Impractical Pandora-successor names

Well, I'd be happy to get a good name suggestion :D

It should be something easy to remember and that doesn't hit 1000s of Google results when you search for it.
I reckon Dragonfly is the best suggestion to date. Don't see the issue with the name being 'taken' by a portable audio device as there would be no direct competition.

Good look finding something easy to remember that does not return thousands of Google results ;)

A search on Pandora finds over 93 million results but our Pandora appears at number 2, not too shabby.
Look up :P

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From this (wot I just made), pyrrah or dragonscale would be best. "Pandora" is only included for comparison, since the name is taken, and the google results pages are already flooded with mentions of this project.


"Phoenix" would be a really bad name!
That's just typical of me  :D
DragonBox is not "too obvious" it's actually a bloody good name.

That it is associated with Evildragon's store already is a good thing. The fact that the two words that make it up are clearly understood english words means you do not need to explain what the words mean.

Googling dragonbox I see there is an educational app which teaches algebra using it. That could be a reason to find another name.
"Dragonbox" would be nice.

How about "Link"?

Not like the videogame charakter, but like the (missing) link between all the old and new systems.
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I like brainstorming... i was thinking of:

Dragon Arm 




Something two-syllabled?


I'm for Pyrrha at the moment
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I don't like any name with its basis in the word "dragon," because I don't think dragon has any any reason to represent the Pandora, and everything else is called dragon.  Names of specific dragons who's characteristics are comparable to the Pandora or the cumulative local publicity and dreams around the successor to the Pandora could be just fine though.
^ Kalessin, then.

It's the most powerful dragon [no need to explain why this is good].

It's extremely ancient [relates to retro and to experience, both are characteristics of the Pandora project].

He can go anywhere he wants, unlike the rest of the living things in Terramar [portability at it's best].

But there would be licensing issues I believe.
I really like the imagery behind the Phoenix name. From destruction rises anew. Shame it's so commonly used elsewhere.

There are other words which invoke the idea of resurrection:

Lazarus - which amusingly also appears to mean 'totally drunk' in Dutch :)

Gainbirth - a synonym for rebirth

Samsara - the Dharmic concept of reincarnation

Unfortunately, 'samsara' seems to get even more hits than 'pheonix' when tagged with 'linux' or 'console'. Seems a very common username too. Shame as I quite like the sound of it otherwise.

Or we could take the idea of the fantastical Pheonix (and the dragon, to some extent) and look at other mythical birds:

Roc - the giant legendary bird of prey

Simurgh - the persian giant griffin-type thing.

Kerkes, Semrug, Semurg, Samran, Samruk - Simurgh in other cultures

Garuda - Vishnu's mount

Turul - Hungarian mythical bird

Peng - Chinese bird which transforms from a fish

Kanivatu - Fijian mythical bird

Thunderbird - probably get a few google hits for that though

Personally I rather like the sound of Kanivatu, and it seems to get barely 1.5k hits on google on its own, and 'kanivatu linux' get a grand 2 results, while 'kanivatu linux' is a googlewhack! A console called Kanivatu could easily beat that. In fact this post will probably the top hit for those searches in a couple of days ;)
Does this mean MarkW is on board with ED to make the next iteration of our loved Linux(and probably Android)  handheld