Still Fresh
Inkl Player is a media player which supports synchronized lyrics and skins.
Inkl Player 0.3
Changes since 0.2:
* Added skin support.
* Font selection in the configuration file.
* Added multilingual support. Korean, English, and Japanese are currently supported.
* Turns off the screen when not used. Default timeout is 30 seconds. You can change it in the configuration file.
* Playback order support. Supports normal, repeat, and shuffle modes in the configuration file.
* Moves more smoothly.
* Remembers the sound volume.
Here is the video:
Inkl Player 0.3
There are three skins now. You can contribute to it by creating your own beautiful skins!
From this version, a shortcut is created in 'WIZ Games' when the program executed for the first time. You can remove the shortcut if you don't want.
== Common ==
* X: Switches the screen mode.
== In file selection ==
* Left: Goes up to the upper folder.
* B, Right: Goes to the selected folder, or playes the media.
* Select: Changes the interface language.
== In media playing ==
* Left, Right: Moves five seconds.
* B: Pauses.
* Select: Changes the skin.
Inkl Player 0.3
Changes since 0.2:
* Added skin support.
* Font selection in the configuration file.
* Added multilingual support. Korean, English, and Japanese are currently supported.
* Turns off the screen when not used. Default timeout is 30 seconds. You can change it in the configuration file.
* Playback order support. Supports normal, repeat, and shuffle modes in the configuration file.
* Moves more smoothly.
* Remembers the sound volume.
Here is the video:
Inkl Player 0.3
There are three skins now. You can contribute to it by creating your own beautiful skins!
From this version, a shortcut is created in 'WIZ Games' when the program executed for the first time. You can remove the shortcut if you don't want.
== Common ==
* X: Switches the screen mode.
== In file selection ==
* Left: Goes up to the upper folder.
* B, Right: Goes to the selected folder, or playes the media.
* Select: Changes the interface language.
== In media playing ==
* Left, Right: Moves five seconds.
* B: Pauses.
* Select: Changes the skin.