Release Lgames: Ltris, Lpairs, Lmarbles Available


Still Fresh
Mar 20, 2009
Hi all,

I have created PNDs of the following games by "LGames" (

  • LTris (Tetris clone)
  • LMarbles (Atomix clone)
  • LPairs (memory game)

(LBreakout2 is already available in the file archive, BTW, not ported/packaged by me).

They are not uploaded yet to the file archive, but available here:

Have fun!
And in case there are problems, please report them here.

daniel3000 said:
Hi all,

I have created PNDs of the following games by "LGames" (

  • LTris (Tetris clone)
  • LMarbles (Atomix clone)
  • LPairs (memory game)

(LBreakout2 is already available in the file archive, BTW, not ported/packaged by me).

They are not uploaded yet to the file archive, but available here:

Have fun!
And in case there are problems, please report them here.


:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

OMG im so ninja'd
just did LMarbles as well :o

Really, i just noticed when i wanted to write a topic.... weird....

Edit: I'll get mine offline. Rough one anyway.

And thanks for the games ofc ;)
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Hi all,

any idea how to make LMarbles playable in a better way, without use of the touchscreen or a mouse / the nubs to mark a marble to move?

daniel3000 said:
Hi all,

I have created PNDs of the following games by "LGames" (

  • LTris (Tetris clone)
  • LMarbles (Atomix clone)
  • LPairs (memory game)

Tried LTris, but no sound??
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daniel3000 said:
Hi all,

any idea how to make LMarbles playable in a better way, without use of the touchscreen or a mouse / the nubs to mark a marble to move?


I kinda liked the touchscreen/dpad combo for controls. You could ofcourse make the game cycle through marbles with a keypress (action buttons, L and R, dunno)

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purplesky said:
Tried LTris, but no sound??

Please download the latest LTris.pnd from my site. I have updated it with a fix for a "no sound" problem.

If this still doesn't help, please check if you have a file .asoundrc in your home directory.
Please check, if there is a copy of this file in the appdata/LTris directory AFTER you executed LTris at least once.

Please report your results here.

Do other games / programs emit sound normally?

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MarkoeZ said:
I kinda liked the touchscreen/dpad combo for controls. You could ofcourse make the game cycle through marbles with a keypress (action buttons, L and R, dunno)


I also considered this cycle method. But I'd need to alter the code for that, correct? There is no other way I guess? (hidden feature in the game maybe...?)

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daniel3000 said:
purplesky said:
Tried LTris, but no sound??

Please download the latest LTris.pnd from my site. I have updated it with a fix for a "no sound" problem.

If this still doesn't help, please check if you have a file .asoundrc in your home directory.
Please check, if there is a copy of this file in the appdata/LTris directory AFTER you executed LTris at least once.

Please report your results here.

Do other games / programs emit sound normally?


Ok, just downloaded again and the sound is now working. There is indeed a .asoundrc in the home directory. The updated version works fine. Thanks
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