Just A Thank You To The Devs


Mar 14, 2007
Hey, just wanted to tell all the guys who developed or are developing for the GP2X thanks. It seems you guys never get any credit and always get crapped on for people asking for this or that, for FREE mind you. I just wanna thank everyone for the work they put into this thing to give us a truly great multifucntion handheld. Otherwise, we'd all be stuck with a bulky MP3/move/image/txt viewer.

Qtopia and GP2X-GPE - Gotta be two of my faves and shows how the gp2x can be turned into a mini computer. These are great with a cradle.

Columbo, gp2xengine, gpfce, gpsp, intv2x, mamegp2x, o2em, picodrive, rage2x, squidgesnes, and stella - Shows that emulation is definately a highpoint for this machine. Tons of great ways to relive those old classics, and not be tethered to a desktop and have the freedom of portability.

Barefistfight, bioshoot, blingo, blockdude, brassmunkey, brucelee, clonekeen2x, deal, duke3d, exult, flobopuyo, koules2x, madbomber, minigame pro, nethack, nioz2sa, payback, poker2x, powerslide, prboom, protozoa, reword, s-tris, snowed in 5, solitaire2x, spout, sudoku2x, supertux, technoballz, tilematch, vektar, xigon-x-gp2x, yahtzee, zooov1 - Thanks for taking the time to create new games, or remaking old games, for our machine. Many of these are tons of fun and show that the gp2x isn't just a machine for emulators, but a home for original games.
leathco said:
Holy crap that's so awesome.

I was thinking about posting the same kind of thank you (minus the koules2x of course)..

Some devs only like writing programs but I play a TON of homebrew/ports, and emulators of course. I mostly ported koules for me, I play it all the time, LOL. At risk of forgetting something, I'll just say other homebrew/ports I play a ton of is:

noiz2sa, UrQuan Masters, Vektar, tilematch, thruster, spout (I like 'em both), supertux, Joyrider's stuff (ex. sokoban waternet, tower toppler etc), reword, doom, ROTT, poker2x, nethack, myriad, Quiest's stuff: (extender2x & floaters, minigame project), liquidwar, (all of ParkyDR's stuff is great), crimson fields, gostpix, drill2x, commander keen, all of ruckage's games are so awesome (blingo, ruckman, dastardly dungeon, etc), heretic & hexen, gravity force (ParkyDR is a machine), ztunnel, Valhalla, Alex's stuff: (sqdef & downfall etc), , freecell, flashback, openttd, phishy, friq (awesome game), exult, duke3d, Descent, cave story, cubes, camelot warriors (woah now there's a thing of beauty), boomshine2x, blast riot (very very fun), Round'em up is going to be good once we get some levels together.

People that don't program don't realize how much effort it sometimes takes to do a quality port. Doing a game from the ground up, and then polishing it to a sheen like sqdef, or ruckman, for instance is an ENORMOUS effort for one person. And for emulators, I honestly have no comprehension of how one person can finish it all. Some people are just amazing, hands down.

I play all the emulators of course, too, I won't start on those. Programming gods, those devs.

Then, there's paeryn's hardware accel. SDL, DJ Willis & orkie's open2x toolchain that make a lot of this possible, and the fenix runtime, by Puck I believe.

And EvilDragon for running the forums I can search for programming answers on :D

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Well said leathco! The amount of effort people have put in to make this machine really special is greatly appreciated. Both Programming and feedback/helping out on the forum.
I'm totally new to the GP2X scene, but I wanted to throw on some love for the Vice2X devs. I am *stunned* at how well C64 emulation works on the GP2X, far better than my own attempts to integrate Vice into my Linux MythTV Frontend. From just a few hours of experience, the Emulation is perfect and awesome.

I guess we all gravitate towards the machines we played growing up.

Looking forward to seeing the fruits of your labour in the coming months!
Yes, without the Devs, the GP2X would be nothing more than a very expensive Chipod (not that the GP2X is all that expensive in the grand scheme of things, but if it were used as just a media player, yes, there are less expensive options out there)... or chould i say Koipod? :lol:

Thanks for all the great work, making this system endlessly interesting and fun, and here's to all the future Devs out there (as well as future work from the current Devs, haha), keeping the dream alive!
I definitely have to agree on this one.

Thanks to all the dev's that make the GP2X the best thing since sliced bread.

Also, I think that a thanks should be given to all the people in the GP2X community that help out n00bs like me.

Thanks to all!