Launch-Ready Emulators

MDave said:
I'm still amazed the Gameboy Advance runs PocketSnes :P

I don't think that's the same emulator, just has the same name.

Of course "runs" is one way to put it, being that it's typically under full speed and with no sound. Of course offloading the video to the GBA 2D subsystem removes most of the emulation overhead anyway.
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I used to occasionally use the old "format c:backslash" on the display models in Dixons during my school lunch hour. Anti capitalist anarchy seemed so fun back then... :rolleyes:
Jourdy288 said:
I didn't say newbs, I said 'n00bs', i.e. those who don't pay attention to stuff labeled 'read this first', 'FAQ', etc.? I was one once. I still have some traces, in fact :lol:
But seriously, we should have a system in order that'll ask the n00b if the question s/he is about to ask is already answered. If it isn't, s/he can go ahead posting. This would save them from SO many flames.
Ah, I see what you mean. Do pardon me - there are so many who use the words "newbs", "newbies", and "n00bs" with the same negative connotations that I sometimes can't tell what the intent of the wording is. :) I still stand by my thoughts, though - it's better, I think, just to answer the question(s). :P

Poem58 said:
skeezix said:
And all the non-Linux folks will put up Terminal, and hit 'sudo rm -rf /' and ask what happened ;)

What does happen?

I'm guessing it's as bad as " Format c: backslash" (which won't post for some reason) back in the day...if I even got that right (it has been a looooong time) :P
The gist of it is essentially equivalent to that; "sudo" grants you temporary use of superuser privileges (meaning you're temporarily "god", basically :P ), "rm" is remove, the "r" in "-rf" tells the command to remove the contents of directories that are being deleted before the directories are nuked (it's short for "recursive"), and the "f" means force, which causes it to proceed whilst ignoring any prompts that you would otherwise normally get.

Or, in short, it deletes everything. :P

TitanUranus said:
I used to occasionally use the old "format c:backslash" on the display models in Dixons during my school lunch hour. Anti capitalist anarchy seemed so fun back then... :rolleyes:
I bet they loved you. :P
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TitanUranus said:
I used to occasionally use the old "format c:backslash" on the display models in Dixons during my school lunch hour. Anti capitalist anarchy seemed so fun back then... :rolleyes:

That's why they lock the display models now - because of people like us you.

We used to take our own floppy disks in, treat it like an arcade. We'd play a bit of Commander Keen while the staff were busy selling computers. To be fair, my friend actually ended up working there (became rich on commissions).
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Prometheus said:
Jourdy288 said:
Perhaps some sort of n00b filter is in order? Questions with certain keywords get redirected to the FAQ?
Or perhaps we could just - oh, I don't know - treat the so-called "n00bs" like the human beings that they actually are, and try to be helpful? ;)


I'm not sure why some people get so pissed about noob questions. It can be a pain in the ass to find info on this forum, especially if you try to use the gp32x search instead of google. Even then its hard to know what members know what they are talking about until you've been here for awhile.

If every time there was a noob question it was answered with links to the corresponding thread, searching for info would be much easier anyways. I.E. Instead of searching and finding threads of where noobs with similar questions as mine got flamed to death I'd find threads with actual answers and I'd be less likely to ask the question again.

Not that I think that noobs are handled all that bad here at gp32x most of the time. More of a general attitude forums across the board have against noobs that I don't understand. We are all noobs at some point.
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MonkeyChops said:
I'm not sure why some people get so pissed about noob questions.
N00b (noob) vs Newb(ie)
Q: How can I do X?
A: Everything you need to know is available in the FAQ <here>, or you can try the search engine.

Newb: Thanks! That's a lot of information, but I will do my best.
A: Glad to help! If you don't understand something, just ask and I will be happy to clarify.

N00b: WTF? If you can't be arsed to just answer the question, don't say anything at all!
A: ... GTFO, seriously.
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skeezix said:
I've pretty much decided that as Pandora reaches shipping, questions will increase exponentially; after release, all 4000 people will be here banging the board with questions that have been explained randomly across threads for the last 2 years, but people will (quite rightly) not know the answers now. And all the non-Linux folks will put up Terminal, and hit 'sudo rm -rf /' and ask what happened ;)

So, everyone get ready .. the next 2 months (!) will be hell on the boards :)

