Impractical Pandora-successor names

Does this mean MarkW is on board with ED to make the next iteration of our loved Linux(and probably Android)  handheld
No idea... but between Weston... the openmoko guys and the GCW guys. I think ED has a lot of contacts. The GC fab team might help too.

There is exciting times for the pandora 2.
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I really like the imagery behind the Phoenix name. From destruction rises anew.
this could turn out useful in terms of marketing strategy. the device is unbrickable and in general very stable and reliable. no matter how hard you try, the pandora will stand strong. concerning the original pandora there were times many of us believed the project failed due to unforseen complications. but in the end we made it. this also shows the dedication of the few ppl in charge and the unbroken support of the community behind it.

this kind of behavior or quality reminds me of a toy my son is using a lot: a weeble.

the weeble embodies this quality.
this comes to mind, obviously:
weeblux (no google hits so far)
weeblix (often used as a username)

"weeble" is a trademark. there might be restrictions.

as a clamshell the pandora truely has the shape of a box. i guess the same goes for a possible pandora 2.

weebox could work.

just like the "wii" these suggestions imply a more child like userbase, which probably doesnt fit our case.

a couple of years ago i had a sidekick handheld. i totally loved the name. maybe something in that direction could work as well.
personally id avoid any dragon/fantasy reference.
Ormrux or Nadrux (nadrux is probably a better choice since it's easier to say :D ) :

Ormr and Nadr are another name for Jormungand, the snake/dragon that is so large that he eat his own tail while encircling the world of men, Midgard.

Why Jormungand? For me he represents something that has no beginning and no end, if you relate that to a pocket computer it could be that its possibilities are endless. And he is self-sufficient. He is powerful, it took Thor to kill him (and Thor dies in the process :P ).

Could probably find more arguments, but too hot right now…
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Too bad that there's already software called Munin - it's one of Odin's birds, I think they are ravens, and the name stands for remembrance. It's also a spaceship in Eve-O :D
What about "Hugin", the other bird?

The name "Prometheus" appeared some time ago in the german forums.

Why not stay in ancient greek mythology?
Does this mean MarkW is on board with ED to make the next iteration of our loved Linux(and probably Android)  handheld
No idea... but between Weston... the openmoko guys and the GCW guys. I think ED has a lot of contacts. The GC fab team might help too.
I'm definitely not scared about the development. The hardest part these days is probably getting the SoC.
Still the front runner in my mind...

viva la revolucion!
Hmm, not many Google results with that, and that Pan would be a good mixture of Pandora and "All" of the community. Not bad.
The Pandragon from Dragonbox sounds good :)

And its little funny too,a Dragon in a Pan, a Pandragon like Pancakes :)

But Jokes byside,Pandragon sounds good :)
I'm very much in favor of the "Pan" prefix. Not so sure about "Pandragon" - it's nice, but you could prefix the "pan" to basically any other word too. "Pandragon" sounds a bit like some kind of food: dragon prepared in a frying pan or something :)

"Pandora" means "all-gifted" - the "dora" is from δῶρον (dōron, “gift”). So we could construct another name in the same way: e.g. "Pangnomai" (or something like that, I wouldn't know the proper inflection) would be "all-knowing", "Pandoxaza" or something would be "all-imaginable", "Pandrastika" or so would be "all-efficient", "Panmetamorpho" or so would be "I-transform-into-anything", and so on. Lots of possibilities...
'Pandragon'  also contains all the letters of "Pandora" and apart from the 'O' it's in the same order.


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Guys, don't waste too much time thinking about the name, but rather starting making P2 now.  The name can be chosen later when the prototype is out. 
Guys, don't waste too much time thinking about the name, but rather starting making P2 now.  The name can be chosen later when the prototype is out. 
Yes sir.. sorry it won't happen again sir.