I Just Thought Id Tell You Guys What I Thought About My Gp2x


Still Fresh
Feb 3, 2006
until recently i have not been too fond of my gp2x... i mean its ok and all but i like my psp better.
i got it as a birth day present last winter and...
now today i put a nes emulater and got it to work and put my compleate rom set on my 1gb sd card.
and upgraded to 2.00 firmware and im starting to love this charming little machine!
also ive got some movies to put along with some mp3s (but not too many, i dont want the ipod to feal lonely :P )
the only problem is im on a mac,i like my mac and all but i cant make any games for my litttle console can i?
if i could that would be great.
oh well...............better get back to playing super mario..... gp32_console
any one want any pics?
also i would like to thank tis little forum on making such a great guide to upgrading and troubleshouting these systems
well.....thanks again and i hope i enjoy my gp2x for many more great times to come..

chers mates :P
guggles posted on Aug 1 2006 at 11:46 PM said:

Yep, when theres trouble, noobs start shouting. We do our best to decipher the "english" and go through the problem. But sometimes people are too dumb for their own good (whatt ever happend to 'survival of the fittest'?).

Anyways welcome. I wish I knew of something for Mac but I don't.
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Blah posted on Aug 2 2006 at 09:40 AM said:
...what ever happend to 'survival of the fittest'?).

Every day I see proof in the street and on the Net that Darwin was horribly wrong. :D
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Trouble is, "fittest" is such a slippery term: Eagles are large, majestic, killing machines with weapons-grade talons and a beak capable of doing major damage. Chickens are powered by rubber bands, eat whatever they can find lying on the ground, and can barely even get airborne.

Which of the two is on the "endangered" list?

Of course you, most definitely, can use a Mac (PPC) to make games for the GP2X .. install a cross-compiler, they're out there..l
I'm actually working on a mac. Go to the wiki on setting up a dev enviroment for the mac. Once you finished that, get the hardware sdl from paeryn, copy it into the old sdl folder and there you go. Cross-compile without any problems :)
its not necessarily "survival of the fittest" amongst humans, cos there are so many of us that we dont have to compete for mates (well we do, but blah).

Also theres usually enough food to go round.
Deleted User posted on Aug 2 2006 at 05:01 PM said:
Also theres usually enough food to go round.
That's easy for someone with internet access to say. I think the story is quite different other places in the world.
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Magnulus posted on Aug 2 2006 at 06:55 AM said:
Unless you're on a non-intel machine, of course...
im on a ppc so...no

torpor posted on Aug 2 2006 at 09:07 AM said:
Of course you, most definitely, can use a Mac (PPC) to make games for the GP2X .. install a cross-compiler, they're out there..l
where can i find a cross compiler?
i have checked this website for mac applications but could not find any
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You can always emulate windows on your mac ;)

Edit: An eagle can kill a chicken :D
I know this is pretty unpatriotic of me, but the real question is which one tastes better? I haven't had the chance to fry or grill an eagle lately so I guess we will never know.