Launch-Ready Emulators

1) no one is going to hold on to emus. If they're 3/4 working, whatever, they'll be out and get better. Also more people can do ports .. It's not like there's only 5 ciders in the community :)

2) picodrive is great, notaz is just a perfectionist. The old build I've been usin for 6mo is fine :)

3) snes, as I said... I may crappiest port ever, works great for a lot of games, just has no features

anyway in a mega rush

Loonie said:
Also, will you people go get yourselves laid, or go smoke something. Anything that will chill you all out. Do it before your cerebral cortexes explode.
I want MAME but you don't hear me whining about it. It'll happen, and when it does it will be good and get better. In the meantime, there's plenty to do.

Peace & bong rips,

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C64 and Amiga make lovely foreplay but PSX emu is my G-Spot. Yes... yes.. oh yesssss give me PSX emu, PSX EMUUUU YESSSSSS!!!!!!!
Exophase said:
I'm saying the GUIs emulators already have (with some mods) are better suited to Pandora than Qt ones are.
Well, yes, if an emulator already has a gui, no one is going to rip it out to replace it with a Qt gui.
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paddy said:

Dude, you wrote lots of nonsense in this forum. But this post was the stupidest of them all.
You could have read in a post from ED (which was linked to in post #1) that all Ps went out to firmware developers and not to emu porters.
Others have told you how stupid this post, and all others in this topic, of you were already.

I never have found one single post of yours which contained a single bit of sense.

Welcome as number one on my ignore list.
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TitanUranus said:
C64 and Amiga make lovely foreplay but PSX emu is my G-Spot. Yes... yes.. oh yesssss give me PSX emu, PSX EMUUUU YESSSSSS!!!!!!!
And you want it where?

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Kangal said:
Philly said:
Agreed about the wait for the hardware (who in their right minds would argue) but those rushed ports were a proof of concept to show what it WILL do... it still will some time after launch. The hardware is much improved over what we paid for and the OS is much better than we paid for... My guess is that we are gonna get much better Emulators than those crappy ports.

I do see where people are coming from, but they have always had the option to cancel.
These should be good times... production is immanent!!!

I think all of the emulators should be available today (except N64, PSP, Dreamcast obviously). I think it is only fair.
The amount of members/customers that had kept their purchase with this promise (many posts) is overwhelming, to be frank.
It would be only fair that these versions would be the one's optimized for the Pandora/Beagleboard/N900 but the worlds imperfect and always expect disappointment.
For that reason, the emulators don't necessarily need to be optimized or fully polished. As long as its working at a decent level, get it out there. I feel like the wait has been long, too long, and that we should've been given something more than just a "Thank you". I mean the whole project could've gone down the drain quite easy enough, so what people expected to get should be delivered plus some sort of congratulatory bonus.

To say they had the option to cancel is somewhat to say
"Hey people thanks for waiting too long, for something your not getting as prepared as many have said to be, and not getting a refund. You could've cancelled and lead to project bankruptcy/disasters but instead you were selfless losers"
I know that's not what you wanted to say, but that is an easy interpretation.
It's like a call to promote those people that were not patient enough for the device but instead wanted to see OP succeed that they kept themselves from getting a refund by logging on to the boards many times a week.
I would watch my words if I were you :angry: (you could wake up the trolls or start a fire)

Lol... No. What I said were all facts, nothing I said needed interpreting or was intended to cause offence. I myself have toyed with the idea of cancelling but to be honest I won`t and neither will any of the people who truly want this to succeed. The trolls are mearly entertainment, they can’t influence the strong minded!!!
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What is whit the games there are already in the File Archiv: Battle for Weshnot, Angry Drunken Dwarfs, Wolfenstein 3D (port) Battlejewels, vice, etc, there are ready long bevore the Pandora gets realeased,

Are they from the Devs who have Prototyp Pandoras??

Pandora Games
I just think it's funny that people who are so dedicated to the project that they waited OVER TWO YEARS for it to come out don't want to wait a few weeks for all their favorite emulators to be ported.

I never expected to get my unit and have everything magically be working. I do, however, expect that soon after release I'll be able to wake up every day wondering whether or not something new has been ported/published for the system. THAT is what I'm excited about.
edgex004 said:
I just think it's funny that people who are so dedicated to the project that they waited OVER TWO YEARS for it to come out don't want to wait a few weeks for all their favorite emulators to be ported.
I guess, many users just fear, that shortly after the launch of the Pandora, the most Developers looses interest and stop making or updating Software. Or they quickly went to another System. A common Problem in the Homebrew Scene.
Yes, for Example, the GP2X was supported for years but I often spotted promising projects that just dissapeared or were discontinued or never released or just a dirty port with no updates, this is also my fear about the whole story.

So I think the Users just want to make sure that we have as many Stuff as possible yet, nobody knows how long the devs are hot to make Stuff for Pandora. ;)
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ghuk said:
Historically emulators have always been available as freeware to download for whatever format be it PC, console etc.
Actually, there were several emulators that were sold for money, and still are. Magic Engine is shareware, and if my memory serves me right, there were at least a couple PSX emulators sold on store shelves around the turn of the century.
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"Historically..." -- someone who knows little of emulation history.

Lord knows, Sony, Atari, Nintendo haven't been selling CDs or XBox-Live type emus for years; hell, for that matter, Virtual Console anyone? Best of Atari? Namco Collection? Sonic on iphone?

Not to mention that Digital Eclipse was one of the companies that kicked off popular emulation and still sell commercial emus today. (ie: They made Williams Arcade Collection, waaay back, one of the first arcade emus, and arguably one that really helped popularize the whole emulation idea.)

But anyway.. suffice to say, history is very pro commercial emulation.

