Better fucking hurry up with that case work too. I'm sick of waiting, and had to get a laptop for college, hell I don't even really want the thing anymore but I feel like so much of my time has been put into this I can't just walk away from it.
Well, as long as your needs are met, and your time not wasted... douche.
Sitting around with uncertianty when you need a small device for organising / taking notes / word processing / web access / music etc is defintely frustrating. Devhace is completely justified. We're supposed to have had the device pretty much every other week since November. Being forced into buying a second device when another is constantly "just a few weeks away" sucks. Many people wanted it as their all-in-one device. Because it is, and it should rock for everything. A netbook / laptop / tablet / whatever is a considerable investment.
Think of it this way: the longer the guys take, the longer I'm gonna be lugging a 3.5kg+ laptop around college every day.
I think my back will thank you later.
Get a netbook? Now? Why? Had I known this in, say, Janurary, I definitely would've; months of use until July / August. How am I supposed to know how long the "2 months" trend will continue?
Why did I order then? Because I didn't need the device last year and could afford it, thinking it was pretty neat. Had I never come across the pandora I would've used the money to get something else long ago. Refund? Could, but then my wait would've been pointless, wouldn't it? Why should I wait til the second batch?
I know these things can take time, lots of it, and I would've waited a year or so for the second batch

, but theres a small personal trait called honesty. I want to listen to craig (the head of the project, even) as a fellow open source handheld community member, not a relatively deceptive salesperson.