Stupid Plastic Screen Thing


Jan 25, 2004
Sussex, England
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Were you spose to keep on on the screen (by them i mean that little rectangular sheet of clear plastic)

Coz i tok mine off and i got a cuple of tiny scratches on my screen
Na, it's a protective thingamajigwhatever. It`s just for transport; I removed mine no problem and don't have scratches at all. Just be a bit more careful with it.
I took mine off but to keep the few finger prints from getting on the screen I purchased a pda screen cleaner and screen protector (cut to size)...

Keeps the screen looking new ;)
I took my screen protector-thingy off right away, but I have issues with the anti-reflective coating getting all dirty and full of fingerprints. I may get a replacement glass screen from
TelcoLou posted on Mar 19 2004 at 05:46 AM said:
I took my screen protector-thingy off right away, but I have issues with the anti-reflective coating getting all dirty and full of fingerprints. I may get a replacement glass screen from
why not just remove the Anti-Reflective layer??? Get some Window cleaner and a soft cloth / tissue and remove the Purple Anti Reflective layer :D... Looks much better with it off.. Then go over it with a Glasses cleener cloth to get the little tissue fibres off...
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I kept my thing on, it keeps getting scratched but not to the point where i cant see it, so in a way im glad its still on there, at least its the plastic thingy getttin scratched not my actual screen. :rolleyes:
Mine is scratched to hell, I have to hold it at certain angles or the scratches will be very annoying.
Steve-O posted on Mar 20 2004 at 10:33 AM said:
why not just remove the Anti-Reflective layer??? Get some Window cleaner and a soft cloth / tissue and remove the Purple Anti Reflective layer :D... Looks much better with it off.. Then go over it with a Glasses cleener cloth to get the little tissue fibres off...
is this really a good idea?
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its an Excellent Idea... Get rid of the Purple Anti Reflective stuff and you will have No Scratches... My screen was covered in them so I polished the purple stuff off and now its better than new :D