Just A Thought...


Still Fresh
Oct 25, 2005
Hi guys. Just wanted to ask now the source to the 2.0 Firmware is available how hard is it to do a recompile of it and include a couple of important (in my point of view always :P ) stuff like most notably and overclocking option for the gui elements? Cause I guess like me other ppl too would like to customize their Gp2X as much as possible. Anyways this is not a request or anything. Just curious about that :D Take care guys and thank you for the great community around Gp2x.
The source to the kernel and u-boot is available, but unfortunatly for you that has nothing to do with the menu (which is where I assume you want to see overclocking options added). I don't think GPH have any plans to release the code for the menu.
Yup, GPH state quite clearly the menu isn't GPL, so I think the chances of us seeing the sourcecode to it is remote. Shouldn't take long for someone else to make a better menu though :)