Well, since Link has been open with that, I think I can give a few more details from here as well.
First, some replies
There's a couple things I'm wondering, that ED may be able to clarify instead:
1) Was the $62500 ever really in possession of OpenPandora GmbH and not Global Components? If not I think this should be clarified, the last thing we need is people going after ED (again..) because they think he received the $62500 or even think he still has some of it.
Both, in a way.
The money went onto my account, but it was not "my" money, but I was a trustee for the money.
I didn't own it, I was not allowed to use it, it didn't have to be taxed and even if my company went bust, that money could not've been touched.
Some remaining money is still left on my account and will be transferred to Link as soon as he tells me to do so (he's probably waiting for the parts to be sold).
2) Does the $62500 include PCB manufacturing costs? Were GC overseeing this somehow? And if so, has all of this money actually been spent, given that only some PCBs have been manufactured?
It included parts, tools, production and testing for GC.
More details on that later.
I'm actually surprised to see margins were this tight, given that the remaining money had to be used to manufacture the cases.
Exactly my thoughts. Especially as he got more than he originally planned to..
Okay, here's what happened with the money Link sent to me:
The money I received was 48,927.17 EUR.
iCP1 production (for the backer): 2,491.00 €
iCP2 prototype run (incl. tooling, etc.): 5,655.00 €
Parts for the iCP2: 31,412.87 €
Total money left: 16,884.30 €
Those 16,000 EUR are still on my account, so these are 100% safe!
The iCP2 parts have been partly used, as we produced 100 prototypes.
So 1256.52 EUR have been used for them.
However, there are parts you can't sell, e.g. the 2400 remaining PCBs (which is 2,145.36 €).
So basically, the value of the parts that can still be sold is something about 28,000 EUR.
You're really lucky if you can sell them for half the price... I guess something about 20 - 30% of the original value might be possible, which adds up to about 6,000 EUR.
So all in all, there's maybe about 20,000 EUR of the 48,000 EUR that can still be recovered for refunds that was planned for hardware production.
BTW, regarding other parts that Link mentioned above:
You probably can't sell the BT modules, as they got a special firmware, and I doubt it's possible to sell the batteries as well, as they've been lying around for a while.