Launch-Ready Emulators

I think you'll have to receive your Pandora early indeed if you want to avoid having access to at least the ARM-ready open source projects out there.
I can't say I worry about app availability at all. (Of course, I know how to program, so I can port anything I want. :P )
I don't know where I stand in the queue, either. Maybe I'll get mine a month after the cool devs get theirs, and it'll be a moot point.
A lot of overreaction here.

All that's being said is that it is a little surprising/dissapointing that current comments suggest we are a way off any usable snes/megadrive/ps1 emus. Not the end of the world, and they will come.

The reason it's a little surprising?:


"...It works quite well but doesn't seem to have a way to get back to the menu so I have to shut it down and restart it to select a new game.." "... I just wanted to show that it works so here it is"

From Mweston, 9 months ago.


"Just a small demonstration of how well the DPad does work using Picodrive."

From Evildragon, 6 months ago.


From craigix, 9 months ago.

This is my last post on this. I'm happy and looking forward to my pandora. But the above videos - from OP people, not devs - are demonstrating almost perfect emulation of snes/md/ps1. obviously different games/glitches/bugs etc.. are a given. I just think the above makes it clear while it's a bit surprising to be told emus for these systems are not ready for the public.
Fishbong said:
It's the early adopter's blues.

The Pandora's software releases will go up considerably once the first batch is out. How many homebrew titles did the PSP have before being released?

My first response was to agree. But a second later, I realized that the Pandora has exponentially more titles at launch than any other platform I have ever bought. So my blues aren't very blue.
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I don't see what the big deal is. We'll have a good amount of functional emulators available from day one. Shut up and enjoy those. Once the devs get their hands on a Pandora unit then you'll see more progress. If you're buying a Pandora with just emulation in mind, maybe you should stick with the Wiz. There's much more you can do in the meantime.
Holyshit .. i didn't ask for this kind of response ,i was not bashing anyone in anyway just simply putting my thoughts across and pointing out how easy it is do a basic port and also stating how the original xbox got nearly all emulators ported within 8 months btw so with that in mind why is there only like 3 or 4 emulators ready at launch for an open linux based system ?

PokeParadox puts across a very good point about the keymappings and how this could not be done ,well we all know how the development has gone without a keymat for a long time ,i also did not know that only 2 or 3 dev units were in dev hands and that those devs were only doing OS related work and that will surly take alot of time.

People need to fucking chill out coz i am totaly chill just asking questions and putting a few points across with the view or being corrected and not looking for an argument in anyway and i am also not pointing the finger of blame ,too many idiots looking for something to shout about ,and i have a valid point about snes and sega megadrive emulation tho i did say i can understand why the picodrive has been delayed ,very understandable to me ,but snes is questionable to me so i was just putting it out there to see what others think ,ohh and the store issue ,well it could be an issue if OPT want to start charging for premium emulators like //// gba /// snes //// sega//// get my point with this ?

paddy said:
Holyshit .. i didn't ask for this kind of response ,i was not bashing anyone in anyway just simply putting my thoughts across and pointing out how easy it is do a basic port and also stating how the original xbox got nearly all emulators ported within 8 months btw so with that in mind why is there only like 3 or 4 emulators ready at launch for an open linux based system ?
XBox got nearly all emulators ported within 8 months after developers got ahold of one and started playing with it.
Pandora has how many games and apps which are almost ready before anyone has actually even gotten the thing?
That's the thing I don't understand. Why are people surprised that people who don't have a Pandora haven't finished the stuff they've been trying to port to it?

edit: and while I'm thinking on it
paddy said:
well it could be an issue if OPT want to start charging for premium emulators like //// gba /// snes //// sega//// get my point with this ?
No, I don't get your point with this. OPT are not writing the emulators. The software is built by the community, the community that still doesn't have their Pandoras as I've said. If the person who writes a GBA emulator wants to charge money for it that is their prerogative. It has absolutely nothing to do with OPT.
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paddy said:
ohh and the store issue ,well it could be an issue if OPT want to start charging for premium emulators like //// gba /// snes //// sega//// get my point with this ?
OPT is not making the emulators, therefore OPT does not say whether or not they cost money. That is up to the people who develop the emulators.

EDIT: Aw man, my first ninja'd. I knew someone else would say this.
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Tempel said:
EDIT: Aw man, my first ninja'd. I knew someone else would say this.
Doesn't count since I edited my post to add it. :)
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Don't forget that the Pandora is a completely different beast to a GP32/GP2X or Wiz. It's pretty daft porting the cut-down emulators such as SNES to the Pandora - surely you want the full effect now rather than old ports. Secondly, you can't assume full control of the system anymore as your app will be running under X-Windows, so that means a full redesign of the front end (or using the existing Linux X version).

Previous ports were simply "How will emulator X perform under Pandora?" and assuming GP2X-like OS (full exclusive access to all hardware).

It *is* possible to drop X and run the emulator full screen, but this is discouraged for all but the most power hungry emus and apps. The first apps will no doubt make there way into reviews and such, and so they shouldn't stop the user from multitasking, if they want to.
Squidge said:
Don't forget that the Pandora is a completely different beast to a GP32/GP2X or Wiz. It's pretty daft porting the cut-down emulators such as SNES to the Pandora - surely you want the full effect now rather than old ports. Secondly, you can't assume full control of the system anymore as your app will be running under X-Windows, so that means a full redesign of the front end (or using the existing Linux X version).