People can handle PSPs and NDS and PCs so the Step to handle a Pandora shouldn't be that hard. Of course only, if you designed the Software as userfriendly as possible. If enough "self explaining" Stuff is inside, it should be OK. I hope, that in the 21. Century Linux is user friendly and self-explaining. At least this is, what Linux Fans always tell me. ;)
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Questions from curious people or people that are new to Linux are not unwelcome at all. But I strongly suggest that certain questions get written down in some orderly FAQ. If not, this place will be absolute hell next month. Fill up the official Pandora wiki with all the usual questions and answers, and lock threads as soon as possible. Question answered: add to wiki if needed and close/delete the thread. Really simple.
fusion_power said:
skeezix said:
I've pretty much decided that as Pandora reaches shipping, questions will increase exponentially; after release, all 4000 people will be here banging the board with questions that have been explained randomly across threads for the last 2 years, but people will (quite rightly) not know the answers now. And all the non-Linux folks will put up Terminal, and hit 'sudo rm -rf /' and ask what happened ;)

So, everyone get ready .. the next 2 months (!) will be hell on the boards :)

People can handle PSPs and NDS and PCs so the Step to handle a Pandora shouldn't be that hard. Of course only, if you designed the Software as userfriendly as possible. If enough "self explaining" Stuff is inside, it should be OK. I hope, that in the 21. Century Linux is user friendly and self-explaining. At least this is, what Linux Fans always tell me. ;)

Linux is really easy when it's easy, and hard when it's not. That is to say, if you go off exploring by yourself and reach the border of user-friendly town, you're in for a learning curve.

I like how a modern Linux distro will make some things seamlessly easy, like how drivers are usually bundled right in there. I can just plug in my scanner and it works. I don't need to even install any scanning software as it comes with the distro. I find this incredibly convenient and easy, which is why I just booted into Ubuntu instead of trying to find my XP driver disc for the scanner.

But like I said, if you stray off the beaten track, it can be rough. Try something more technical like running Tor, or Virtualbox (the latter stopped my sound and and wifi working for no apparent reason. I asked on the Ubuntu forums, but nobody gave me a good answer. I had to reinstall the OS from scratch). If you're doing something more technical, then expect to be hitting Google, reading websites and following guides. It involves terminal commands that don't make much sense (to a shell newbie it's like being asked to recite incantations. It might as well be a magic spell) and possibly even compiling programs from source. If you venture too far out, you can look forward to configuring your software manually, and every config file will have a different format and style (it's just more fun that way).

Um, yeah. Stay in user-friendly town, which is becoming more friendly and habitable with each year that passes. But don't wander off without a guide unless you want to fall off a mountain, or down a hole, or be eaten by wild bears. You need survival skills out there! You'll need some training, know-how and... experience.
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skeezix said:
I did build the Dingoo Snes9x, which runs fine; but it is severely feature-chopped to make it run well on Dingoo, and hence misses SA-1 support and other frills; but it runs full speed pretty handily :P


The latest Snes9x4D does run DSP(1/2/3/4)/SDD1/C4/SA-1/ SuperFX(poorly)!/

Try that!
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I'm being murdered today with my timeline; find me a source or repo link to save me 10 mins of clawing around, and I'll pull it down and give it a stab when I have a moment :(

(working a 13 hour shift today, with a whole helltruck of stuff that has to be done ASAP :/)

WizardStan said:
Q: How can I do X?
A: Everything you need to know is available in the FAQ <here>, or you can try the search engine.
N00b: WTF? If you can't be arsed to just answer the question, don't say anything at all!
A: ... GTFO, seriously.
I think we should always answer the question as well, even if it is the first question in the FAQ we link.
Otherwise, even though you're doing it politely, you're still essentially saying "use the search function, n00b", and people can read it like that.
It takes us, who have followed the project in detail, a few seconds to recall and type an answer, and it makes it clear you're trying to be helpful.

I also think most of the "damage" done by newbie questions is actually when one person being lazy spawns a 10 page thread of other people complaining about them.
If someone has answered the question adequately, leave the thread and let it drop off the page.

Also to be fair, the search function is well known to be useless and the FAQ is quite a lot to read, a lot of which is irrelevant to most people.
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Good output requires good input. If someone is being a lazy ass and asks a question for the millioned time, just delete the thread. Keeps the boards nice and clean.

Lately I see such nonsense questions like:

  • What does the Pandora cost? (can be seen on
  • Will game X be on there? (look it up on the official Wiki)
  • Does it play movies?
  • Does it play SNES?
  • Does it blablabla...

There needs to be created a very simple standard set of rules for this. People that do not respect these guidelines, do not need any royalty treatment over here. That is the very reason for people to just make some dumb topic with three words and a crappy title. But hey, I would have swept the "mighty hammer of ban +1" many times over here.

