Yahoo! in Eastpoint used to be called Overture. They were an Irish web company that Yahoo! took over and are now fully branded as Yahoo! They have almost 300 staff. Double-Click (owned now by Google) is also in East Point.
If you are just desperate to get a job and some experience quickly you should consider the financial services companies. The Irish banks have had limited exposure to the sub prime crisis. Try AIB, Bank of Ireland, Permanent TSB, Anglo Irish Bank, Irish Intercontinental Bank etc. All of these have their own IT departments with their own in-house systems and projects. Also, spend a day walking around the IFSC which has all the multinational banks in it (over 50 companies) and drop your CV into every one! CitiBank, JP Morgan, Chase etc are all based here. They deal with off-shore accounts to avail of Irish govenrment tax benefits so they too are not that impacted by the US crisis.
I recommend simply posting your CV to every company you can find an address for. The most you lose os the price of the stamp. So what of 95% respond saying 'no positions at present but we are keeping you on file ..'. It just takes one or two positive responses to get an interview and job.
This site: lists hundreds of companies operating in Dublin. The Computers section has over 40 addresses. Years ago I sent over 60 CV's out to companies. From this I got three interviews, 2 job offers and I took one of them. I am still there today so it worked for me.
I don't think you need to wear a full suit for dropping off CV's into companies. The receptionist just takes them, and if you are lucky will send them to the HR Department. Posting your CV however to the HR Department in each company means the right people should see it.
Man, I waffle a lot after a few beers!!

Best of luck, Phibsboro is only a short hop into the city centre and from there you can get to anywhere in Dublin reasonably easy.
Wow, what a precious insight! I shall do as you suggested. First I'll need to Irishify my CV a bit tho
lizard808uk said:
To stay on topic.. why not harvest a bunch of HR email addresses for companies and then BCC the lot with you're CV attached. You might get a quicker response that way, rather than the traditional "No positions at present" letter??
Interesting. How do you go about harvesting these e-mail addresses? By simply looking them up on Google?