Lerp Development Thread

_Sterling said:
Very nice! The concept reminds me of Ghost Encounters for the Atari 400/800 machines.

It's similar to Jelly Boy, but where that game was more focused on platforming and the "turn into a balloon, etc" hook seemed like an afterthought at times, it sounds like benjymous is putting a lot more effort into the design of challenging puzzles.
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I was thinking Jellyboy too. This looks awesome. It's the perfect combination of old, new, and quirky; very creative!
that looks quite impressive already! nice morphing effect. Physics are always cool :P keep up the good work!
benjymous said:
New video - lower quality (thanks to YouTube) but a better framerate


This shows the Box2D physics engine at work (which wasn't present in my first video)

I've been waiting for someone to give the Box2D engine a shot and it looks great.
Your just missing the piece of string from the end of the balloon :D
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Tripmonkey_uk said:
benjymous said:
New video - lower quality (thanks to YouTube) but a better framerate


This shows the Box2D physics engine at work (which wasn't present in my first video)

I've been waiting for someone to give the Box2D engine a shot and it looks great.
Your just missing the piece of string from the end of the balloon :D

same here,
ill be using it for a few physics games of my own, but theyre more along the lines of world of goo, type concept

anyway love the idea, and i like the character although, wouldnt really like looking at him for too long, would it be ok if i try to come up with one, and if you like it you can use it, what size is it?, (also i think the bricks are outdated, but i know its early and pandora is quite retro, although i personally hate retro)
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emcp said:
anyway love the idea, and i like the character although, wouldnt really like looking at him for too long,

Then you can morph into something more pleasing :D Most of the game will revolve around the different properties of the things you can morph into - the main character is intentionally limited in what he can do - he can't even jump!

emcp said:
(also i think the bricks are outdated, but i know its early and pandora is quite retro, although i personally hate retro)

Don't worry - those are just placeholders - I just quickly threw something together in PSP as I needed to start building environments to test the engine!

I haven't totally decided on the art style I want to go for with the backgrounds yet - I've considered using photos of around the house as backgrounds, in a "creatures that come out at night" style, although my current tests with SDL seem to suggest that it really struggles drawing lots of large bitmaps - I'll probably have to switch to using the opengl layer, although I'd rather keep it in software if possible, so I can port it to other platforms
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yeah i like the idea of creature that come out at the night, i myself was expecting this to turn into something similar like Abe's Oddysee : Odd World

but i like your idea better

just make sure you make the player smaller, i think hes a bit too big at the moment, it doesnt give you much room to a manoeuvre, without scrolling and you dont want it scrolling too much

but i take it was made for the psp's screen
Sounds like using the back-tracking and shape-shifting idea of SotN taken to another level. You better pay homage to mist form!
emcp said:
yeah i like the idea of creature that come out at the night, i myself was expecting this to turn into something similar like Abe's Oddysee : Odd World

but i like your idea better

just make sure you make the player smaller, i think hes a bit too big at the moment, it doesnt give you much room to a car manoeuvre, without scrolling and you dont want it scrolling too much

but i take it was made for the psp's screen
I'm working at the Pandora native 800x480 at the moment (although my engine can handle any window size, and should be able to easily cope with smaller graphics sets, so a Wiz version shouldn't be a problem either)

It does smoothly scroll in all directions - it's just easier to test and demo in a level that fits the screen!
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Here's a new demo video

http://www.vimeo.com/3905862 - This shows off the ability to absorb stuff, the radial morph menu, a scrolling level, and basic puzzle solving.

Now I've got the graphics engine ported over to GL, I can ditch the current tile based approach, and replace it with a more freeform level layout, which should improve things somewhat!
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Looks great - totally looking forward to playing this. I'm glad you decided to go with a radial menu. I find them to be a great way to change between options and things, and they're the perfect tool to use when you've got a free analog nub. ;)
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'Mithrildor' said:
WOW , very nice progress. The game really loosk awesome already. I hope there will be many objects to morph into.
Yeah - and in a way that's one of the hardest bits - coming up with a wide range of different objects with different properties that'll make for interesting puzzles!

'Mithrildor' said:
Btw , are you planning on releasing a level editor after the game is finished?
I'll probably release it *before* the game is finished - my plan is to have two modes, a "Story Mode" in a large world made up of lots of screens, and a "Puzzle Mode" where you'll have small levels containing a few objects, obstacles, and an exit. Basically what you see in the most recent video is a puzzle mode level.

Once I've got the engine fully working, I'll make a few puzzle levels, and get an alpha build of the game and the editor available for people to start playing with - I'm sure the community will be able to come up with all sorts of clever things that I'll be able to, ahem, borrow, to make the story mode for interesting ;)
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