Anyway, people will do as they wish with _their_ softyware, and _Rightly so_. Most emus will usually be freeware (heck, 90% will be ports of GPL open source.) But if someone spends 500 hours writing a piece of code and sells it.. well, there sure as heck is not anything wrong with that.

But for those worried, no, certainly most software for Pandora will be non-costware, rest assurred. But if a few people want to make a buck, you shoudl look to supporting them, rather than hold a grudge against them.

(For my part, look at libpnd .. its on purpose LGPL, so that it can be used in a commercial work if a developer wants to; if it were otherwise, people would end up rewriting bits of it themselves and ending up with incompatibilities over time, etc. which would hurt the community. So I wanted to be commercial friendly, since thats the only right thing to do. But think about.. I'm putting code out there for free, and people are possibly gong to use it to make money, and I'm not making a penny on it. And why would I do that? Making software is hard, and time consuming; if someone wants to make a buck, godh darn, thats okay.)

This thread got derailed, and hard.

First off, I'd like to distance myself from this
paddy said:
nutcase who so thoroughly derailed my simple question.

Second, this:

silver said:
A lot of overreaction here.

All that's being said is that it is a little surprising/dissapointing that current comments suggest we are a way off any usable snes/megadrive/ps1 emus. Not the end of the world, and they will come.

The reason it's a little surprising?:


"...It works quite well but doesn't seem to have a way to get back to the menu so I have to shut it down and restart it to select a new game.." "... I just wanted to show that it works so here it is"

From Mweston, 9 months ago.


"Just a small demonstration of how well the DPad does work using Picodrive."

From Evildragon, 6 months ago.


From craigix, 9 months ago.

This is my last post on this. I'm happy and looking forward to my pandora. But the above videos - from OP people, not devs - are demonstrating almost perfect emulation of snes/md/ps1. obviously different games/glitches/bugs etc.. are a given. I just think the above makes it clear while it's a bit surprising to be told emus for these systems are not ready for the public.

is what I was trying to get across, and silver did it significantly more effectively than I.

So back on topic: what is the actual current state of smd/snes/nes/ps1 emulation for the units we might be receiving this coming month?

for instance, on the quick and dirty snes port, is there a chance I might play something with an SA-1 chip, like Mario RPG? (I'm willing to bet that CX4 games like megaman x3 is right out, but SA-1 isn't too uncommon in emulators anymore) I would also hope that DSP-1 games like Pilotwings and mario kart work? what about superfx games, like yoshi's island or starfox?

I don't know enough about genesis enhancement chips to ask any intelligent questions about that, save for asking about sega cd, for instance, as I'd hope to play the sega cd version of Mickey Mania.

now let's see if this timed out, since I wandered off looking up ebay copes of castlevania III, since I've never had a good emulator experience on it and I just recently found out that mom gave away my copy....
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I think Pickle has gpfce running nicely, but can't speak for him. (NES)

I did 3 or 4 SNES emu ports very quickly for ED a month or two back; the very latest SNES9x compiles fine, and seems to run, but is a blank screen (!); I actually tried various other versions back to 1.39, but all had that same glitch, but easy builds so didn't mind trying :) If you look through other ports forum posts for various platforms, they all run into it, but eventually they all figvure out what the issue was and move on... without ever posting what they did to fix it ;) I started debugging through the code for a little whiler, but didn't figure it out and then shifted to something elese (Weriting minimenu, mayb, I forget. Anyway.)

I did build the Dingoo Snes9x, which runs fine; but it is severely feature-chopped to make it run well on Dingoo, and hence misses SA-1 support and other frills; but it runs full speed pretty handily :P

I think I build a couple other SNES9x's; really, the whole SNES emulation situation is sort of grim whenyou look at it -- theres a few emus only, but most are reaaaaaly poor performers with good code, or really good performers and huge PITAs to port (ie: all assembly for x86.) The only really sensible SNES emu for our purposes (ie: a quick port), is SNES 9x.

Anyway, the news there is its an easy build, and probably a pretty easy bug fix to get the full features of the latest SNES9x. I never actually had a SNES or cared much for it beyond a few titles, so its not something I put much effort into myself; I Can, but hopefulyl someone with mroe love for SNES will (Squidge? ;)

Still, I've got the dingoo build o snes9x around, works great for what it does.

And in a pinch I'll fix up the latest snes9x if no one else does.

I could make a couple snes videos if folk want.


I also did quick ports of MAme4All and it runs pretty well as well, but I think cpasjuste or someone has a better working MAME port so I'll shut up about it :)

You know, its really weird that the snes9x site is broken so totally, yet the app is still in active development.

Perhaps is not the true source, but take a look; updates from years ago, with broken links; try to find the download page.. but Google knows it: -- but its broken and lists nothing, etc. Someone should fix that :)

skeezix said:
You know, its really weird that the snes9x site is broken so totally, yet the app is still in active development.

Perhaps is not the true source, but take a look; updates from years ago, with broken links; try to find the download page.. but Google knows it: -- but its broken and lists nothing, etc. Someone should fix that :)

Well, the downloads page seems to be listed right there on the main page of the site (it's below the link to the forums). ;)

Anyway, I'm glad I'm not the only one who's encountered the problem with the downloads page listing nothing - I was beginning to think it was just me!
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Alerino said:

"SNEeSe is a Super NintEndo Entertainment System Emulator for PC's running MS-DOS.
Runing in DOS means that it does not require much CPU power and that makes it ideal for older systems. "

might run through DosBox, right? Could you give it a try, Skeezix?

edit: there's also a ZSNes for DOS

Just a quick post to say - nope. Running an emu within an emu will give utterly awful performance. It gets done for a giggle, to show it's possible etc..etc.. - but this will not give you anything playable or efficient.
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