It's the Final Countdown - ED's Queue Cleared - OP GmbH have 0 outstanding pre orders!

If the vocal and desperate people without Pandoras spent half the time working that they do complaining, they could buy fresh Pandora in a week or so.
DREDD, they would STILL be out the money they paid for their original Pandy on pre-order, way back in 2008.

So, they would have a new Pandy now - for more money than they had originally paid for one...and now they are in a refund queue for their original money back.

Do you suggest they should just buy a new Pandy right now...and kiss off the money they invested in the first place?
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Do you suggest they should just buy a new Pandy right now...and kiss off the money they invested in the first place?


They can swap the original order for a probable future refund.

You know, DREDD, there are MANY, highly unpleasant things I'd like to say to you in response this, but I don't want to get banned from these forums, so I'll restrain myself. :angry:

Feel free to say unpleasant things in PM, and I will probably apologise.  Or retaliate.  I am DREDD, after all - I can't be all fluffy bunnies and springtime.  Note to self: probably should not troll desperate and angry people  :/  By the way, I am one of the people who donates money toward "clearing the old pre-orders".  Part of my general benevolence and good nature ;)

Seriously guys, it was a risk to invest in this.  You knew that.  As it turns out, there is a long, long wait for some people.  This is not due to corruption or anything, just bad luck and some level of inexperience, with the manufacturing. If ED had been taking the risks on building the first batch, the bad luck likely would have happened to his company instead of Craig's.

I'm trying to help. If you want a Pandora that badly - and it's well worth it - please buy one from ED now; or you can buy a 2nd-hand one.  What's the point in being angry, stressed, anxious, depressed, and complaining about it for years and years?  Isn't your happiness and peace of mind worth more than that?  Or, you're unhappy about something else also?

I don't like it that so many threads get derailed into "why am I still waiting, Craig is a !@#$" or whatever. If I were a mod I would put all of it in one sad and gloomy place, and keep the rest of the forums clear of it.
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Here was me wishfully thinking 'won't it be nice to have a positive thread related to pre orders, after all there are more than a few other threads where people have raised issues with Craigs pre order fiasco.' I know it's a major issue & that people have every right to complain, but lets try and keep this one on topic, i.e. relating to ED's pre order queue.

I'd love to hear from one of the 25 people left in ED's queue and what the end being in sight means to them.

It might help if ED could clarify what his arrangements with Craig were regarding the supply of 600Mhz Pandoras, my relatively recent understanding is that when ED took over Pandora production he agreed to provide Craig with a certain number of 600Mhz Pandoras in return for Craig providing his stock of Pandora parts. These were to be supplied when money generated from new sales allowed this to be done.

My guess is that Craig decided (without any communication with ED) that the 1Ghz units would be supplied for free instead of 600Mhz units, despite his claim that the high cost of pre ordered 1Ghz units was to cover development & prototyping costs. He then 'threw his dummy out' when ED quite rightly stuck to the original arrangement, this may well partially explain Craig's lamentable absence from these boards.

Oops, seem to have gone a bit off topic myself. ;)

Still, it gives me a rather pleasant feeling to think that ED has only 25 units to go to clear his pre order queue. :)
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I can't be all fluffy bunnies and springtime.
But you have a great smile:

After the long wait, I have to admit that the fact that it's possible I'll get my Pandora in a year (assuming the same speed and a queue of around 600 with me near the end) without having to pay twice the original price is reassuring.
Maybe Craig subscribes to the theory of not apologizing (and therefore admitting mistakes) in leadership business, because it makes you look incompetent and even further damages the trust people have in you. You know, what Apple and Sony seem to believe.
Ya a small business owner myself...I know that mistakes happen, and sometimes they are not even your fault.

I have found that people judge you by how well you DEAL with the unexpected, and make it right...not by the actual mistake...but by how well you FIX the mistake.
Do you suggest they should just buy a new Pandy right now...and kiss off the money they invested in the first place?


They can swap the original order for a probable future refund.

>>>>You know, DREDD, there are MANY, highly unpleasant things I'd like to say to you in response this, but I don't want to get banned from these forums, so I'll restrain myself. :angry:

Feel free to say unpleasant things in PM, and I will probably apologise.  Or retaliate.  I am DREDD, after all - I can't be all fluffy bunnies and springtime.  Note to self: probably should not troll desperate and angry people  :/  By the way, I am one of the people who donates money toward "clearing the old pre-orders".  Part of my general benevolence and good nature ;)

Seriously guys, it was a risk to invest in this.  You knew that.  As it turns out, there is a long, long wait for some people.  This is not due to corruption or anything, just bad luck and some level of inexperience, with the manufacturing. If ED had been taking the risks on building the first batch, the bad luck likely would have happened to his company instead of Craig's.

I'm trying to help. If you want a Pandora that badly - and it's well worth it - please buy one from ED now; or you can buy a 2nd-hand one.  What's the point in being angry, stressed, anxious, depressed, and complaining about it for years and years?  Isn't your happiness and peace of mind worth more than that?  Or, you're unhappy about something else also?

I don't like it that so many threads get derailed into "why am I still waiting, Craig is a !@#$" or whatever. If I were a mod I would put all of it in one sad and gloomy place, and keep the rest of the forums clear of it.
Speaking as a a time when us Mods are CONSTATNTLY accused of "over-modding" we tend to be cautious about what we Mod.  Generally, it is discussed among a group of Mods first.

This own take - as a Mod and as a Pandy to let them grumble.  I'm not going to Mod any of it.  Better to have them saying it here...and getting it off their chest - rather than out in the wide open Internet, complaining on every Board they can find, and causing Pandy to get a bad reputation!

I find that, generally, if you Mod someone out (even justifyably) they usually find a way to say it elsewhere.  Is that what you prefer, DREDD?

Oh, and here's a thought:  Maybe some people just plain don't have about 5-7 hundred dollars just lying around doing nothing.  there are such nagging things in life as rent, food, clothing, expenses for children, etc.

And maybe...just MAYBE...for them it might well be the PRINCIPLE of the thing..."why should I pay AGAIN for something I already paid for once?  Craig should live up to his promises!"
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> I wonder how many Pandora's there are in Ireland?

I have the original Pandora up in Belfast, got it about 2 years ago.

Ya a small business owner myself...I know that mistakes happen, and sometimes they are not even your fault.

I have found that people judge you by how well you DEAL with the unexpected, and make it right...not by the actual mistake...but by how well you FIX the mistake.
All the more true when you have a small userbase and you address them directly. A big corporation can hide behind a lot of PR people and careful procedure but here we expect direct communication.
I'm also for being open and honest, but that often requires to tell others you made a mistake and are not perfect, and that's something a lot of people find hard to do.

Though I also agree people tend to be helpful if you try to do your best, even if you make some mistakes inbetween :)
Down to 24 yet?  Le'ts have a proper count-down....

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