I've Canceled

TLJRyan said:
There are ~6 billion people on planet earth.

A percentage of those are assholes.

Reasoning from your posts, there is a high probability that you are of these assholes.


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(The piece of paper represents an internet post.)
"This is what I think of your post on the internet!"
The problem is Chairman is looking at the Pandora from a customer POV instead of OP POV. I'm giving OP the benefit of the doubt here only because it's their first big project. You may not like how things are run but at least they're still running unlike most other companies. I congratulate them just for getting this far. Give them some slack or else I'm gonna pull out the period ... too late ... PERIOD!
Kayday said:
The problem is Chairman is looking at the Pandora from a customer POV instead of OP POV. I'm giving OP the benefit of the doubt here only because it's their first big project. You may not like how things are run but at least they're still running unlike most other companies. I congratulate them just for getting this far. Give them some slack or else I'm gonna pull out the period ... too late ... PERIOD!

I don't see what having a period has anything to do with this.
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Why is there no delivery date on the rest of the cases- that was the biggest hold up for the first 1000.

We were told repeatedly that once the cases are approved the C-fuctory could produce 1000 a day

It freaks me out that we never get an answer to this - why can't the C-fuctory produce the cases as stated before and why no date -who works like that?

Is there something we don't know?
Cyberbug said:

Seriously? Ok, look. You have two choices:

  1. Shut up and wait
  2. Cancel your order

Pick one and stick to it.
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Cyberbug said:
Why is there no delivery date on the rest of the cases- that was the biggest hold up for the first 1000.

We were told repeatedly that once the cases are approved the C-fuctory could produce 1000 a day

It freaks me out that we never get an answer to this - why can't the C-fuctory produce the cases as stated before and why no date -who works like that?

Is there something we don't know?
Because it's up to OP to find out not us so in the meantime, someone help me clean up all the blood on the floor. Gawd Damn IPADS!!!
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Since I am customer who paid in full in advance.

I have every right to ask for a status and an update - just like any other customer.

I don't think as a customer my two options should be to shut up or cancel.

comments like that reflect badly on the whole project, I put up my money to support the project and I would appreciate timely accurate updates.

I want to know a true status of the cases and expected delivery times - whats the hold up now?
sinoth said:
Cyberbug said:

Seriously? Ok, look. You have two choices:

  1. Shut up and wait
  2. Cancel your order

Pick one and stick to it.

Why don't you pick one and STICK IT
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Look, bounds of reason.

These guys don't have the resources (money, man-hours) to allocate a higher PR workload.

They were facing burnout months ago, but they're continuing to do the very best that they can.

The situation you're exacerbating is much like having a kid work on a school project and yelling at him while he is putting the final pieces together. It does nothing but demonstrate how impatient you are.

What they have accomplished is more than extraordinary, and the amount of "keeping in touch" with the community is not only acceptable, but beyond what could be expected of most established companies offering similar services.
There are other things to consider here that as a community driven product, there have been efforts made by people in the form of Wikis, comment trackers, blogs, and threads that collect information from every source that community members can find such as personal blogs and twitter.

Those alone should offer as much information as anyone should reasonably need. These are not people trying to rip anyone off they're inexperienced but trying their hardest to produce a device that has no direct competition and doing amazingly well for a hand full of people making not even a single dime on this.

I dont think anymore can be said that hasnt been said already, I suggest an end to this thread as it serves no other purpose than to piss of the people that are prepared to wait and support the project. If people want to cancel, then cancel, dont try to bring more drama to the situation, just go and don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Chairman_Now said:
EvilDragon said:
Chairman_Now said:
I simply cannot accept that the notion of "inventory" is optional for any business or enterprise, and that's essentially what I'm asking for. It is a fundamental part of doing business, any kind, any size. Saying anything to the contrary is just silly and indefensible. Suggesting that a client should be doing it is just beyond any reason whatsoever.

Why? What's so fundamental here?
We know how many orders we have, we know how many boards and cases we ordered, we know they will be shipped to the UK sometime (and we phone up the companies to try to speed that up), we know all broken boards have to be shipped back for repairs, we know we have to send everyone who ordered a Pandora.

But what's so fundamental and important for us knowing exactly how many we built and shipped already? What do WE gain with that knowledge (WE, not YOU)?

RE: shipped units: You cannot book revenue until a unit is shipped. This is simple GAAP, which I believe, is employed in the UK and Europe, as well as the US. So if nothing else, you gain because you're running a business adequately, and adhering to local laws. You really, really should have this information if you expect to be in business for any amount of time. I doubt I'm telling you anything that you don't already know.

RE: built units: You cannot know how efficiently you're operating unless you know when units have been built, and how many. It may effect the decision to send out review units, or how many to hold back for RMA. There may be customs and taxation reasons for knowing that certain components are now assembled units, and within a given timeframe.

Of course, there are other benefits for disclosing this information. Like, say, goodwill. Confidence in the OP Team ("wow, they're really on top of things").

It'd probably would have been better for OP to disclose nothing at all if this is the attitude. But then again, that's what the JooJoo project did, and they died of massive cancellations, didn't they?


I think it's pretty obvious that at least one Pandora team member knows how many units they have made/given to others for shipping. They simply don't want to disclose this information to other team-members and/or the community forums as it would be viewed by others as negative thing.
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Guys, wait for the device, it is worth it. I understand if don't, but you will be happy you did.
If another device suits your wants, cancel and buy that device, it really is that simple.

But you will be happy that you waited if you do!

Thank you all very much OPT.
Alpha2 said:
... If people want to cancel, then cancel, dont try to bring more drama to the situation, just go and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

So you expect people who waited for years with broken promises, then finally give up for reason x, then just to walk away and not complain when they leave? In the business world customers will always be vocal when upset, keep dreaming.
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spaceballs3000 said:
Alpha2 said:
... If people want to cancel, then cancel, dont try to bring more drama to the situation, just go and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

So you expect people who waited for years with broken promises, then finally give up for reason x, then just to walk away and not complain when they leave? In the business world customers will always be vocal when upset, keep dreaming.

exactly and the good point is that I've lost one plkace in the queue...
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Elwing said:
spaceballs3000 said:
Alpha2 said:
... If people want to cancel, then cancel, dont try to bring more drama to the situation, just go and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

So you expect people who waited for years with broken promises, then finally give up for reason x, then just to walk away and not complain when they leave? In the business world customers will always be vocal when upset, keep dreaming.

exactly and the good point is that I've lost one plkace in the queue...

This is why I'm always happy to see another one drop out :lol: You know they'll be back at some point anyway (well, at least the ones who leave because they've got themselves so worked up and are cutting off their nose to spite their face).

I would much rather OPT spend their time making Pandoras, rather than counting them. I want mine ASAP so I just trust that they are doing their best to get them all into the wild as quickly as they can - why wouldn't they want to? Nagging them for unimportant info is only going to slow things down.

Thanks for your vision and all the hard work guys, I'm sure the vast majority of us really appreciate it.
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spaceballs3000 said:

I think it's pretty obvious that at least one Pandora team member knows how many units they have made/given to others for shipping. They simply don't want to disclose this information to other team-members and/or the community forums as it would be viewed by others as negative thing.

The OP team, of course, knows the built/shipped figures. As I've said before, it's impossible to run a business without knowing. No need to count, your accounting software will do it all for you.

I also think that "transparency" and "openness" seemed like good ideas when the project started, but they can hardly announce that they've given up on that. Thus the need to continue to appear "open", while not revealing anything that would cause their buyers to bolt.
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