Any non premium people getting pandoras?


Dec 2, 2010
Other people have been poking at a trend that is at least visible on the forums at least. Before premiums became available, everyone was a non-premium (obvious) and waiting for their pandora on a theoretical queue line that has been discussed an endless amount already :P

But I've been noticing that since premium, the only people putting reviews up, saying "I gots it" are premium buyers, at least here on the forum. And I don't know how that would work. I haven't read all of the reviews, so most, if not all of the recent ones are purely "upgraded to premium" buyers.

If there is anyone else getting their pandora at this moment, who "isn't" and upgrader, can they peek their heads up and go "MINE" or something ^^?

I'd personally appreciate it, because according to the premium idea, it would actually make the normal flow of pandoras go quicker. Yet instead what we seem to be seeing, is no more normal pandies (Which were shipping out before) and now only premiums.

So yes, speak up, you'd make us all worry a little less, those of us who can't really afford upgrades and such.
I've noticed the premium posters as well, but was fairly certain many had come here first with questions, then purchased and once it arrived were much more delighted than a normal user. It just seems like since it's such a small product, that those who didn't follow it for years were overly excited to find something like this at such a reasonable price (even the "premium" isn't a bad deal, if my broke friends could get the cash together they would, and the others simply aren't interested in portables due to a lack of free time).
I'd like to know the ratio between the people who preordered and didn't upgrade to "premium" and the premium buyers as to which group is receiving their pandoras, are the people who are waiting without getting an upgrade getting the units any faster than they were before craigx's now infamous premium post, as I seem to remember that was one of the main reasons for starting the premium project.

So OPT are the people who preordered and didn't upgrade getting them any faster? or at all, 'cos there aren't many non premium buyers saying they've got theirs.

and yes I did preorder and won't upgrade, I will admit I was bloody furious when the "premium" order was started, and came really close to cancelling
I think that alot of it is because people who upgraded are people who care for project and are therefore on the forum and watch it,, there are many many who dont post on here who may well be getting their pandoras.

Would be interesting to know but I dont think you will find out
Well, I shipped 15 normal units and 2 Premium last week.

Not many of the normal unit receivers did post at the german boards that they received their unit (only 2 - 4, AFAIR), however, all Premium users did.

I think it's typical. A few of the users who ordered two years ago might have forgotten about it, some might not browse the boards, whereas you can be sure that every premium buyer will be at the boards here, as he still is interested in the unit :)
Well, I shipped 15 normal units and 2 Premium last week.

Not many of the normal unit receivers did post at the german boards that they received their unit (only 2 - 4, AFAIR), however, all Premium users did.

I think it's typical. A few of the users who ordered two years ago might have forgotten about it, some might not browse the boards, whereas you can be sure that every premium buyer will be at the boards here, as he still is interested in the unit :)

That makes quite a bit of sense actually, thanks for the update on that. I think it's important to know that a lot of normal units are sent out, eventhough their visibility isn't that high on the boards.

So yeah, thanks a lot!