Previous ports were simply "How will emulator X perform under Pandora?" and assuming GP2X-like OS (full exclusive access to all hardware).

It *is* possible to drop X and run the emulator full screen, but this is discouraged for all but the most power hungry emus and apps. The first apps will no doubt make there way into reviews and such, and so they shouldn't stop the user from multitasking, if they want to.

I think running Pandora emulators in a window or with a GTK/Qt menu or something is pretty lame. I'd rather see GP2X-like GUIs redesigned for higher resolution (and touchscreen) than that.
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No point in going over what might be i guess ,i am sure we will have great emulators on the pandora for free or for a small fee ,so it doesn't really matter.
paddy said:
My point about the store stands ,if one of the developers of an emulator wants to sell his emulator via the store then fine by him/her but it's not really what i thought we were getting when we all got hooked on the idea of the pandora ,i guess the idea of the store just troubles me as it could become a trend of paying for ported emulators ,put simply (i do not beleve in paying for an emulator) however i do support and agree with putting money into the dev fund and or donations to the authors of our fav emulators and this is already being done right now so that is why i have a problem with the store.

I also said previously that i understand now that not as many devs had dev kits to begin with and also that those guys have been slaves to the work of the OS,drivers wifi problems and so on ,if what i am writing comes across as a hit at OPT then you are wrong ,i do have thoughts on both the store and the lack of emulators available at the time of launch tho and well most of my thoughts have been answered with facts that not many devs have worked on these emulators becase of the other more important work to the OS ,however i still don't agree with the sale of emulators but hey no one knows if that is even the case and if it is then it is.

Ok i will be as blunt as i can be in regards to the store issue i have .. OPT and a dev have a deal that means OPT take a cut of any emulator sold on the store ,ok not all emulators but the best ones like n64 snes sega ,i have a direct problem with this as i do not beleve in paying for any emulator ever ,but at the same time no one knows if this is the case becase there is not really any indication this will happen ,i guess i am making something out of nothing with this but it could happen.

I somewhat doubt that these emulators will be sold via a store online for money making purposes. Historically emulators have always been available as freeware to download for whatever format be it PC, console etc. Just remember how companies like Nintendo react to the threat of piracy. If they see that an online site is making money to play their products illegally then you can guarantee that the sh*t would hit the fan.

To be honest I wouldnt be surprised if some exec within Nintendo or Sony is not following the Pandora. Its not like it hasnt had publicity now on quite a few tech sites........
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paddy said:
i have a direct problem with this as i do not beleve in paying for any emulator ever
Then don't. There will be a large number of great free stuff. If the N64 emulator goes pay (for example) and you choose not to give your money for something you think should be free, is that really such a great loss? If you feel strongly enough about it, plead your case, maybe others will agree, and also won't pay for it.
That's the beauty of a capitalism: everyone gets to vote with their money (or lack thereof) as to which products survive and which go for what cost.
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If OpenPandora or whoever decides to charge money for their creations, they have the right to do so. GamePark Holdings did this too with a select few games, and it's a good method to generate some extra income. But, it's not the way to go with all applications and games. In the long run they will kill themselves with this (charge for everything). Especially in the beginning when only a few thousand consoles are in the hands of the public. If that would be decided within a few months after launch, then I would consider it a valid reason for anyone to just drop the whole Pandora and continue in some other "open" community. But hey, that's probably never going to happen. *fingers crossed*
Also, the original xbox was just a completely standard X86 PC. Everyone and their dog knows how to program those things.

Also, will you people go get yourselves laid, or go smoke something. Anything that will chill you all out. Do it before your cerebral cortexes explode.
I don't mind developers charging for games they've built from the ground up, whereas charging for ports and emulators on the other hand would disappoint me and ruin the community imo(it would just become greedy and thus heartless like the Apple Appstore).
Exophase said:
I think running Pandora emulators in a window or with a GTK/Qt menu or something is pretty lame. I'd rather see GP2X-like GUIs redesigned for higher resolution (and touchscreen) than that.
I wasn't thinking of running them in a Window, more like full screen, but under X so at least you can task switch to other applications (maybe you want a two player game over bluetooth for example, and BT is far easier to manage under X than under a console).

Chances are something like Qt will be in memory anyway, but why would it be lame to use it for a emulator front end? Why write your own gui when there's one written for you?
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Squidge said:
Chances are something like Qt will be in memory anyway, but why would it be lame to use it for a emulator front end? Why write your own gui when there's one written for you?

I'm saying the GUIs emulators already have (with some mods) are better suited to Pandora than Qt ones are.
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Squidge said:
Exophase said:
I think running Pandora emulators in a window or with a GTK/Qt menu or something is pretty lame. I'd rather see GP2X-like GUIs redesigned for higher resolution (and touchscreen) than that.
I wasn't thinking of running them in a Window, more like full screen, but under X so at least you can task switch to other applications (maybe you want a two player game over bluetooth for example, and BT is far easier to manage under X than under a console).

Chances are something like Qt will be in memory anyway, but why would it be lame to use it for a emulator front end? Why write your own gui when there's one written for you?

That's mainly how I was planning on using it just launching emulators from XFCE. Especially since that issue with the drivers under X has largely been solved, to my knowledge.
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