im confused...


Still Fresh
Aug 16, 2011
so ive been looking around the site and forums for a couple weeks now and i have to say, the pandora is one attractive piece of hardware. But i still dont get the buying concept, from what ive read, the price for the pandora is 350 but if you upgrade to "premium" for an extra 150, it ships within the week, but ive seen people that buy their pandora and have to wait like a year+. is that because of backorder or is it because they didnt get premium? and where can i buy non premium pandoras anyway?


so ive been looking around the site and forums for a couple weeks now and i have to say, the pandora is one attractive piece of hardware. But i still dont get the buying concept, from what ive read, the price for the pandora is 350 but if you upgrade to "premium" for an extra 150, it ships within the week, but ive seen people that buy their pandora and have to wait like a year+. is that because of backorder or is it because they didnt get premium? and where can i buy non premium pandoras anyway?



Well my first long winded reply was deleted by some un-named moderator..

I'll give it to someone else..
Hello there!

The tale behind the pricing and pre-ordering and so on is a long one, and one that I'm sure others after me will fill you in on. :P

Unfortunately, you cannot buy at the "non-Premium" price any longer - those units were sold below-cost, so that option isn't available anymore.

EDIT: @TrashyMG - Your reply wasn't deleted. I had to remove two duplicates of the thread. Sorry about that! I had no idea that anyone was posting.
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okay, thanks, but if its mandatory to pay 500, why do people still have to wait 8+ months?
Or people like me who pre-ordered and bought a "premium" order.. got the premium, still waiting for my original pre-order...
As quickly as possible. At the moment the OP team are trying to find a different PCB company to populate the boards as the one they are using at the moment has not been very reliable (I know, understatement of the century :D )
Yep, one of them fairly close to ED, which would make it so much easier for him to intimidate them into actually keeping the deadline ;) (you know, being an evil dragon after all)