Is Everything On Track For Early April Production?

EvilDragon, on the german boards you said that many possible solutions for the wifi problem are found. Could you please post them, so us community can see them so we might be able to contribute something ?
Screw the wifi.. Let me community crack the problem. They always do!

Just assemble!
^ The delivery of the boards has been stopped on behalf of Mweston. There is no confirmation of cases being shipped, yet. Mfk said that tweaking will continue, didn't specify if he talks about now or the future, though. I don't know about the rest.


Link doesn't work, it's post #117, currently.
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*sigh* i hate how 'tomorrow' always seems to turn into a week. =[

EDIT: as per mali's post I'm bracing for some bad news =/

Any report on why MWeston stopped the boards from shipping?
Consequence_9 said:
Any report on why MWeston stopped the boards from shipping?
He wants to do a last quick test regarding Wifi first.
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^ My link above should point to that particular post in the quotes thread, but while trying to delete some posts the thread was messed up somehow, it seems.

mali said:
EvilDragon said:
[...] I'm still waiting for some responds from the other guys, regarding how exactly we will handle everything.

The blog post most likely wouldn't have more information than I wrote here on the page anyways, just some more confirmed things.

We had a long night yesterday in IRC where we thought about all possible issues how to find out what could cause the slow speed.
Michael is going to modify a board to be able to read out the debug data from the module itself, that might also help a lot.

Regarding the first boards produced: As it looks like right now, Michael will test the debug output and then we'll either let the boards we have already ship immediately (if he doesn't find more about it) or will let them apply a fix if he finds out it's hardware and it can be fixed easily.
That's the last thing we can try out pretty quick, if it won't help, it's shipping and assembling time!

So yes, we're working on it. The fewer we post, the more busy we are with it.
It will be solved, that's something we are sure about. We won't give up!
EvilDragon said:
Mjlink said:
ED you driving or flying? Just curious.

Flying. Driving would take 15 - 16 hours, and I need to go back to work in Germany for at least one or two days in the week, so it looks like I'll be constantly flying back and forth.

neogramps said:
or will let them apply a fix if he finds out it's hardware and it can be fixed easily.
If it's hardware and can't be fixed easily, will you ship the first 1000 with a view to replacing them later, or are we dead in the water until the hw issue is fixed?

Depends :) If we know it before we ship, we're gonna let you decide.
You could probably get it right away and pay a bit less for a non-WiFi unit, get it right away with the option to exchange it later (second batch maybe) or wait for a fixed unit and let someone else get it.
If it's fixable and we know the fix before we ship, we're going to do it right away.
If we know a fix AFTER we ship, you can send it back whenever you want and let us fix it.

We want YOU to decide, after all, it's your Pandora :)

More Speculaas... but i'd guess once there is a confirmed hardware fault, those boards might be viewed as "non-wifi" and be sold at a lower price as ED mentioned.

Yes, either for the guys who already ordered or in the future.
mfk said:
We are still working to improve the quality of the parts. We still have room for improvement. Even after the first batch completed, we'll keep working on it. As mentioned before, we are planning to sell keymats, cases, etc. in different colors for modders and collectors. ;)
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Thanks chaps - it's been a bit hectic here and I was hoping that I had missed something :(

Still, better to be informed than to to be blindlessly optimistic!
mali said:
^ The delivery of the boards has been stopped on behalf of Mweston. There is no confirmation of cases being shipped, yet. Mfk said that tweaking will continue, didn't specify if he talks about now or the future, though. I don't know about the rest.


Link doesn't work, it's post #117, currently.

There is no need to ship the cases right now, because why would you want 1000 cases lieing around for a week? Board production stopped (but 700 boards are finished) till MWeston finished his test.

thats the info we got from ED and mfk from the forums

EDIT: anyone that is complaining about this delay is a douchebag. This makes the chance of a overlooked hardware fail really small and might save ED and Craig thousands of dollars
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Mithrildor said:
There is no need to ship the cases right now, because why would you want 1000 cases lieing around for a week?

I wouldn't want deceitful cases, but one MIGHT want the cases "in hand" to be sure of having them. Until you get them, you don't know how long they are going to take. Will the factory ship them promptly on demand? Will they get held up in customs in China? Will they be hijacked by Somalian pirates? Will they be held up by UK Customs? Will the Chinese factory ship them to Fatih instead of the UK? You can also check the actual thing out (as Craig has done with power supplies, for example) to check their quality, at least on a basic hands-on level. Photographs from the other side of the world can only convey so much... and so on and so forth.

Basically, if it can go wrong it will. Even if it already has. Once a thing (cases, screen, whatever) are in hand you can rule out a lot of the potential variables. Variables which OpenPandora seem especially adept at tripping over.

Mithrildor said:
EDIT: anyone that is complaining about this delay is a douchebag.

