GP2X Libmirko Sdk, Who Use It ? Do You Like It ?

Ooh... Mr. Mirko is going for the emus now. :P Sweet.

Anyway, just wanted to interject as a followup to his excellent post above...

Anyone worried - think about everything that's been done so well on GP32 at 133Mhz - 166Mhz. DrMD, Atari ST & 800, MAME, NES, SMS, PCE etc. A very long list of emus running at full speeds with sound. Now imagine all that being possible but even a bit faster, OUT OF THE BOX. That's where the GP2X will stand when it's released. Is that bad? I think not - seems damn good to me.

Plus some things the GP32 couldn't do because of RAM, are now fully possible on GP2X. Like CPS1, NeoGeo and other systems that needed more than 8MB RAM.

And then, maybe a few months later, as Mr.Mirko suggest - after the GP2X is fully understood and devs start finding ways to fully use the hardware - even more becomes possible. And we haven't even considered overclocking yet.

Personally, I see a bright future here. The TV-out feature alone kicks major ass. It makes the GP2X not just a handheld, but a portable retro console as well. Just need a way to plug a 2nd controller in for 2 player games... :)
Prophet posted on Sep 13 2005 at 02:22 PM said:
Personally, I see a bright future here. The TV-out feature alone kicks major ass. It makes the GP2X not just a handheld, but a portable retro console as well. Just need a way to plug a 2nd controller in for 2 player games... :)

Perhaps if the GP-Link works on it, you could have one gpx feeding the TV as a sort of server and extra players with gpxs' slaving up to it?

Then you would could utilise the power of mutliple gpxs' and all players get a descent controller to use B)

Edit: typo :P
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mr.mirko posted on Sep 12 2005 at 07:53 PM said:
If it really is a Linux kernel then that means it's free, and Gamepark must make the source available. If they don't do that they would be breaking the law.

Not really, it is the same on the Sharp Zaurus.
You can not get the Linux source for the kernel. Couse the Kernel is hacked together to fit the NDA chip. I bet they would give you the source of the used kernel, but without theire modifications. Like sd-card acces, cf-card acces, cpu settings, and so on.

It is the same on the gp2x.
GPH did not make the kernel. They bought it (and all devving tools) from magiceyes.
Magiceyes says, only devvers who sign an NDA, will get low-level informations.

Umm, I've not finished reading the thread yet.. but if they dont' release the kernel source, then they're both violating the GPL license on the kernel, and perhaps more importantly violating the intent and trust. ie: They're stealing code, and breaching ethics.

Will have to go check to ensure the linux kernel is itself GPL, though I think it is; if they're going to violate license, I'm not going anywhere near the platform.

I couldn't see Sharp violating license.. is the kernel source not available? People are bundling whole new OS distributions for the Zaurus, so I imagine they're building their own kernels just fine..

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Theres no communications support in the GP2x, correct? ie: No bluetooth, 802.11, or infra-red?

If onyl it was dual-400Mz. Then she'd be ripe ;)

skeezix posted on Sep 13 2005 at 04:07 PM said:
Theres no communications support in the GP2x, correct? ie: No bluetooth, 802.11, or infra-red?

If onyl it was dual-400Mz. Then she'd be ripe ;)


It sounds like you want a Gizmondo.. :ph34r:
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Prophet posted on Sep 13 2005 at 02:42 AM said:
Alpha2 at you can simply go back and edit your post. There should be an "EDIT" icon on the lower right for all your posts. You can also delete your posts with this function.

I know that, but as I tried to say I didn't notice the mistake until it was quoted just now which makes it kinda pointless to edit and not mention it to the person who quoted me.
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DaveC posted on Sep 13 2005 at 08:57 PM said:
skeezix posted on Sep 13 2005 at 04:07 PM said:
Theres no communications support in the GP2x, correct? ie: No bluetooth, 802.11, or infra-red?

If onyl it was dual-400Mz. Then she'd be ripe ;)


It sounds like you want a Gizmondo.. :ph34r:
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Squidge posted on Sep 13 2005 at 10:14 AM said:
I do intend only to make the functions that access the hardware closed source however, the rest will be open.

Way to go squidge !

I find it a little disturbing to see the effort of talented peepz being split on two different SDK's. Wouldn't it be better sharing findings and go together in building one ?

Very exciting news anyway !
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Hi Mirko,

I use a hella modified version of your SDK (as you know) with my own graphics, text, debugging and fixed-point math functions mostly. I am still planning to release it as the peaSDK as I once discussed with you - but I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the hard work you put in in the first place to get the SDK up and running.

I am all in for helping develop the next SDK for the gp2x. As soon as I get one, and this project gets off the ground, I'm in.
