Joining the Community.


Nov 4, 2004
Hi there Pandora community.

I just ordered my wonderful little piece of machine, and i figured i would make my appearance on the forums, along with asking a question.

I've been playing some PS1 games Via. the ePSXe emulator on my desktop. And i was wondering if the "savegames" of either the virtual Memory Cards or the "Saved state" feature on the emulator, is compatible with the emulators available for the Pandora?

EDIT: I'm rather new to the emulation scene, so bear with me on the stupid questions :) .
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Welcome to the community as far as the save states go I'm pretty sure they don't work with the PSXRearmed the memory card files I don't know.
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I don't know about the save-states but my understanding is that most PSX emulators use the same format for virtual memory cards, and I just tested this myself to verify it.

Where ePSXe calls its memory cards "epsxe000.mcr" (for card one) and "epsxe001.mcr" (for card two), PCSX-ReARMed (the best PSX emulator for the Pandora) names them "" and "" - however, they are in the same format. To use them, you'll just need to copy your ePSXe memory card files to the right place, and rename them accordingly (and vice-versa, if you want to continue playing on your computer).

I hope this helps, and welcome to the community. :)

EDIT: Looks like I got ninja'd a bit, there. :P
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Welcome :)

Not 100% sure but over in the PCSX-ReARMed thread on the other forum, I have seen people mention renaming savestates from other emulators successfully to carry over game states to the Pandora. Its a really long thread of the emu's evolution, hence no direct link sorry

Hope you enjoy your Pandora :)

edit : :ph34r: :ph34r:
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VVelcome to the Official Pandora community, please make more appearances in the future. Also, PCSX-ReARMed is the best, you'll love it! :wub:
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Thanks for the nice responses, ill sit here anxiously awaiting my Pandora while contemplating which games to play. So far on the List:

- Final Fantasy IX

- Diablo (PS version)

- Wario World 4

- Alundra