  • Search the Internet with your favorite search engine.
  • Search the official Wiki and/or FAQ.
  • Search the official OpenPandora website.
  • Search the PandoraPress website.
  • Search the GP32X forums.

Still can't find anything? Then your very welcome to post it here.
Wootson said:
But hey, I would have swept the "mighty hammer of ban +1" many times over here.

not sure it would be the best move against potential customers
through it would surely remove old lurkers...
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Wootson said:
Good output requires good input. If someone is being a lazy ass and asks a question for the millioned time, just delete the thread. Keeps the boards nice and clean.

Lately I see such nonsense questions like:
There needs to be created a very simple standard set of rules for this. People that do not respect these guidelines, do not need any royalty treatment over here. That is the very reason for people to just make some dumb topic with three words and a crappy title. But hey, I would have swept the "mighty hammer of ban +1" many times over here.
Banning random people who perhaps didn't even know about the FAQ, and would be quite happy to read it, is vindictive and doesn't help anyone.
The "READ THIS FIRST" sticky, is entirely easy to miss, especially if you're not looking for one.

What's the point of "clean boards" if they don't impart any information. :rolleyes:
If a few lines of text on the topic list really annoy you so much, that's your problem.
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Aninhumer said:
Also to be fair, the search function is well known to be useless and the FAQ is quite a lot to read, a lot of which is irrelevant to most people.
Ideally you aren't just telling them to look at the FAQ, but specifically pointing them to the relevant question within it. You are not only teaching them to fish, but throwing in the first fish free. A newb will appreciate it, for they have many questions and the answers are now immediately at their fingertips where they can read at their leisure and grow into well respected members of the society in question. A newb should be cultivated for they will absorb your knowledge and ultimately add their own, even if it is in the form of requests for clarification over existing questions.
A n00b will complain that he doesn't want to do any work and that all questions should be answered over, and over, and over again. They will go on to complain on other boards about how rude the forum is for expecting people to do some learning on their own. They generally will not add anything back to the community but more questions that have already been answered, and should generally be clipped for the weeds that they are.
Fortunately, the vast majority of the questioners that have posted have been of the newb variety, many of which have stayed and become valued members of this community.
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Aninhumer said:
Wootson said:
Good output requires good input. If someone is being a lazy ass and asks a question for the millioned time, just delete the thread. Keeps the boards nice and clean.

Lately I see such nonsense questions like:
There needs to be created a very simple standard set of rules for this. People that do not respect these guidelines, do not need any royalty treatment over here. That is the very reason for people to just make some dumb topic with three words and a crappy title. But hey, I would have swept the "mighty hammer of ban +1" many times over here.
Banning random people who perhaps didn't even know about the FAQ, and would be quite happy to read it, is vindictive and doesn't help anyone.
The "READ THIS FIRST" sticky, is entirely easy to miss, especially if you're not looking for one.

What's the point of "clean boards" if they don't impart any information. :rolleyes:
If a few lines of text on the topic list really annoy you so much, that's your problem.

Problem is there is no easily link available to either one of my suggestions. The "LIST OF THINGS YOU DON'T DO" does only include some very basic rules of human society, nothing more. So, people don't know because it's not available to them. I'm not saying to make a 1000+ rules page bible thingy. But just some extra information. Maybe even let this pop-up in a message box once you create a new thread. Creating this all is 30 minutes of work.

And yes, some things irritate me. Like title threads from new people that say "QUESTION", followed by thread content like "when is release?". We all know this is a prime example of absolute lazyness. And what happens afterwards is that people take these noobs seriously. Hell, even people with 500+ posts make these threads around here (don't mean anyone in particular here).
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WizardStan said:
Aninhumer said:
Also to be fair, the search function is well known to be useless and the FAQ is quite a lot to read, a lot of which is irrelevant to most people.
Ideally you aren't just telling them to look at the FAQ, but specifically pointing them to the relevant question within it. You are not only teaching them to fish, but throwing in the first fish free. A newb will appreciate it, for they have many questions and the answers are now immediately at their fingertips where they can read at their leisure and grow into well respected members of the society in question. A newb should be cultivated for they will absorb your knowledge and ultimately add their own, even if it is in the form of requests for clarification over existing questions.
A n00b will complain that he doesn't want to do any work and that all questions should be answered over, and over, and over again. They will go on to complain on other boards about how rude the forum is for expecting people to do some learning on their own. They generally will not add anything back to the community but more questions that have already been answered, and should generally be clipped for the weeds that they are.
Fortunately, the vast majority of the questioners that have posted have been of the newb variety, many of which have stayed and become valued members of this community.
Thaaat's it. Perhaps that could be our best response?
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