Impractical Pandora-successor names

I really like the imagery behind the Phoenix name. From destruction rises anew. Shame it's so commonly used elsewhere.
The imagery was what drove the suggestion for me. Sadly, close on a billion others also like the name - and its kind of typical of me to contribute useless, impractical  suggestions  :D .

I think the name would have to break completely with Pandora - if only to divest itself from what has gone before. Not the hardware/software, more the bad feeling some have rightly been left with. In some respects, I doubt any agency would have suggested Pandora. Pandora's box (gotta be really careful there :o ) was after all, filled with "evils"; there's a lot of "negativity" there. I think there would be considerable merit in the rebirth/renew angle. Apparently, Attis was a minor god - of - rebirth. On that basis, how about Attis?
The glorious Pandragon

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Name it ... Pandoro!


The Pandora was female. Her successor would be male - logically.
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Allino (spread over multiple usage scenarios, adhere to the user and community sticking together)

plus it's similar to ally or all in one
The is not bad. A bit like a product name.


Gameboy Color

Gameboy Advanced

Open Pandora

Open Pandragon

Open Matrix

Pantastic! ;)


PanOpa... Panopa

From its ancient roots, the Greek word “Opa!” can be viewed as two sides of the same coin: one side (ΌΠΑ) refers to the uplifting, inspiring, enthusiastic expression that is often heard during some kind of celebration (a manifestation of “kefi” or spirit); the other (ΏΠΑ) refers very seriously to the human need to remain alert, warn ourselves and others, look out for any possible “danger” in one's path, and be more awake to life’s potential, unlimited opportunities. Like the holistic concept of the yin and yang in Chinese philosophy, both sides of the Greek concept of Opa! are interdependent and are needed to achieve our highest potential.We’ve built upon the ancient roots of this powerful, meaning-focused concept, along with our intimate and broad-based experience in Greece both before and during the country’s crisis and formed an acronym using the anglicized letters of the Greek word “Opa!” This acronym, as we mentioned above, provides a useful “mantra” (and formula) for living and working with meaning for everyone. In brief, the letter “O” refers to the basic human need to “Connect Meaningfully with Others”; the letter “P” refers to the basic human need to “Engage with Deeper Purpose”; and the letter “A” refers to the basic human need to “Embrace Life (all of life) with Attitude.” Others, Purpose, Attitude! O, P, A! “Opa!”
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"Etwas auf der Pfanne haben" meant a few hundred years ago also, to be better then your opponent ("Pfanne" is also where you place the gun powder on old rifles).
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After reading through the thread again, IMHO these are the best candidates:

The Myriad
The Dragonbox
The Pandragon

And a modification of my last semi-serious suggestion:

The Panopan

It rolls of the tongue, is catchy (sounds like Pan-Open), but possibly is a bit too cute sounding, in which case

The Panopa

Would be a better fit. It has 3 syllables like Pandora and rhymes with it too.
I like the combined meanings of Pan and Opa.
Haven't yet found a more appropriate word to merge with Pan...? (That doesn't sound and look terrible).