Just a Few Questions about Premium Orders


Jul 20, 2010
Hello Everyone

I have been eying in on the pandora ever since the beginning and now is my chance to buy a premium order(please no hate) :o just want to help out

However I just have a few simple questions on where to buy and availability etc etc

1. I know for a fact that production has been cut drastically because of the wifi problem on the boards, but if I order a pandora in the next couple weeks, will the premium orders be delayed?

2. Does the pandora have a microphone? (just wanted to know) :P

3. Where is the best place to buy if I live in the USA? I know there are like 3 different types of places you can buy it from. Some website called ithic? some email service? some icontolpad website?? (would like to buy somewhere where I Can buy pandora case also and extra stylus)

Well thats it for now, if I come up with more questions than I will post some.

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also one more question about the power charging cable

if you buy from the US you get the adapter?

Ed is The Man. Michael Mrozek a.k.a. EvilDragon


I edited my last post, by the way. Please check it again.
so no difference if I order it from that website or email openpandora sales?

1. Yes, that's right...and if you have a PSP or know a friend who has one...you can use it to charge Pandora as well.

2. Not too sure of the differences, sorry.

3. I edited my 2nd post in this thread.
alright thanks again for your response and Ill await someone who knows more about the ordering issues........craig?

1. I ordered a premium from Craig's shop on the 13th of June and received an email saying there would be a few days delay on the 16th. I'm pretty sure at least 2 other people have had similar emails, so I'd assume there will be a delay if you order now.
There is a delay on premiums.

In my case, OP acknowledged my upgrade payment on 2/06/11 and on the 14th I got the email stating that they've hit delays due to the wireless issues. So they're running at least 10 or so days late on Premiums.

But they're no doubt working their asses off to get them out to everyone so I'm sure the machines will start going out again as soon as possible! As soon as CC start shipping the next batches of boards again I'd imagine they'll be clearing the backlog :)