One thing I love about this community is the ability of members to see other people's points of view, and not resort to childish namecalling simply for a difference of opinion, but to reason things out, discuss stuff in a civilised, mature manner. That's how we've ended up with many an interesting discussion, and even changed viewpoints :)

EDIT - changed "I one" (typo) to "one".
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Mithrildor said:
EvilDragon, on the german boards you said that many possible solutions for the wifi problem are found. Could you please post them, so us community can see them so we might be able to contribute something ?
Can anyone shed some (translated) light on what ED said here?
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Gruso said:
Can anyone shed some (translated) light on what ED said here?
Nope. I fail to see new info over there. In fact, most of that stuff was posted on these boards earlier.
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The only new info would be this:
(talking about the boards)
So wie's aussieht wird diese "Halde" diese Woche aufgehoben und alles geht raus.
(hard to translate, so I'll paraphrase)
It looks like the "pile" will be depleted this week and everything will be shipped

But remember, he says "it looks like" so it isn't really sure.
Gruso said:
Mithrildor said:
EvilDragon, on the german boards you said that many possible solutions for the wifi problem are found. Could you please post them, so us community can see them so we might be able to contribute something ?
Can anyone shed some (translated) light on what ED said here?

I'm not sure which post Mithrildor meant. Maybe this one:
WiFi geht, aber empfängt nur max. 45KB/s. Wodran das genau liegt, wissen wir noch nicht - es kann Software sein, aber vielleicht ist es auch was an der Hardware (auch wenn alle Parameter, die ins Modul gehen, sauber aussehen).

Michael macht grad noch einen Debug-Test. Dann wissen wir evtl. schon, ob es Hardware oder Software ist. Ist es leicht zu modifizieren, wird das gleich durchgeführt und alles ist gut. Hilft uns der Debug noch nicht weiter, designed Michael ein Testboard, welches leichter zu überprüfen ist (da kann man dann alles mögliche zusätzlich überprüfen). Dann wissen wir mehr.
Dieses wird hergestellt, während wir die ersten Pandoras zusammenschrauben und verschicken.

Sollte sich rausstellen, dass es Software ist: Bingo, dann laufen alle Pandoras problemlos. Und dann wäre es auch blöd gewesen, die Pandoras zurückzuhalten, oder? Vor allen Dingen: Je mehr Leute eine Pandora haben, desto mehr Leute können helfen, an der Sache mitzuarbeiten :)

Ist es doch Hardware (hoffen wir mal nicht): Ists ein leichter Fix, beheben wir den selber auf den Boards (natürlich auch bei den schon versendeten).
Ich erinnere mich, über 200 GP2X First Editions im Nachhinein so gefixed zu haben... da hat GPH aber NICHTS über die Probleme vorher gesagt, sondern einfach ausgeliefert...

Ist der Fix nicht ohne neue Revision behebbar, werden wir vermutlich im Nachhinein einen entsprechenden Preisnachlaß geben oder das Board austauschen, sobald genug zur Verfügung stehen.

Oder man verkauft die Pandora selber an jemanden, der kein WiFi will, sie aber [*I AM STUPID SPAMMER*] haben möchte... da könnte man durchaus mehr Geld bekommen, als man gezahlt hat (mir haben schon einige den doppelten Preis angeboten, wenn sie in der Queue dafür nach vorne rutschen... bin ich aber nicht drauf eingegangen)

Wie genau wir was anbieten, das diskutieren wir aber gerade noch aus :)

My translation (don't expect too much):
WiFi works, but only receives 45KB/s max. We don't know the reason yet - it could be software, but maybe it could be something hardware related (even though all parameters going into the module look good).

Michael is doing a debug test atm. After that we may know, if it's a hardware or software problem. If it's easy to modify it will be done immediately and everything is fine. If the debug doesn't help us, Michael will design a test board which can easier be checked (you can do all kind of extra testing there). Then we're going to know more.
This will be produced while we are assembling and shipping the first pandoras.

If it's a software problem: Bingo, then all pandoras are working fine. And it would be silly if we delayed the pandoras, wouldn't it? Most important: The more people have a pandora the more people can help on this issue :)

If it's hardware after all (let's not hope so): If it's an easy fix we're going to fix it ourself on the board (of course on the already shipped too). I remember the 200 GP2x First Editions where I also needed to fix them after shipping... but there GPH didn't say a world about these problems, instead they just shipped...

If the fix isn't fixable without a new revision, we'll most likely make a price reduction afterwards or exchange the board as soon as enough are available.

Or you sell the pandora to someone who doesen't want WiFi but instead want the pandora right now... with this option you could get more money then you paid for (some people offered me twice the price if I put them more ahead in the queue... but I didn't accept that)

What exactly we're are going to offer, that's something we're still discussing :)
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Ah lol, it wasnt the german boards, it was this:

EvilDragon said:
Bigun said:
Only thing posted on twitter has been from CraigX stating his dissatisfaction with Wifi.

Is ED alright?

Yes, I am alright. I'm still waiting for some responds from the other guys, regarding how exactly we will handle everything.

The blog post most likely wouldn't have more information than I wrote here on the page anyways, just some more confirmed things.

We had a long night yesterday in IRC where we thought about all possible issues how to find out what could cause the slow speed.
Michael is going to modify a board to be able to read out the debug data from the module itself, that might also help a lot.

Regarding the first boards produced: As it looks like right now, Michael will test the debug output and then we'll either let the boards we have already ship immediately (if he doesn't find more about it) or will let them apply a fix if he finds out it's hardware and it can be fixed easily.
That's the last thing we can try out pretty quick, if it won't help, it's shipping and assembling time!

So yes, we're working on it. The fewer we post, the more busy we are with it.
It will be solved, that's something we are sure about. We won't give up!
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