Is there commercial development going on?


Terminally lost
Sep 7, 2008
The Netherlands
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So I remember craigix mentioning once we'll probably see the first commercial game around Christmas. Does this statement still hold, and do you think that there is some activity by developers in this area?

I would like to read up on some blogs about some development, basically I am hungry for some rumours and gossip :) (and very interested in the little things that can push the pandora even more :D )

be gentle
yes id like to see some good commercial games for the pandy too.When there are 4000 pandys out then sales would be better for games.
I would love to see commercial games appearing in the app store. I had a short email correspondence with Pixeljam games about porting some of their games to the Pandora, they had heard of it and were very interested so I gave them Ed's email address, don't know if anything happened after that.
I would love to see commercial games appearing in the app store. I had a short email correspondence with Pixeljam games about porting some of their games to the Pandora, they had heard of it and were very interested so I gave them Ed's email address, don't know if anything happened after that.

This type of things would be very beneficial for the pandora I think :)
I don't want games specific to the Pandora.

I do want games that work on it, and after that, games that take advantage of it's capabilities. But system-specific games are tricks used by people whose business model requires that customers be locked in to their platform. The Pandora is a standard portable Linux computer, just with a few extra buttons built in; isn't asking for games specific to it like hoping folks will make games for "Dell computers," or "Ubuntu systems"?

The principal obstacle is that it uses a non-x86 architecture. But as long as more and more ARM devices running Linux get made, there will be more and more software made and sold for them.

I'm personally hoping that as the years pass, more companies will try opening their back catalogs for sale on this new type of platform, via emulation or even rewriting "HD" versions, like they do for Wiiware or Steam, but that will probably require some company to come up with a really really good distribution platform for portable ARM devices. And that will, again, require more and more of those sorts of devices to be made and used.

tldr: don't count your chickens before the horse.
I would just love to see more home-brew titles, and to be honest I'm a bit surprised how things seem very quiet on this front .. there aren't really many projects going on, at least on the surface, and this is a bit disappointing. I would love it if we could figure out a way to make more games, commercial or otherwise .. I think once the app shop has some sort of payment options, this might be a bit more encouraging, but for the moment it seems we won't get much happening on that front until after the 4000-shipped target has been met.
So I think we can safely say that Gish is one of the first commercial pandora titles (I know there is quake etc but this one is recent)

Very nice!
Is Cave Story still available? I know it's playable through Ginge, but I wasn't about in the GP32X days and I don't own it. And given that it was for a format that could be considered dead I wondered whether you can still get it (other than on WiiWare)
I know of a few commercial titles in development for the Pandora which might see the light of day at some point (don't expect anything soon).

But I don't think I am allowed to talk about them in more detail :P

(I hope that is enough gossip for your taste ;) )

foxblock out
Is Cave Story still available? I know it's playable through Ginge, but I wasn't about in the GP32X days and I don't own it. And given that it was for a format that could be considered dead I wondered whether you can still get it (other than on WiiWare)
Cave Story is not only still available for many platforms, but also free. It's only for purchase on the Wii with updated graphics and stuff.

I thought someone packaged Cave Story directly with ginge into a PND so it's as easy to drop and play as any other Pandora game, but I can't find it. If nothing else, it's pretty easy to get Ginge and the GP2X version separately and play that way.
Cave Story is not only still available for many platforms, but also free. It's only for purchase on the Wii with updated graphics and stuff.

I thought someone packaged Cave Story directly with ginge into a PND so it's as easy to drop and play as any other Pandora game, but I can't find it. If nothing else, it's pretty easy to get Ginge and the GP2X version separately and play that way.
Cool, for some reason I thought it was a commercial game. My mistake. Thanks for the info.