

Sep 24, 2003
OK, I've played the game - finished both of the first two episodes (on gp32_console , something I never managed on PC or PS1) and now I'm stuck.

Started Inferno, but what do you do?

I've Googled but the closest I get is:

"Hit the switch in front of you at the start."

WHAT SWITCH - all I see is a puckered sphincter - not that I haven't tried hitting that in case it is a switch.....

The eye switch!!! :)

Simply start Inferno episode WITHOUT MOVING, then PRESS "B" button and you won't be stuck any longer. ;)

Think to rename your DOOM.WAD to DOOMU.WAD to be able to play the 4th episode : Thy Flesh Consumed. :)
Actually that graphic is an eye that opens, but it's a switch to raise you up to the surface.

Run right up to it and press the OPEN/USE button. If that doesn't work, that's quite odd.

What version of DOOM wad are you using? 1.9? Ultimate? (Ultimate Doom has 4 episodes)
Thanks for that - exactly what I tried when got on train last night, just started and pressed switch - it seems, if you move around before pressing it, the switch/eye deactivates...

Not sure which version I have, but think its Ultimate Doom...

Thanks Guys
