Installing Pandian


I want to create a 4gb bootable SD card for Pandian. I'm at work however and don't have my linux laptop and the dd command on the pandian wiki doesn't work on the pandora.

Was just wondering if there's a way to create a pandian SD card with just GParted or something?

That says about using GParted to resise a partition that you've already created using

Copy image to SD-Card with "dd if=<image.img> of=/dev/sdx"


Pandora doesn't have DD so I can't make my SD card a bootable SD
Copy image to SD-Card with "dd if=<image.img> of=/dev/sdx"

Pandora doesn't have DD so I can't make my SD card a bootable SD
Hmmm, any port in a storm.  Can you become root and then "cat < image.img > /dev/sdx".  I can't think why that wouldn't work in a pinch.  I no longer have a SZ install on my Pandora, or I'd check it myself.
So some more help if anyone can assist.

I downloaded the CLI Steaks PND which has DD.

I check in Gparted and the memory card I want Pandian on is located at /dev/mmcblk0

I have the pandian image at /media/Sno

So I do a cd /media/Sno

Then a dd if=<pandian.img> /dev/mmcblk0

And I get

dd: opening ': no such file or directory.
you command line looks wrong. should be along the line
dd if=fichier.img of=/dev/mmcblk0