Lets get some avatars uploded!!


Apr 5, 2003
Newport, Wales, UK
Visit site
I think everyone shold do their bit to get this place looking a bit more lively by choosing or uploading an avatar. Gives each person a real personality and is a great way of remembering people!

I've uploaded mine already :P
Joecool posted on Apr 8 2003 said:
Great idea. By the way do you really look like that? Just curious. :)
And do you look like Snoopy??

Oh and I do really look like an old bearded Wizard :wacko:
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I tried to upload my normal Avatar (75x75) and it wouldnt work.. do I need to change the size for it to work or something?
Guess where my avatar is from (as you can see it's not a 'normal' avatar as such) and win 1000 MegaBucks! *

- Rico

*1000 MegaBucks = 1/1000 p
Rico posted on Apr 8 2003 said:
Guess where my avatar is from (as you can see it's not a 'normal' avatar as such) and win 1000 MegaBucks!
Does it have something to do with Quake?

And yes, I look just like "Silent Bob."
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Mine is so secret no one will ever guess it's origin

Getting into the general gist of things...

What's the name of this fine auquatic creature on the left?

C'est un chambered, petit nau tilus n'est pas? ;)

P.S. MrT... I don't know, is that something from Kirby's Dreamland? :rolleyes:
Only reason I never put one up was cos' nobody else had one...I considered it :)

Axeman> Goddamn that's scary...I got a friend who pretty much looks like that avatar and we call him the axe, too...you're not him are you? :P

Mine's 90x90 so I can't use it. Shame. Here it is anyway:

@Esn - Tis a nautilus am i right?


Nah - My nick comes from the fact I played Guitar in a rock band. Spooky though :)

BTW - got me GP32 through this morning - AND WHAT A FINE BEAST IT IS!!!!!!!
OK, here's mine! :D

it's from Son Son II on the PCengine, which is a game based on the Chinese Legend "Journey To The West". I fell in love with that story when I used to watch Monkey! as a youngster.

See this page for more info: http://www.ewtoo.org/~matt/monkey/