is trying to be malicious, deliberately dredging something up not to contribute something interesting but just to stir trouble. You can usually tell when that's the intent.

This one might be a bit mischievous, but it's also interesting and relevant. :) (if he had started a new topic, he would've had to post a link to the old one anyway)
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im all against gravedigging, especially 2 year olds, but those are some nice pics that i havent seen before
I'm sorry for that, didn't know that using old threads is undesired and called "gravedigging" here... I'm a member of other forums where the mods always keep telling people "use the search button!", "we already have a thread for that!!" etc.. The idea is to keep the forums in order and have exactly one thread for a topic...

In my opinion 'real' gravedigging would be posting something useless like "*bump*" in a very old thread. The video I found is about the 7d8 demo party and so I decided to add it to this topic. ;)
Gravedigging strictly isn't against the rules here, it's discouraged because it leads to people reading very old threads thinking they're new. On a forum which is heavily populated with tech and information that changes on a weekly basis. You can avoid most issues if you just point out that the post you're responding to is quite old, saves a lot of headache sometime.
For example, about two years ago, there was a thread about the then new discovery of a problem with the wifi, a hardware flaw that needed to be addressed. It was quickly fixed, the thread fell off the front page, and it was long forgotten. Months passed, and someone posted a seemingly innocent post, along the lines of "I hope this is fixed" or something like that. Suddenly this thread was at the top again, containing an assertion that there was a hardware flaw with the wifi, and people proceeded to respond to it as if it was all new information. It took hours and a lot of flared tempers before everyone finally accepted that the information was old, and that the problem had been solved months before.
That's the concern with gravedigging, that the gravedug thread will contain outdated information that people may not immediately notice is not relevant anymore. A little note mentioning your resurfacing an old topic can help, or even a new thread with a link to the old thread in particularly old and potentially damning circumstances goes a long way to prevent confusion and misunderstanding.